- 2009 – 2013 studied at the Shakarim state University of Semey city and got an education bachelor’s degree of Computer Science and Software Engineering.
- 2013 – 2015 studied at Shakarim state University of Semey city and became a master of Natural Sciences.
- Certificate of honor from the Department of education of Almaty region, 2019
- Letter of appreciation from the youth Congress of Kazakhstan, 2019
- Letter of thanks from the Rector of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, 2019
- Letter of thanks from President of non-profit joint-stock company “TALAP”, 2020
- Diploma for II place at the International pedagogical Olympiad «Ukili Umit», 2021
- Letter of thanks from the Republican educational and methodological center for additional education MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, 2021
- Certificate of «KazRobotics-2022»
- Letter of thanks from the Rector of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, 2022
- Certificate of «Zhas Project», 2022
- Letter of thanks of Astana Hub, 2023
- Letter of thanks from the center «Zhetysu daryny», 2023
- Certificate of the Zhetysu Regional Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education, 2023
Scientific works
Publications in peer-reviewed scientific publications included in the Scopus database:
Publications in peer-reviewed domestic publications recommended by KOKSNVO:
- Журсынболатова С., Смагулова Л.А., Мейрамбек Ә.М. – АДАПТИВНАЯ ВЕРСТКА САЙТА: ОСНОВНЫЕ ПРИНЦИПЫ // International Electronic Periodical Edition «KAZAKHSTAN SCIENCE JOURNAL», 2-volume №3 (4) 2019, pp. 5 – 10;
- Койшыбекова А.К., Онгарбаева А.Д., Ермекова Н.С., Мейрамбек Ә.М. – МУЛЬТИМЕДИАЛЫҚ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ НЕГІЗІНДЕ ОҚЫТУ ӘДІСТЕМЕСІН ЖЕТІЛДІРУ // International scientific journal “SCIENCE AND LIFE OF KAZAKHSTAN”, No. 10, 2019, pp. 45-49;
- Майлыбаева Г.С., Жолтаева Г.Н., Калдияров Д.А., Мейрамбек Ә.М., Сарсекулова Д.М. – МЕКТЕПТЕ ҚАШЫҚТЫҚТАН ОҚЫТУДЫ ЖҮЗЕГЕ АСЫРУ ҮШІН МҰҒАЛІМДЕРДІҢ БІЛІКТІЛІГІН АРТТЫРУ // Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Series «Pedagogical sciences», №3 (71), 2021 y., pp. 143 – 154;
- Майлыбаева Г.С., Жолтаева Г.Н., Калдияров Д.А., Мейрамбек Ә.М., Сарсекулова Д.М. – ПЕДАГОГТЕРДІ ҚАШЫҚТЫҚТАН БІЛІМ БЕРУГЕ ДАЯРЛАУДА РЕСУРСТЫҚ ҚАМТАМАСЫЗ ЕТУ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ // Bulletin of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University PEDAGOGY. PSYCHOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY Series, №2(139)/2022, p. 186.
Scientific articles published in publications included in the RSCI database:
- Ескендиров К.Б., Токанов М.М., Серікова С.М., Мейрамбек Ә.М. – СЕТЕВОЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ И ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ДИСТАНЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ КАК ФЕНОМЕН НАШЕГО ВРЕМЕНИ // Internauka: electronic scientific journal 2022. №16 (239);
- Tokanov M., Yeskendirov K., Meirambek A., Serikova S. – IMPROVING THE WAYS OF MANAGING THE PROCESS OF EMPLOYMENT OF UNIVERSITY GRADUATES AND PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION OF STUDENTS // The scientific heritage (Budapest, Hungary), №104 (2022), ISSN 9215 — 0365, pp. 117-119.
Scientific articles published at international scientific conferences:
- Кожашева Г.О., Мейрамбек Ә.М. – ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПОДГОТОВКИ БУДУЩИХ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ К ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЮ ИНФОРМАЦИОННО-КОММУНИКАТИВНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ // International online conference «Modern science. Management and standards of scientific research II», November 17-18 2020, Prague;
Scientific articles published at republican scientific conferences:
- Токанов М.М., Мейрамбек Ә.М. – ОҚЫТУДЫҢ ЖАҢА ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ТҮРЛЕРІ // MATERIALS of the Republican conference dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker The name of the «Second teacher of peace», ABU NASIR AL-FARABI, 15.05.2020, pp. 114-117;
- Тоқпанов Е.А., Билибаева Ж.Т., Мухитдинова Р.А, Мейрамбек Ә.М. – ҚАШЫҚТЫҚТАН ОҚЫТУ ЖАҒДАЙЫНДА ЖАРАТЫЛЫСТАНУ ПӘНІНЕН ОҚУШЫЛАРДЫҢ АЛҒАН БІЛІМ НӘТИЖЕЛЕРІН БАҚЫЛАУҒА ЗАМАНАУИ ЭЛЕКТРОНДЫ БІЛІМ БЕРУ РЕСУРСТАРЫН ПАЙДАЛАНУ ӘДІСТЕРІ // MATERIALS of the Republican conference dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker The name of the «Second teacher of peace», ABU NASIR AL-FARABI, 15.05.2020, pp. 117 – 122
Articles published in the scientific journal «Bulletin of Zhetysu University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov»:
Articles published at regional scientific and methodological conferences:
Articles published within the framework of the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program:
Copyright certificates
- Certificate of inclusion of information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated August 2, 2021 No. 19578. Object of copyright: scientific work. Object name: Psychological and pedagogical support training of future teachers for remote training of students
- Certificate of entering information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated October 7, 2021 No. 20725. Object of copyright: a literary work. Object name: Natural Science 6th grade
- Certificate of inclusion of information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 21475 dated November 8, 2021. Object of copyright: scientific work. Object name: Digital educational resources used in the context of distance learning
- Certificate of entering information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated December 9, 2021 No. 22296. Object of copyright: computer program. Object name: Digital educational resources used in the context of distance learning
- Certificate of entering information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated December 9, 2021 No. 22297. Object of copyright: computer program. Object name: Psychological and pedagogical support training of future teachers for remote training of students
- Certificate of entering information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated May 31, 2022 No. 26674. Object of copyright: computer program. Object name: Digital educational resources platform
- Certificate of entering information in the State Register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated September 22, 2022 No. 28989. Object of copyright: computer program. Object name: Information system for ensuring employment of graduates and career guidance of students
- Certificate of entry of information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated February 6, 2023 No. 32325. Copyright object: database. Name of the object: Website on the subject of “Natural Sciences 6th grade”
- Certificate of entry of information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated April 27, 2023 No. 35222. Copyright object: composite work. Name of the object: Manual “Digital educational resources used in distance learning of geometry in a higher educational institution”
- Certificate of entry of information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright dated May 16, 2023 No. 35741. Copyright object: computer program. Name of the object: DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES USED IN DISTANCE LEARNING OF GEOMETRY IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Scientific identifiers:
Scopus Author ID: 57933847400
Researcher ID: ABA-5450-2020
ORCID: 0000-0001-7643-8779
Grant project funded by the Ministry of Science and
Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
«Jas Galym» projects:
- Online learning platform for teachers «Digital Educational Resources», 2021;
- Information system for ensuring the employment of graduates and vocational guidance of students, 2022.
Professional development
- 27.08 – 21.09.2018 «Big Data» // Department of Information Technologies Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 72 hours;
- 04.05 – 16.05.2020 «Организация обучения по дистанционным и онлайн образовательным технологиям» // Center for advanced training and additional education of Zhetysu university named after I. Zhansugurov, 36 hours;
- 04.06.2020 «GENERAL ENGLISH» Upper-Intermediate level // Center for advanced training and additional education of Zhetysu university named after I. Zhansugurov, 96 hours;
- 31.07 — 02.08.2020 «Жастарға арналған менторлық дағдылар, онлайн менторлық құралдары, тиімді коммуникация және презентация өткізу дағдылары, жобаны басқару», Youth Corps Development Project «Zhas Project», 9 hours;
- 04.12 — 06.12.2020 «Менторлықты бағалау және жобаны дамыту, маркетинг өнері, бағаны белгілеу, кәсіби даму және жұмысқа орналасу», Youth Corps Development Project «Zhas Project», 9 hours;
- 10.12 — 15.12.2020 «Қашықтан оқыту: контент құрудан бастап білім беру үдерісін ұйымдастыруға дейін» // Center of Pedagogical Excellence of the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, 40 hours;
- 26.12.2020 «Қашықтан оқытуды үйренемін» // NIS Center of Pedagogical Excellence (stepik.org), 40 hours;
- 15.01.2021 «Қазақстандағы білім беру: STEAM ұлттық моделі» онлайн конференциясы // Caravan of Knowledge with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Chevron, 8 hours;
- 23.02 – 06.03.2021 Қашықтықтан білім беру шеңберінде информатика және АКТ пәндерін оқытудың инновациялық және заманауи әдістері // N&T consulting company, 72 hours;
- 09.03 – 19.03.2021 Киберпедагогика негіздері. Қашықтан оқыту әдістері мен технологиялары // Center of Pedagogical Excellence of the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University, 72 hours;
- 07.04 – 23.04.2021 Международная онлайн-стажировка «Университет 4.0. Цифровая трансформация» // online educational platform SKLAD and the Republican Institute of Higher Education (Belarus), 72 hours;
- 26.04 – 30.04.2021 Научная стажировка по программе «Процесс цифровизации высшего образования» // Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, 72 hours;
- 09.09 – 10.09.2021 «How to use data bases to write scientific article» // Elsevier, 8 hours;
- 25.10 – 04.11.2021 «Қашықтықтан оқытудағы оқу процесінің сапасын бақылау құралдары» // Almaty University of Humanities and Economics, 72 hours;
- 02.11 – 16.11.2021 «Use of quantitative methods of information processing in professional and scientific activities of teachers» // Daugavpils University (Latvia), 72 hours;
- 26.04 – 13.12.2021 International Kazakh-Thai training program for certified STEAM trainers «Jana Talap» // Caravan of Knowledge, 50 hours;
- 14.12 – 15.12.2021 «STEM Fest білім саласындағы ғылым, технология және инженерияға арналған іс-шара» // Caravan of Knowledge;
- 20.01.2022 Online intensive «Путь в IT» // Geek Brains;
- 10.02.2022 «Fizmat for Teachers – онлайн интенсив» // Republican Physics and Mathematics School, 7 hours;
- 31.01 – 26.02.2022 «Развитие профессиональной компетентности учителя математики в условиях полиязычного образования» // Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov, 72 hours;
- 12.03 – 13.03.2022 «Social Impact Awards Kazakhstan» // Impact Hub Almaty;
- 20.09.2022 «How to find trending topic for your research (1 hour)» // Elsevier;
- 21.09.2022 «How to find collaboration» // Elsevier;
- 22.09.2022 «How to find a journal» // Elsevier;
- 23.09.2022 «Scopus and ScienceDirect for education» // Elsevier;
- 24.10. – 05.11.2022 научная стажировка // Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University;
- 09.11.2022 «Количественные и качественные методы в научных исследованиях» // Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov, seminar.