“Do you love the theater?” – everyone knows this famous classic question. Students of 411 and 412 groups of the specialty “Russian language and literature” know the answer to this question. They also know that you can immerse yourself in the magical world of the theater without leaving the walls of the university auditorium.
At the end of November, Irina Gennadievna Chsherbovskikh, Candidate of Philological Sciences, held an interactive lesson on foreign literature of the 20th century. Performing a variety of creative tasks, students showed knowledge of the text of works of art, the ability to distinguish between literary trends and schools. The most long-awaited and interesting part of the lesson was the staging of excerpts from B.Shaw’s plays.
According to I.G.Chsherbovskikh, “the choice of students certainly did not accidentally fall on the play “Pygmalion”. The title of the work refers to the ancient myth of the sculptor who created the statue of the beautiful Galatea and managed to revive it with the power of his love. This is the most popular play by Bernard Shaw, which has many stage incarnations and film adaptations. But the direction and acting of our students is also worthy of the highest praise!
The most expressive and memorable was the stage embodiment of the images of Eliza Doolittle, Freddie, Professor Higgins, Colonel Pickering. I would like to highlight the names of the following students who revealed new facets of their talents: Kenzhegulova Bakhyt, Sakenov Merey, Nurken Asem, Tyan Victoria, Sembaeva Aruzhan, Kanatova Dilnaz, Abdimanapova Yerkezhan, Burkitbaeva Aizhan, Balgynbai Aigerim, Zhakysheva Ademi, Alpysbai Zhuldyzai, Samiullayeva Assel.
The curtain is down. The actors take off their makeup. And the plays of B.Show will make you think for a long time about the philosophical questions posed by the playwright more than 100 years ago and relevant at all times.”