-1995-1999 Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, specialty «Physics»;
-2011-2012 Master’s degree, Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, specialty 6M010900-«Mathematics»;
-2013-2016 Doctorate, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, specialty 6D011000-«Physics»
scientific study
Continuously participates in international scientific conferences abroad, has published several articles in English.
Main item:
– Moldabekova M. S., Fedorenko O. V., Akzholova A. A. Fundamental nature of physical education as the basis for the formation of professional competence of future physics teachers. //International scientific and practical conference «Theory of integral pedagogical process – the basis of professional training of future teachers», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor N. D. Khmel. Almaty: Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 2014
– Moldabekova M. S., Asembayeva M. K., Akzholova A. A., Saibakova Zh. M. Physical methods of investigation in the formation of professional competence of master in technicalities. //Modern problems of physics and professional education: materials of the Rep. round table.-Almaty: Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 2014.-p.56-59
– Moldabekova M. S., Akzholova A. A. Formation of research competencies in practical classes in core disciplines. // Bulletin. Series «Physical and Mathematical Sciences, №4 (48). – Almaty: Abai KazNPU, – 2014.-p.96-101
– Moldabekova M. S., Asembayeva M. K., Akzholova A. A. Problem-solving methodology in the formation of research skills of undergraduates. //Proceedings of the thirteenth international conference «Physics in the system of modern education» (PhSME-2015). A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Vol. 1. – SPb: Publishing house of LLC «Fora-print», 2015. – p.144-147
– Moldabekova M. S., Fedorenko O. V., Akzholova A. A. On ways to integrate science and education in the educational program of future masters of pedagogical Sciences in physics. //Proceedings of the thirteenth international conference «Physics in the system of modern education» (PhSME-2015). A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Saint -Petersburg, Russia. Vol. 1. – SPb: Publishing house of LLC «Fora-print», 2015. – p,447-450
– Moldabekova M. S., Asembayeva M. K., Akzholova A. A. Introduction of scientific research on mass transfer problems in the educational process. //Materials of the thirteenth international conference «Physics in the system of modern education» (PhSME-2015). A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Saint -Petersburg, Russia. Vol. 1. – SPb: Publishing house of LLC «Fora-print», 2015. – p.147-150
– Moldabekova M. S., Akzholova A. A. About the mandatory component of core disciplines in the master’s degree program in the specialty «Physics». //Bulletin. Physical series, №3 (54). Almaty: al-Farabi Kazakh State University, 2015, p.111-115
– Moldabekova M. S., Akzholova A. A. Development of research competence of students in physics in solving professional problems. //Vestnik. Series «Physical and mathematical Sciences», №3 (51). – Almaty: Abai KazNPU, – 2015.-p.178-183.
– Moldabekova M. S., Akzholova A. A. Information technologies in the laboratory practice as a means of improving the quality of fundamental training of physicists in the pedagogical university. //Proceedings of the VII International scientific and practical conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science», dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor E. Y. Bidaybekov and the 30th anniversary of school of Informatics. Almaty: Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. -2015. – p. 497-501.
– Vladimir Kossov, Yuri Zhavrin, Olga Fedorenko and Aliya Akzholova. Occurrence of convective flows in ternary liquid and gaseous mixtures under isothermal conditions. Abstracts of CHT-15. International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer. May 25-29, 2015, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA.
– Zhavrin Yu. I., Kosov V. N., Fedorenko O. V. Some features of isothermal multicomponent mass transfer under convective instability of a gas mixture. //Theoretical features of chemical technology, Vol. 50, №2. Moscow, 2016, p. 177-173.
– Moldabekova M. S., Asembayeva M. K., Akzholova A. A. Experimental study of the instability of the mechanical equilibrium of a four-component system with ballast gases // Engineering and physical journal (EPhJ), Vol. 89, № 2 – Minsk: ITME NAS of Belarus. – 2016, p. 407-411.
– Rimantas Želvys, Aliya Akzholova. Problems of introducing a competence-based learning within the context of Bologna process. //Pedagogika. ISSN 1392-0340 E-ISSN 2029-0551. Vol. 121, №1. Vilnius: Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, – 2016, p. 187–197.
– Yuri Zhavrin, Vladimir Kossov, Olga Fedorenko and Aliya Akzholova. Some features of isothermal multicomponent mass transfer in the convective instability of gas mixture. // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering». ISSN 0040_5795. Vol. 50, №2. – 2016, p. 171–177.
– Moldabekova M.S., Asembayeva M.K. and Akzholova A.A. Experimental investigation of the instability of the mechanical equilibrium of a four-component mixture with ballast gases. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, ISSN 1810-2328 E-ISSN 1990-5432.Vol. 89, №2. – 2016, p. 417-421.
– Косов В.Н., Асембаева М.К., Молдабекова М.С., Федоренко О.В., Акжолова А.А. Некоторые аспекты подготовки магистров по специальности «Физика» в педагогическом вузе. //Физическое образование в вузах. Т.22, №4. Москва, 2016. – С.115-121.
– Молдабекова М.С., Асембаева М.К., Акжолова А.А., Федоренко О.В. К методике изучения возникновения неустойчивости механического равновесия в газовой смеси. //Материалы четырнадцатой международной конференции «Физика в системе современного образования». Донской гос. техн. ун-т. – Ростов-на-Дону : ДГТУ, Россия. 2017. – С. 80-84.
– A.A. Akzholova, A.B. Abdulaeva. The use of the Bloom taxonomy in the study of physical processes. //Вестник. Серия «Физико-математические науки», №1 (61). – Алматы: КазНПУ имени Абая, – 2017. – С. 120-124.
– Акжолова А.А. Характеристика исследовательской компетентности будущих учителей физики в педагогическом вузе. //Вестник. Серия «Физико-математические науки», №1 (61). – Алматы: КазНПУ имени Абая, – 2017. – С. 124-129.
– Абдулаева А.Б., Акжолова А.А. Роль международного сотрудничества в университете. // Актуальные вопросы образования и науки. – Архангельск, 2018. №1 (63) – С. 92-95.
– Косов В.Н., Молдабекова М.С., Акжолова А.А. Модель развития исследовательской компетентности будущего учителя физики. «Білім беруді цифрландыру жағдайындағы әл-Фарабидің педагогикалық тұжырымдамасының заманауи интерпретациясы» атты 50- ғылыми-әдiстемелiк конференциясының материалдары. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2020. – 169-174 б
Professional development
– 2015 Lithuanian University of education, Lithuania (Vilnius);
– 11-20.03.2015 – Course «Development of structure, methodology and policy in higher education», Almaty, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
– 30.04.-30.05.2015 – Course «Problems of introducing a competence-based approach within the context of the Bologna process», Lithuanian University of Education, Lithuania (Vilnius).
– 01.11.-20.12.2016 passed advanced training at the Institute of advanced training and additional education of al-Farabi Kazakh National University for the purpose of enhanced training of teachers (Pre-intermediate).
– 2019 – course on the professional development program for teachers in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.