Sydykbaeva Sandugash

Degree: candidate of chemical sciences

Position: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Natural Science


  • 1999 Kazakh State National University. al-Farabi, specialty Chemistry, qualification of a chemist, teacher of chemistry with the award of an academic bachelor’s degree.
  • 2001 Kazakh State National University. al-Farabi, specialty Ecology, awarded the academic degree of Master of Ecology.
  • 2010 Candidate of Chemical Sciences, 02.00.01-Inorganic Chemistry.


  1. Diploma. Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov. Oct 2018
  2. Letter of thanks. Department of Education of Almaty region. Regional educational and methodological center for the development of education. Dec 2019
  3. Certificate of honor. Trade union center of the Almaty region. 2020 y.
  4. Breastplate «The best teacher». Certificate No. 0887 dated 12.12.2020

Scientific study

  1. Copyright certificate. Method for purifying drinking and natural water from boron. National Patent Office. No. 42248, March 13, 2003
  2. Copyright certificate. Method for purifying drinking and natural water from boron. Committee for Intellectual Property Rights and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No. 45015. Astana, 19.02.2004.
  3. Copyright certificate. A method for purifying drinking, natural water and industrial effluents from boron. Committee for Intellectual Property Rights and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No. 63755. Astana, 08.04.2009
  4. УМС – эффективные сорбенты для извлечения борной кислоты. VIII Международный Беремжановский съезд по химии и химической технологии Сб. докладов международного съезда (9-10 октября 2014 года). Ч.1, Усть-Каменогорск, 2014 г., с. 235-240
  5. Coal-mineral sorbents as effective sorbents for removal of boric acid // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geconference (SGEM), Bulgaria, 29 June – 5 July, 2017, Issue 52, 175-180 pp, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2017/52/S20.023
  6. Purification of waters from boron by fatty acids solid-phase extraction. //Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 54, 3, 2019, 617-621 (Scopus)
  7. Физико-химические основы экологичных безотходных технологий получения химических мелиорантов // «Высшая школа Казахстана», Международное научно-педагогическое издание, 2(1)/2019, с. 229-232
  8. Аквакультура популяций рачка «Artemia Salina» озера Рай // Поиск, Научно-педагогический журнал (приложение) Международного научно-пед-го журнала «Высшая школа Казахстана», серия естественных и технических наук, № 1/2019, с.28-32.
  9. Mineral sorbent for boron extraction from natural water. //Science and life of Kazakhstan. International science journal, №10, 2019. Р.281-286
  10. Твердофазная экстракция бора бинарной смесью экстрагентов//Труды Х Международного Беремжановского съезда по химии и химической технологии 24-25 октября, Алматы, 2019, с.69-70
  11. Опока сазының адсорбциялық қасиеттері. //Хабаршы ЖМУ, №4 (92), Талдықорған, 2019, 23-28 б.
  12. Полиакрил қышқылымен тұрақтандырылған магнетит-опока композиті // ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Химия сериясы. 2020, №3
  13. Sorption characteristics of zeolite and bentonite natural adsorbents modified complex// News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technology sciences. Almaty, NAS RK. Volume 4, Number 442 (2020), 138 – 146 (Web of Science.)
  14. Obtaining chemical ameliorators from industrial waste // Хабаршы ЖМУ, №2 (94), Талдықорған, 2020, 115-119 б.

Professional development

  1. 12.01.2010 Тraining course on the use of Intraactive devices in the educational process
  2. Certificate «Betulin and its derivatives – the leader of biologically active substances in plant resources», «biopolymers: today and tomorrow», «practical importance of NMR spectroscopy of organic synthesis», «echnologies for the efficient production of raw materials for pharmaceutical production», «the need for chemical industry of the Engineering Chemical and Chemical Technological Center of TSU», October 15-28, Almaty, 2018
  3. Certificate “Organization of training in distance and online educational technologies” (36 hours). Register. No. 499. From May 04 to May 16, 2020 ZhSU im. I. Zhansugurova, Center for Advanced Studies and Additional Education
  4. «Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions in the framework of the updated content of education» at the National Center for Advanced Studies «Orleu». Registration number No. 0322044, date of issue 25.10.2019.
  5. Certificate Has successfully participated at the seminar «How to Get Published in Scientific Journals» November 28-29, 2019.
  6. Certificate «Modern methods of stress management in sport» , November 12th to December 10th, 2018
  7. Certificate of completion of courses on the educational program for advanced training of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train pedagogical personnel, as part of the renewal of the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence AEO Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, in the amount of 80 academic hours. BZh No. 100243, 03/15/2019