Molbasynova Zhumakul
Degree: Master of Education
Position: senior Lecturer
Educational institution: ZhGU named after I. Zhansugurov
Specialty: Pedagogy and methods of primary education
Year of graduation: 1993 y.
Qualification: Primary School Teacher
Information about the academic degree:
Educational institution: ZhGU named after I. Zhansugurov
Specialty: 6M010300-Pedagogy and psychology
Year of completion: 2012 y.
Qualification: Master of Education
1. The winner of the republican competition “Honorary Teacher of Education”, which was held on January 5, 2020 in Nur-Sultan in order to popularize the program article of President Nursultan Nazarbayev “Landmark for the future: spiritual revival” in educational institutions. He was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree, the badge “Honorary Teacher of Education”.
2. Awarded a letter of thanks for the implementation of the policy and program goals and objectives of the NurOtan Party, as well as active participation in the socio-political life of the country.
3. In the 2019 academic year, she was awarded letters of thanks from the Director of the Regional Educational and Methodological Center for Education Development of the Almaty region; Rector of Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov K. Baimurzayev.
4. In 2020, he took part in a seminar organized by the regional educational and methodological center for additional education of gifted children and youth “Zhetysu Daryny” and was awarded a “Letter of Thanks” for participating in the regional subject Olympiad on “Self-knowledge”.
Information about the completion of retraining and (or) advanced training courses:
1. Member of the coordinating Council of the University on the national program of moral-spiritual education “Self-knowledge”; Methodological consultant Almaty regional methodical management; 2020 Consultant-Methodist regional training and methodological center of additional education for gifted children and youth “Zhetysu Daryny”.
2. Member and methodological adviser of the jury of regional and city competitions organized by the Center of the regional educational and Methodological Center for the development of education of the Almaty region.
3. On March 11, 2020, she took part in an online competition organized by the All-Russian educational portal “Konkursita” and took 2nd place. # Awarded with personal diploma # U66602-31-50242-110320
4. Participated from 10.02 to 21.02.2020 at the seminar “Prevention of corruption”, organized by the Republican Project Council “Conscious Generation” and received a certificate.
scientific study
List of scientific works: more than 70 scientific and methodological articles, 1 teaching manual, 2 lecture courses, 1 textbook for students and teachers of all educational programs of higher education, 2 electronic textbooks.
Main articles of the last 5 years:
- International scientific and practical Conference “Topical issues of continuing education” – “Ways of organizing didactic games in language development”. PPI May 29, 2015 Pavlodar.
- “On the model of military-patriotic education of pre-school age youth” – Successes of modern natural science No. 1 2015 Part 6 scientific and theoretical journal Impact factor RSCI-1,358
- “Credit system of education as a factor of development of higher school of the Republic of Kazakhstan” – ISSN 2072-0297 Young Scientist No. 6 (86) 2015, Kazan. 553-556 p.
- “Planning of learning outcomes for the modular educational program” Pedagogy and Psychology ” – ISSN 2308-4808 Science and the world. International Scientific Journal Russia, Volgograd No. 6 (22), 2015, Volume 2, 52-54 p. SCIENCE AND WORLD International scientific journal VOL 2.
- “Theoretical foundations of the formation of students ‘communicative competence” – KazNPU named after Abaya International Conference Almaty, 24-25-November 2016.
- International scientific and practical conference “Ways of using the model of critical thinking in the educational process” – “Innovative directions in modern education” Al-Farabi Kazakh National University January 4, 2016.
- “Scientific and theoretical foundations for the formation of creative abilities of students” – Republican scientific and methodological conference “Problems and prospects of modern educational technologies”, Almaty University. Almaty, 24-25 November 2017
- “Theoretical foundations of the formation of aesthetic culture of children” – Republican scientific and methodological conference “Problems and prospects of modern educational technologies” of Almaty University. Almaty, 24-25 November 2016
- International scientific and practical conference “Features of training of talented and gifted students in educational institutions” – “Innovative directions in modern education” Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, January 4, 2016
- «Psychological peculiaritis of resolving the conflicts in relationships
between teenagers» – Submission Office of ICP 2016 ICS Convention Design,Inc. Chiyoda Bldg., 1-5-18, Sarugakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8449, Japan 15/11/29 03:48:30 (JapanStandardTime) (SCOPUS) - «Psychodiagnostic researches of ethnic tolerance peculiarities» – Submission Office of ICP 2016 ICS Convention Design,Inc. Chiyoda Bldg., 1-5-18, Sarugakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8449, Japan 15/11/29 03:48:30 (JapanStandardTime) (SCOPUS).
- “Formation of aesthetic tastes of students through Kazakh folk pedagogy in the educational process” – Republican scientific and methodological conference “Problems and prospects of modern educational technologies” of Almaty University. Almaty, 24-25 November 2017
- “Education of children in preschool institutions through national games” – Republican scientific and methodological conference “Problems and prospects of modern educational technologies” of Almaty University. Almaty, 24-25 November 2017
- “The updated program is a new learning content”. Republican scientific and practical conference “Zhansugurov readings”. December 8. Taldykorgan, 2017
- International conference “Historical and pedagogical foundations of the formation of ethno-cultural education in Kazakhstan” ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov 9.11.2018
- Textbook “Formation of metasubject competencies of students in the context of updating the content of education” 2019
- Republican conference “Interactive teaching methods as a pedagogical innovation in higher education”. Zhetysu Taldykorgan 19.04.2020.
- The article “the Formation of metasubject competences of future teachers in the context of updating the content of education” of the Journal “Science and life of Kazakhstan”
- The efficiency of formation of leadership qualities in students Magazine “Science and life of Kazakhstan” №5/1.
- International scientific-practical conference “Innovations in education, physical culture, tourism and sports”, devoted to the 75th anniversary of the great Patriotic war “Theoretical bases of pedagogical value wrestling heritage Hadzhimukan of Munaitpasova”. Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism Almaty, April 17.2020 y.
- The article “The relevance of the use of” critical thinking “in the learning process in the context of updating the content of education”.V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of the Scientific Community in the face of Global Problems of our Time” in Tokyo (Japan) February 12-14, 2020
- “The use of criteria-based assessment in the training of physical education teachers”. RSCI journal “International Journal of Experimental Education”. 2020 y.
- 15.01.2021 w. A textbook and an electronic textbook “Leadership and Perception of Innovation”were published.