Maukebayeva Marzhan Atlasovna
Academic degree: master
Position: senior lecturer
- 2001-2005 yy. I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu state university
- 2009-2011 yy. Kazakh Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages
scientific study
- National and cultural specificity of historical realities and its reconstruction in translation. – Scientific journal KazuMO and MJ named after Abylai Khan – November 2018. Philological series, No. 1 (2) / (2018) (the journal is recommended by the KKSON RK)
- The role of realities in the process of interaction between cultures- KazUMO & WL named after Abylai Khan. International scientific conference “Language and Society” dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Professor A.E. Karlinsky, 2018 Date: April 26, 2018.
- National and cultural specifics of realities and its reconstruction in translation. Bulletin of KazNU named after al-Farabi June-July 2018 ;, series “Philological Sciences” No. 1 (63) (2018)
- Development of grammatical skills in English based on literary texts. KazuMO and Mya named after Abylai Khan-February 2019, Vol 2, Number 1 (2019)
- Comparative analysis of the work of M. Auezov “Abai’s Way” on the following concepts “honesty”, “devotion”, “responsibility”, “decency”.
- The omissions of the Chinese language. International popular scientific journal “Science and Life of Kazakhstan”