November 28, 2023 at Zhetysu University named after. I. Zhansugurova Higher School of Humanities, Social and Humanitarian Educational Program was organized «The traditional subject Olympiad for the educational program 6B01601-“History” was held. The Olympics consisted of three stages:
I – Test (40 questions). Students answered questions on all periods of history from ancient times to the present.
II – Presentation protection. The students of each group defended their presentations on a free topic, saying the names and mottos of their groups.
ІІІ – Brain-ring. All 6 groups took part and answered questions and video questions on the “History”.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the total points scored for the III stage were calculated, and the students were awarded the “Diploma” of I, II, III degrees and “Letters of thanks” for participation.
According to the results of the “Traditional Subject Olympiad for Students of the educational program “History”, the group «Alash» was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree.
According to the results of the “Traditional subject Olympiad for students of the educational program “History”, the group «Zhetysu» was awarded a diploma of the II degree.
According to the results of the “Traditional Subject Olympiad for Students of the Educational Program “History”, the group «Sardar» was awarded a diploma of the III degree.
According to the results of the “Traditional Subject Olympiad”, students of the educational program “History” were awarded “Letters of thanks”.

І тур – Тест.

ІІ тур – Защита Презентации.