Kydyrbayeva Elmira Omirserikovna
Degree: Doctor PhD
Post: Head of the EP in the field of management and public administration
- 1995-1999 Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan. Specialty: Economics and Management;
- 2002-2005 Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations Taldykorgan. Specialty “Jurisprudence”;
- 2006-2008 Applicant for the University “Turan”, Almaty. Specialty: Economics;
- 2008-2010 Applicant for the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek. Specialty “Economic theory”;
- 2012-2015 Doctoral student at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek. Specialty “Economic theory”.
- Laureate of the Bolashak International Scholarship 2013;
- Winner of the competition “Best University teacher-2016”.
1) Some Issues of the Middle Class Formation In the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sciences Journal 18 (Special Issue of Economics), World Applied Sciences Journal 18 (Special Issue of Economics): 91-95, 2012 DOI:10.5829 /idosi.wasj. 2012;
2) Признаки формирования и методические вопросы исчисления среднего класса //Экономика и статистика,– Астана, 2012. -№4 ;
3) Средний класс Казахстана: теория, практика, перспективы. Монография. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; www.lap-publishing.com;
4) Продовольственная безопасность Республики Казахстан. ISBN 978-601-216-372-8, Taldykorgan Publishing Center,, 2016, 225 pp.;
5) DEVELOPMENT OF CLUSTER INTEGRATION IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. International Review of Management and Marketing (ISSN21464405-Turkey-Scopus), 2016;
6) Food security of the republic of Kazakhstan. ISBN 978-601-216-373- Monograph. – Taldykorgan: ZHSU named after I.Zhansugurov, 2016, 194 pp.;
7) Author of the electronic textbook Shomshekova B. K., Kydyrbavea E. O., textbook “financial analysis of commercial banking services” Taldykorgan , 2019. -184b. ISBN 978-601-216-605-7;
8) Казахстанский и международный патент на полезную модель «Биоплазменный генератор для получения электроэнергии из высших растений» (2020г.). Co-authors: Aldibekova K. N., Dyusembinova S. M., Erkinbayeva L. K.