On 30.11.2021, the biology teacher of “Zhansugurov college” Karasaeva A.I. held an open lesson on the subject: “Fundamentals of medical education” in group 204 NO (primary education).
The topic of the lesson: “Prevention of childhood injuries”.
The purpose of the lesson was to learn the peculiarities of childhood injuries and apply the knowledge gained in life and further pedagogical activity.
Students actively worked at the lesson, gave examples, expressed their opinions about the types of childhood injuries, as well as methods of its prevention.
Based on the knowledge gained, the guys drew conclusions about what safety rules a teacher should apply in his work with primary school children. The students also presented the projects: “Safe Classroom of the Future”, in which they reflected their safe and comfortable classroom of the future for teaching children (in all respects).
Various active forms and methods of updated educational content were used in the lesson (“Modeling”, “Mind Pictures”, “Exclude unnecessary”, “Puzzle”, etc.).