Undergraduates of the 2nd year of the educational program of the natural science direction of the Faculty of Natural Sciences passed pedagogical practice from 10/25/2021 to 11/20/2021. Undergraduates of the educational program 7m01505-Biology during pedagogical practice lectures, practical classes, laboratory classes for students of 1-4 courses were held. The trainees’ classes were supervised by the heads of the practice and subject teachers, consultations were held. Undergraduates of the 2nd year of the educational program “Biology” Sydykanova Marzhan and Orazgalieva Aizhan held lectures in online format and offline practice lessons for students of 2-4 courses during pedagogical practice. On 20.11.2021, Aizhan Orazgalieva held an open lesson-lecture on the discipline “physiology of student development” for students of 2nd-year foreign language educational programs in an online format. Sydykanova Marzhan 21.11.2021 held an open lecture on parasitology and mycology for 3rd year students of chemical and biological educational programs in an online format on the topic “class of Basiodimycetes”. The open lesson was highly appreciated by the teachers. At the final conference, undergraduates report on the results of their practice, keep a diary and the necessary documents.