On 12 December 2024, a scientific seminar was held at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Within the framework of the seminar the report of PhD Sakibayev S.R. on «Deep Learning in education and academia» was presented. In addition, Professor of Gorno-Altaisk State University (Gorno-Altaisk, Altai Republic, Russian Federation), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Temerbekova A.A. shared with doctoral students of the educational programme 8D01504 «Informatics» methodological recommendations for conducting scientific research.

During the seminar doctoral students of the Department of Informatics and Digitalisation of Education presented reports on the progress of their scientific research. Albina Alekseevna, in her turn, provided valuable recommendations on the stages of research work, including experience in organising pedagogical experiments, and also shared useful tips aimed at improving scientific research.

The seminar was an important step in improving doctoral students’ research activities and also contributed to gaining practical knowledge about conducting pedagogical experiments.