Student life

Student government
“Iliyas izbasarlary”
Student self-government is an integral part of the management process of the college, which provides students with activities that contribute to the successful life of the college and the self-development of the individual in it.
The development of the system of student self-government has several main goals:
First, the work of student self-government allows you to take into account the opinions of students when planning the work of the college. Discussion of the most important issues in the life of the college, as well as in its structures, makes it possible to solve problem situations, develops independence and a sense of belonging to the life of the group and the college.
Secondly, student self-government teaches students to make responsible decisions, cultivates leadership qualities, i.e. promotes successful socialization of students.
Third, it provides an opportunity to draw the attention of teachers to the collective opinion of students.Teachers get the opportunity to solve many issues of group and college life more effectively, relying on the capabilities of the students themselves.
- What the student self-government will be created for is the organization of joint activities, cooperation and communication that arises on their basis.
- What will happen after self-government is implemented? This is the self – organization of students based on their own interests and needs.
* Goal: the desire for self-development and self-realization of the individual.
* Tasks: determining the structure of self-government, the order of formation, the functions of self-government bodies, the content of the work (directions, stages), the rights, duties and responsibilities of participants, the forms and methods of recording the results.
* Expected difficulties, ways to solve them:
- First, focus not on the “order”, but on the real needs, including, of course, the needs of the children themselves, since self-government is a creative interaction, and not the impact of one on the other.
* Secondly, to abandon the imposition of endless patterns and stereotypes, because a person develops in a versatile way, which means that there should be no single ways and truths presented: they constrain the initiative, deprive of independence and search. Samples are good as a means, but not as a goal of education.
* Third, we need not a pedagogical dictate, but pedagogical support that helps self-education, self-knowledge, and self-development.
* Fourth, it is important not only the result, but also the process of work, the mechanism of implementation (who and how will solve this or that task) – the implementation is carried out by the children themselves, the participation of adults is consultative and coordinating.
The structure of self-government is as follows:
* EDUCATION CENTER-organizes research work in the college, participation in intellectual competitions, conducting subject weeks, helping low-performing students.
* CENTER OF INTERESTING AFFAIRS / CENTER SODRUZHESTVO-organization of cultural events, creative competitions, events aimed at improving the cultural level and education of students.
List of ZhansugurovCollege activists»
Total number of activists: 92
| № | Full name | Group |
| 1 | Bolsumbayeva Aiym | 208 Пд |
| 2 | Belashova Amina | 208 Пд |
| 3 | Zakriyeva Karina | 208 Пд |
| 4 | Dmitriyev Alexey | 213 Пд |
| 5 | Kapan Zhazira | 208 Пд |
| 6 | Sadyri Ainur | 208 Пд |
| 7 | Sadyrova Arai | 208 Пд |
| 8 | Tursynbay Ainur | 213 Пд |
| 9 | Aizhan Dalabay | 213 Пд |
| 10 | Zhetpisbay Ayerke | 213 Пд |
| 11 | Nurlybekova Karina | 213 Пд |
| 12 | Maratova Ayaulym | 208 Пд |
| 13 | Maratova Kamilla | 208 Пд |
| 14 | Svetlichnaya Daria | 208 Пд |
| 15 | Mulkibayeva Marzhan | 208 Пд |
| 16 | Bekesheva Aruzhan | 208 Пд |
| 17 | Bekezhan Aigerim | 208 Пд |
| 18 | Tumabai Gulzhan | 208 Пд |
| 19 | Alima Uskenbayeva | 208 Пд |
| 20 | Bolganbai Akzhan | 203 Бқ |
| 21 | Nurlanova Ayaulym
| 203 Бқ |
| 22 | Muratkalieva Aruzhan
| 203 Бқ |
| 23 | Suleimenova Ayym
| 203 Бқ |
| 24 | Erlankyzy Danagul
| 203 Бқ |
| 25 | Esbolat Anel. | 203 Бқ |
| 26 | Zhadyra Sapargalieva | 203 Бқ |
| 27 | Khizat Aisholpan | 203 Бқ |
| 28 | Aliahmet Zhansaya | 203 Бқ |
| 29 | Mamyrbay Aizhan | 203 Бқ |
| 30 | Kim Regina | 209 Эқ |
| 31 | Shlykova Nargiza | 209 Эқ |
| 32 | Meimankulova Aigerim | 209 Эқ |
| 33 | Kadyrova Tahmina | 209 Эқ |
| 34 | Mamyrkhan Abylkhan | 209 Эқ |
| 35 | Ualikhan Amir | 207 Тқ |
| 36 | Kanibek Gulnur | 207 Тқ |
| 37 | Sapar Sagynysh | 207 Тқ |
| 38 | Zhomartuly Ayan | 207 Тқ |
| 39 | Zhasanov Aslan | 207 Тқ |
| 40 | Beisenbay Maulen | 207 Тқ |
| 41 | Sabitkyzy Adelia | 207 Тқ |
| 42 | Nurtaykyzy Aziza | 206 Ққ |
| 43 | Myrzagaliyeva Aruzhan | 206 Ққ |
| 44 | Adilbek Zhanel | 211 Дқ |
| 45 | Yessimbek Bekzat | 222 ДТқ |
| 46 | Zhakypbekov Yernur | 222 ДТқ |
| 47 | Mukashev Nurlan | 222 ДТқ |
| 48 | Mukashev Yerlan | 222 ДТқ |
| 49 | Torekhan Arnur | 222 ДТқ |
| 50 | Ruslanov Nursultan | 222 ДТқ |
| 51 | Yesken Yerkebulan | 222 ДТқ |
| 52 | Aslan Kastayev | 222 ДТқ |
| 53 | Aitzhanov Kenzhebek | 222 ДТқ |
| 54 | Setai Almas | 222 ДТқ |
| 55 | Nurym Bekov | 222 ДТқ |
| 56 | Kaishybayev Baglan | 222 ДТқ |
| 57 | Musanov Daniyar | 222 ДТқ |
| 58 | Kaskaraubayev Bekzhan | 222 ДТқ |
| 59 | Tumarbekov Bekasyl | 222 ДТқ |
| 60 | Bidahmet Akerke | 201 МДқ |
| 61 | Serikova Aida | 201 МДқ |
| 62 | Maksut Aruzhan | 201 МДқ |
| 63 | Kuatbekova Dinara | 201 МДқ |
| 64 | Sultan Anel | 201 МДқ |
| 65 | Serikbol Ayaulym | 201 МДқ |
| 66 | Sagymbek Zhanbolat | 202 ДТқ |
| 67 | Kozhakhmet Maksat | 202 ДТқ |
| 68 | Askar Amir | 202 ДТқ |
| 69 | Baltabek Arnur | 202 ДТқ |
| 70 | Alekhina Anna | 205 РяЛ |
| 71 | Moldahan Gulden | 205 РяЛ |
| 72 | Ekaterina Sharopina | 205 РяЛ |
| 73 | Madiyar Mameyev | 205 РяЛ |
| 74 | Ekaterina Vyatleva | 205 РяЛ |
| 75 | Anastasia Zubova | 205 РяЛ |
| 76 | Daniyar Imanberdiev | 205 РяЛ |
| 77 | Anna Selezneva | 205 РяЛ |
| 78 | Adelina Bezrukova | 205 РяЛ |
| 79 | Sarsenbay Anel | 205 РяЛ |
| 80 | Zhazylbekova Aliya | 204 ШБқ |
| 81 | Madi Nazerke | 204 ШБқ |
| 82 | Akipova Albina | 204 ШБқ |
83 | Uldakhan Zhuldyz | 204 ШБқ | |
84 | Sabina Moldagazieva | 204 ШБқ | |
85 | Diana Anuarbek | 204 ШБқ | |
86 | Amankos Akbota | 211 Дқ | |
87 | Serik Kymbat | 223 Бқ | |
88 | Nusipova Kymbat | 223 Бқ | |
89 | Bissarinova Aigul | 223 Бқ | |
90 | Yussupova Fatima | 223 Бқ | |
91 | Elizabeth Lagay | 210 ИС | |
92 | Serikova Aruzhan | 210 ИС | |
Participants of club «SENIM»
№ | Full name | Group | |
1 | Yussupova Fatima | 223 БҚ | |
2 | Nussipova Kymbat | 223 БҚ | |
3 | Serik Symbat | 223 БҚ | |
4 | Biissarinova Aigul | 223 БҚ | |
5 | Bolatbek Moldir | 223 БҚ | |
6 | Taldybayeva Aruzhan | 223 БҚ | |
7 | Zhakan Diana | 223 БҚ | |
8 | Zhaksylyk Aigerim | 223 БҚ | |
9 | Titiyevskaya Yuliya | 208 ПД | |
10 | Zakrievya Karina | 208 ПД | |
11 | Maratova Kamilla | 208 ПД |
Participants of student theatre «Samgau»
№ | Full name | Группа |
1 | Adilova Adina | 207 ТК |
2 | Arystanbek Aidar | 210 ИС |
3 | Beisenbai Maulen | 207 ТК |
4 | Baibakyt Ainar | 208 ПД |
5 | Kyzyrkhanov Bibarys | 206 КК |
6 | Kapan Zhazira | 208 ПД |
7 | Kalibekova Akbayan | 203 БК |
8 | Kozhakhmet Maksat | 202 ДТК |
9 | Ibdiminov Ilmaz | 206 КК |
10 | Moldakhan Gulden | 205 РЯЛ |
11 | Mulkibayeva Marzhan | 208 ПД |
12 | Maksut Aruzhan | 201 МДК |
13 | Malik Malika | 223 БК |
14 | Temirkhanov Dastan | 210 ИС |
15 | Malik Yernat | 207 ТК |
16 | Nurtaikyzy Aziza | 206 КК |
17 | Sapar Sagynysh | 207 ТК |
18 | Telekhankyzy Saulesh | 205 РЯЛ |
19 | Tutkunbayeva Aidana | 207 ТК |
20 | Ualikhan Amir | 207 ТК |
List of “ZhansugurovCollege” volunteers »
Total number of volunteers: 47
Full name | Group |
1Bukenova Rayhan 2. Ikaeva Iman 3. Khizat Aisholpan 4. Bolganbai Akzhan | 203 Бқ |
1. Sarsenbai Anel 2. Eden Alice 3. Abulova Zhadyra 4. Aguzarova Aigerim 5. Amanbayeva Diana 6. Moldakhan Gulden
| 205 РяЛ |
1. Yussupova Fatima 2. Toishybekova Torgyn | 223 Бқ / 221 МДқ |
1. Denisova Azina 2. Aslan Khasanov 3. Dzhaeva Emiliya 4. Tursynbek Arai 5. Shynybek Ayazhan 6. Turlumbayeva Aidana 7. Zhomartuly Ayan 8. Kanibek Gulnur | 207 Тқ |
1. Serykbol Ayaulym 2. Kuatbekova Dinara 3. Serikova Aida 4. Bidakhmet Akerke 5. Maksut Aruzhan 6. Sultan Anel | 201 МДқ |
1. Nurtaykyzy Aziza 2. Sabitkyzy Adelia | 206 Ққ |
1. Mamyrkhan Abilkhan | 209 Эқ |
1. Adilbek Zhanel | 211 Дқ |
1. Torekhan Arnur 2. Zhakypbekov Yernur 3. Ruslanov Nursultan | 222 ДТқ |
1. Anuarbek Diana 2. Zhazylbekova Aliya 3. Mukanova Aksagan 4. Moldagaziyeva Sabina | 204 ШБқ |