In November, a competition for the best dramatization of the fable was held at the Faculty of Humanities. The participants of the creative tournament were first–year students studying Russian – students of the groups TK-111, YUK-111, YUPK-111.
The organizer of the competition, Candidate of Philological Sciences Irina Gennadievna Chsherbovskikh, said that the students enthusiastically engaged in choosing a fable for a mini-performance. The fables “Quartet”, “Dragonfly and Ant”, “Wolf and Hunters” and others were presented to the public.
The guys showed not only their artistic abilities, but also the ability to feel the author’s text. And, of course, they were helped by an amazing sense of humor. The result is a real talent festival – bright and fun, but also thought-provoking!
Also, Candidate of Philological Sciences I.G.Chsherbovskikh noted that such a competition is held annually, and last academic year the winners were students of the specialty “Russian language and literature”.
As you know, every fable is a combination of wisdom and humor. By ridiculing human weaknesses and vices, she teaches goodness and justice.
The most stormy applause went to the musicians from the Quartet and the performers of the fable of the wolf and the hunters. Wolves, dragonfly (Nurgali Ayaulym) and ant (Torekhan Amina) impressed everyone with their costumes. And Fox (Kalapbaeva Nurgul) charmed everyone with her smile. Students Aitbek Anet, Maratuly Alikhan, Oralbek Zarina, Sabikhan Amina, Azimkhan Nurlan, Esbolatova Balgyn, Kyzyrov Alibek, Kairullaev Mansur, Hamit Aksultan, Tulegenov Yeraly, Kapysh Adai revealed new facets of their talents. There were also musical pauses between the performances. It was a great dombra playing by Toltaev Sayan and guitar songs by Merkasym Daryn.
The competition is over. But freshmen will remember for a long time how much fun they rehearsed their roles and prepared costumes and decorations. And they will not forget the sounds of the solemn fanfare and the storm of applause from the admiring audience.