The academic staff of the department is a strong and cohesive team capable of solving educational, methodological, research issues, as well as aspects related to the educational work of the department and the faculty. At the moment, the academic staff consists of 29 lecturers, including 1 doctor of law, professor; 1 candidate of law, professor; 2 candidate of law, associate professor; 2 candidate of law; 4 PhD, associate professors; 2 PhD; 1 candidate of historical sciences and 1 honorable professor of ZU.
- General information
- Department history
- Educational programms
- Catalog of elective disciplines
- Educational and methodical activity
- Scientific-research activity
- Dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- International activity and academic mobility
- Social-educational activity
- Awards and achievements of the department
- Academic staff
Department of law was founded in ZhU named after I. Zhansugurov in 2008 by the rector of ZhU named after I. Zhansugurov doctor of law sciences, associate professor Bekturganov A. together with the base of the faculty of law nowaday the faculty law and economics. Since its opening, the following qualified scientists and teachers have been teaching and lecturing at the Jurisprudence EP: Head of the deaprtment PhD, associate professor Bekezhanov D., doctors of law sciences, professor Buribayev Ye. and c.j.s., professor Seriyev B., c.j.s., associate professors Beisov E., c.j.s., associate professors Kopbassarova G. and c.j.s., c.j.s., Chingayeva B., Alzhankulova S., associate professors, PhD Taubayev B., associate professors, PhD Aitimov B., associate professors, PhD Nurmukhankyzy D. and PhD Zhumagulov T., also honorary professor Moldabekov B. and the same teachers and master of juridical sciences Shaimukhanova Zh., Zhunispayeva A., Bolat A., Konysbekova M., Zhakupova G., Mussekenova A., Ashimova D., Akhmet G., and so assistants master of juridical sciences Alekbaeva M., Bazhenova M. and Ramazanova N.
Department is a united, friendly and a strong team consisting of qualified scientists and teachers are able to solve tasks.
Heads of the department in different years:
- from 2008 to 2009 c.j.s., associate professor Beisov E.
- from 2009 to 2015 c.j.s., professor Seriev B.
- from 2015 to 2017 PhD Altynbekkyzy A.
- from 2017 to 2021 PhD, associate professor Aitimov B.
- from 2021 to 2023 PhD, associate professor Nurmukhankyzy D.
Since 2023 Head of the department is PhD, associate professor Bekezhanov D.

The material and technical base of the department is annually updated and improved. The department has a courtroom, opened with the financial support of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Almaty Regional Court. In the courtroom, trials are conducted on criminal, civil and administrative-legal violations by judges of the city court of Taldykorgan. The department has a criminalistic laboratory, which consists of a criminalistic training polygon and a photo laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and information technologies necessary for conducting forensic research. The laboratory conducts lectures and practical classes in the disciplines of forensic science, forensic expertology, a workshop on forensic science both by the faculty of the department and by criminologists of the Police of the Zhetysu oblast.

Criminalistic educational poligon and laboratory (229 room)
- Educational program 6B04201 - Jurisprudence;
- Educational program 6B04202 - Law enforcement;
- Educational program 6B04203 - International law;
- Educational program 7М04201 Jurisprudence (1 year);
- Educational program 7М04201 - Jurisprudence (2 year);
- Educational program 7M04202 - Competition Law (1 year);
- Educational program 7M04203 - Jurisprudence: criminal-law direction (2 year);
- Educational program 8D04201 - Jurisprudence.
- 6B04201 - Jurisprudence 2024;
- 6B04202 - Law enforcement 2024;
- 6B04203 - International law 2024;
- 7М04201 - Jurisprudence (1 year) 2024;
- 7М04201 - Jurisprudence (2 year) 2024;
- 7M04202 - Competition Law (1 year) 2024;
- 7М04201 – Jurisprudence: criminal law direction (2 year) 2024;
- 8D04201 - Jurisprudence 2024.

The main direction of the department work is the improvement of the methodological mastery of staff, the development and application of innovative teaching technologies in the work, the preparation of educational-methodological and teaching aids in the disciplines taught, as well as the preparation of bachelors in the specialty 6B04201-Jurisprudence and masters on the educational program 7M04201-Jurisprudence, as well as doctoral on the educational program 8D04201-Jurisprudence. Students receive the necessary special knowledge for employees of law enforcement agencies, courts, prosecutors, internal affairs bodies, the national security committee, the diplomatic service and commercial structures, as well as independently as a lawyer, notary, legal consultant. Lecturers of the department are working together with regional legal authorities, in this regard, an agreement was reached on scientific cooperation in the provision of research services, scientific cooperation in the field of criminalistics, criminal procedure, civil procedure, administrative and other legal relations, holding seminars, passing production, undergraduate and research practice.
Out of proceedings

The department annually takes part in regional, republican and international scientific and scientific-practical conferences, as well as publishes scientific articles in the base of scientific journals are recommended of the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Ministry of science and education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database.

The department, together with the branch of the department under the police management of the city of Taldykorgan, conducts scientific research in the fields of criminology, criminalistics, criminal procedure and the prevention of offenses and crimes. Also, the department conducts research with the rest of the segment of law enforcement agencies of the Zhetysu oblast. In addition, the academic staff of the department annually publish their scientific articles in the international databases of scientific journals such as Scopus and Web of Science.

The winners of the competition for grant financing of the project of commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities of young scientists in 2023. Project manager Bekezhanov D.N. Project executors Omarkhan M.Zh., Baybol Zh.E.

The winners of the competition for grant financing of the project of commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities of young scientists in 2023. Project manager Tleubaev A.B. Project executors Ishmukanbetov D.Zh.

In 2023, Dyisen A.A. took 3rd place among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the republican on-line Olympiad on the discipline "Legal foundations of anti-corruption". Head: Konysbekova M. R.

Lecturer Alibek Bolat completed a scientific internship within the framework of the "500 Scientists" program of the JSC Center for International Programs "Bolashak" at the George Washington University (USA) from 01.09.2023 to 27.08.2024
Department cooperates with Taras Shevchenko National university of Kiyv, Karagandy university named after Ye. Buketov, Amanzholov university, KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Euroasian National University named after L. Gumilev, University of Cadiz (Spain), and the Warsaw state university (Poland). In Tallinn University of technology passed scientific research PhD Aitimov B., in Federal Siberian university of the Russian Federation passed training the senior lecturer B.Moldabekov. In addition, c.j.s., associate professor E. Beisov passed training in Moscow at the Russian university of friendship of the people. Senior lecturers, m.j.s. Ashimova D. passed an international scientific training in Fatikh university in Turkey and Bolat A. passed an international scientific training in university of Genoa in Italy. In the 2019-2020 academic year, the following students of the specialty 5В030100 – Jurisprudence were trained under the program of external academic mobility: 1) Turys Aruzhan – 3rd year student, Tallinn Technical University (Estonia); 2) Kabayev Ruslan and Shalkhybayeva Perizat – 3rd year student, Lodz Technical University, Lodz (Poland). 3) Orazbaeva Madina 2nd year student, Lodz Technical University, Lodz (Poland). 4) Ermurat Bibigul 2nd year student, Lodz Technical University, Lodz (Poland). 5) Tahtabekova Tansholpan 2nd year student, Lodz Technical University, Lodz (Poland).

A student detachment for the protection of public order “Zhaskyran” works under the leadership of the department – law disciplines, coordinated with the police department of the city of Taldykorgan and the Police Department of the Zhetysu oblast.
Lecturers of the department pay big attention to the students scientific work. Prepare them to student scientific and practical conferences. In addition, Zhetysu University regularly organizes interdepartmental and interfaculty sports activities in which the departmemt involved and always active. Also during the all study academic year under the guide of the department students organized assistance for organizing and preparing the national holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On the department on the educational program 6B04201 «Jurisprudence» approved the following next curators and advisors:
To improve the qualification of the academic staff, as well as to increase the level of practical knowledge among students of educational work as faculty regularly organizes meetings, round tables, seminars and other events with government and law enforcement authorities of Zhetysu oblast.

In 2018, candidate of law, associate professor of the department E. Beisov was awarded the honorary badge "Y. Altynsarin" from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In the same 2018, PhD Aitimov B. and senior lecturer of the department Bolat A. were awarded the festive medal "25 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" by the Police Department of the Almaty oblast

In 2018, PhD, associate professor of the department Nurmuhankyzy D. was awarded the title "The best lecturer of the university - 2018"

in 2019, according to the rating of Indepedent agency for quality assurance in education, the specialty 5B030100-Jurisprudence took 3rd place, and the specialty 6M030100-Jurisprudence became the owner of the 2nd place

In 2019, PhD, associate professor of the department Taubayev B. was awarded the title "The best lecturer of the university - 2019"

In 2020, PhD, associate professor of the department Zhumagulov T. was awarded the title "The best lecturer of the university - 2020"

In 2020, the senior lecturer of the department Nurbek D. was awarded the badge "The best pedagog of the year - 2020" by the national innovation research center Bilim-Orkenieti.

Also in 2020, the honorary professor of the department B. Moldabekov was awarded the "Kurmet" diploma by the akim of Taldykorgan for his enormous contribution to the education and training of the young generation in the maintenance of public order and was also awarded a diploma from the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for his diligent contribution and participation in work of internal affairs bodies

In 2021, PhD, associate professor of the department Bekezhanov D. was awarded the title "The best lecturer of the university - 2021"

In 2022, the lecturer Tinistanova Saltanat Seidakhmetovna became the holder of the title "Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

In 2023, the teacher - lecturer Tinistanova Saltanat Saidakhmetovna was awarded a breast medal "BEST RESEARCHER - 2023" of the Commonwealth of Independent States for contribution to the development of science and education
Bekezhanov Dauren
Head of the Department, PhD, associate professor
Seriyev Bolat
Candidate of law, associate professor
Taubayev Baurzhan
PhD, associate professor
Beisov Yerbol
Candidate of law, associate professor
Kopbasarova Gulnura
Candidate of law, associate professor
Tynystanova Saltanat
Candidate of history, associate professor
Chingaeva Bakytgul
Candidate of law, lecturer
Alzhankulova Svetlana
Candidate of law, lecturer
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