Baizakova Ainur

Degree: master of Pedagogical Sciences

Position: deputy dean, teacher


* 2004-2008. studied in the city of Taldykorgan at the Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov and was educated as a teacher of mathematics (5B011100)
* 2012-2014 Taldykorgan city, Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, graduated from the master’s degree and received a master’s degree in Pedagogical Sciences


* Certificate – “Modern approaches to organizing the work of educational and support personnel”, Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of Zhetysu State University. Taldykorgan , 2018.
* Certificate – “Quantitative methods in Pedagogical research”, Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of Zhetysu State University. Taldykorgan , 2018.
* Certificate – “Methods of teaching disciplines of the educational program “Informatics””, Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of Zhetysu State University. Taldykorgan , 2019.
* Certificate – “C, C++ tilderinde programmalau negizderi”, Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of Zhetysu State University. Taldykorgan , 2020.
* Certificate – “Organization of training in distance and online educational technologies”, Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of Zhetysu State University. Taldykorgan , 2020.
* Certificate – “Management in Education”, Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of Zhetysu State University. Taldykorgan , 2020.

Scientific works

  • «Сведение системы уравнений максвелла к каноническому виду», вестник ЖГУ, 2017
  • «Application of mathematics and information and communication technology in solving industrial and economic problems», Научный журнал, выпуск №24, ISSN 2542-0348 г.Москва, 2019
  • «Инновациялық тұрғыдан оқыту-бүгінгі күннің талабы», Международный научный журнал ISBN 2073-333Х, 2019
  • «Числовой анализ импеданса электрического типа», ISSN 1728-7901, Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің хабаршысы 2019, №3



«Количественные методы в педагогических исследованиях» Центр повышения кваливикации и дополнительного образования ЖГУ. Сертификат №113


«Современные подходы организации работы учебно-вспомогательного персонала» Центр повышения кваливикации и дополнительного образования ЖГУ. Сертификат №311


 «Методика преподавания дисциплин образовательной программы «Информатика»» Центр повышения кваливикации и дополнительного образования ЖГУ. Сертификат №732


«С,С++ тілдерінде программалау негізі» Центр повышения кваливикации и дополнительного образования ЖГУ. Сертификат №881


«Менеджмент в образовании» Сертификат Рег. №961. 72 час



«A modern approach to the organization of scientific activities in the natural direction» (72 hours) НАО «Университет  им. И. Жансугурова», Сертификат № 0067