“Honesty and justice are our choice!”

The last academic week is a very exciting moment for students and teachers. From December 9 to 13, the curator of the RYAL-211, RYAL-221, RYAL-311 groups, K.A. Chesnokova, conducted planned educational activities to combat corruption, during which questions about the essence of corruption, its forms and impact on society were explained in detail.

Описание: C:\Users\админ\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\фото2.jpgThe curator emphasized the importance of honesty and moral principles in daily life and professional activities. Students were given specific recommendations on how to act in cases where they encounter corruption in the educational environment or in their personal lives.

Special attention was paid to the legal aspects of the fight against corruption. The curator explained what laws are in force in our country and how their violations are punished.

In conclusion, the curator reminded the students of their responsibilities as future professionals and citizens.

This briefing was an important step in the formation of an anti-corruption culture among students and increased their awareness and willingness to counteract this phenomenon.