The main task of the higher school is: the organization of high-quality education, the preparation of highly qualified specialists at the level of a three-staged system (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral studies) of educational programs: preschool and primary education and upbringing, special pedagogy, pedagogy and psychology, using modern conditions of modernization and the implementation of the strategic goals of educational state policy.
Doctoral students

The history of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology began with the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, which has been functioning since the foundation of the university. Senior lecturer Turkpenov Zholmukhan Turkpenovich was appointed head of the Department on July 10, 1973.

The Music and Pedagogical Faculty was opened on the basis of this department in 1977; the Honored Worker of Culture of the Kazakh SSR, Associate professor Manaspaeva Aksulu Alimkhanovna was the first dean of this faculty.
In 1980, the Faculties of Music Pedagogy and Preschool Pedagogy were established on the basis of the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy.

Well-known scientists and deans contributed to the formation and development of the faculty: A. A. Manaspaeva (1973-1980), R. D. Kogay (1980-1987), V. N. Kapralov (1987-1996), D. R. Primbekova (1996-1998), E. Sh.Temirov (1998-2008), H. T. Naubayeva (2008-2015), S. A. Sochin (2015-2017), M. T. Kantureev (2017-2018).
Since September 2018, the faculty is headed by doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ybyraimzhanov Kalibek Tyrdygazievich.
- Bachelor's degree 5B010200/6B01301
- Master's degree 6M010200/7M01301
- Doctoral program PhD 6D010200/8D01301
- Bachelor's degree 5B010100/6B01201
- Master's degree 6M010100/7M01201
- Bachelor's degree 5B010300/6B01101
- Master's degree 6M010300/7M01101
- Doctoral program PhD 6D010300/8D01101
- Bachelor's degree 5B010500/6B01901
- Master's degree 6M010500/7M01901

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Khanina was awarded the badge " Y. Altynsarin " for significant achievements in the education and upbringing of the younger generation.

In 2014, EP 5B010200 "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" passed a specialized international accreditation in ACQUIN (quality certificate from March 31, 2015 to September 30, 2020 in Bayreuth, Germany).

In 2015, EP 5B010200 "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" ranked 5th among 18 universities in the rating of undergraduate educational programs of the NAAR. According to the results of the ranking of NCAOKO for bachelor's degree programs, it took the 3rd place among 9 universities.
In 2015, EP 6M010200 "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" ranked 1st among 7 universities in the rating of Master's degree programs of the NAAR.

In 2015, the PhD program of the specialty 6D010200-"Pedagogy and methods of primary education"was opened.
On the basis of the order of the Chairman of the Committee for Control in the field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 29, 2018 No. 2058 /dated May 2, 2019 No. 432 (until April 30, 2022)/ at Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov in the specialties 6D010200 – pedagogy and methodology of primary education, 6D010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology, 6D010900 – Mathematics, a dissertation council for the defense of doctoral dissertations was opened for awarding the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Taurbekova Ainur Sapashovna was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education" for special services in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Zhakipbekova Saule Sotiyaldinovna was awarded the badge " S. Altynsarin " for significant achievements in the education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Zhakipbekova Saule Sotiyaldinovna was awarded the Order "Best Teacher of Kazakhstan" for her contribution to the education of the generation and the education of the country.
Research topic | Performers |
AP08856314 «Formation of teachers` preparation to the distance training of learners». | Project Manager: Mailybaeva G.S. |
AP08856810 «Formation of professional competences of future primary school teachers adapted to the updated content of education». | Project Manager: Ybyraimzhanov K.T. |
AP08857092 «Organization of pre-university training of persons with disabilities in the system of inclusive higher education». | Project Manager: Zhakipbekova S.S. |
2007 and 2011 - Doctor of Science, Associate Professor Aralbayeva Ryszhamal Kadyrovna ;
2017 - Acting Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Maylybayeva Gulmira Sabyrovna;
2019 - Associate Professor , Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Sapargaliyeva Aizhan Zhanisovna;
In 2020 - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ybyraimzhanov Kalibek Turdygazievich.

Ybyraimzhanov Kalibek Turdygazievich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor He was awarded the badge "for merits in the development of Science" of the Ministry of Science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate No. 0026.24 August 2023.

Acting Associate Professor(docent), Doctor of Philosophy PhD of the Department of Teaching Methods and Education of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov Mailybayeva Gulmira Sabyrovna corresponding member of theConcord Academy of France. Paris. 2018


Onalbekova Balzhan Nurzhanovna