“Social networks and spiritual security of youth”

On November 16, 2023, with students of the 4th year of the specialty “Biology” of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, the curator of the group Ukusheva T.K. held an educational hour on the topic: “Social networks and spiritual security of youth”. The purpose of the event: students, young people-our future. Therefore, the upbringing of adolescents should be approached with great responsibility. In any case, the social network brings both benefits and harm. For the effective use of social networks, young people should be oriented in the right direction -parents, educational institutions, society. To do this, it is necessary to determine how young people spend their free time; to determine the age differences of users of the global Internet; to study users’ ideas about the concepts of social networks; to analyze for what purposes citizens use social networks; to determine the assistance that social networks provide to users in organizing leisure activities; to identify opportunities for communication on the Network to be worthy to determine the possibilities of wide dissemination in social networks, the study of social norms and values; It is necessary to improve and intensify work on determining the impact of norms and values disseminated in social networks.