Mashanova Saniya Medetbekovna
Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences
Position: associate professor
- 1969 -1973 Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages
- 1998-2001 Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Language
- Badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Taldykorgan, 2003
- Badge “I. Zhansugurov”, Taldykorgan, 2017
scientific study
- On some techniques of modern educational technologies. Republican methodological and pedagogical journal “Foreign language at school” No. 2 (50) March / April 2011
- Professional and ethical aspect of the future translator’s activities. International scientific-practical conference “My Kazakhstan: yesterday, today, tomorrow” 2011
- Application of techniques of critical thinking in foreign language classes. ZhSU Bulletin No. 1, January-March 2011
- Genres of texts of public speeches and the difficulty of understanding them in the process of interpretation. Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Zhansugurov readings” Taldykorgan, 2011
- Consonance of poetry of Abai, V. Goethe, A.S. Pushkin. Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Zhansugurov readings” Taldykorgan, 2012
- In Gete “Zholaushynyk tungi zhyry” -Abay audamasyk ozyk algis article Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Zhansugurov readings”, Taldykorgan 2013
- Non-equivalent vocabulary and its classification in the linguistic and cultural aspect. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science, Education and Innovation – Factors of Implementation of the Strategy” Kazakhstan-2050 “, Taldykorgan 2014
- Development of speaking skills. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Teaching Languages”, Tambov, 2015 (RSCI).
- Consonance in the poetry of classical poets. Scientific-methodical journal “Pedagogy and Psychology”, Abai State National University, Almaty (VAK), 2016.