Educational program6В01403 Music education
EP purpose Student-centered training aimed at training highly qualified music teachers, who are creative-minded, competitive and well-adapted to the constantly changing conditions of creative activity, who possess multiculturalism, communication skills, high social and civic responsibility, and are able to carry out professional activities in the field of music education
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeBachelor
Period of study4
Volume of the credits240
Language of educationRussian, kazakh
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardteacher
                               Learning outcomes:
1Has the ability to evaluate and apply innovative approaches to understanding public socially significant phenomena and processes in the legal, business, industrial, and environmental environment
2He is able to solve standard tasks of professional activity with the use of information and communication technologies, to be able to use computer technologies at all stages and in all directions of the music and educational process
3Russian Russian is able to consistently and competently express their thoughts in the state and Russian languages, possess the skills of oral and written speech in the professional Kazakh (Russian) language; uses the knowledge of a foreign language in professional activities
4Analyzes the activities of all subjects of the educational process (the teacher, students and their parents), models the educational process with a goal of educating an intellectually, physically and spiritually developed person, with critical thinking, ready to live in changing social and economic conditions
5Understands the high social significance of the profession, the principles of professional ethics, uses knowledge of the subject area, pedagogical dimensions, trends in the development of the education system, regulatory legal acts and the basics of electronic documentation in teaching activities
6Is able to use the means of taking into account the general, specific and individual characteristics of mental, psychophysiological development and the value of inclusive education, knows the peculiarities of the regulation of behavior and activity at different age levels
7He is proficient in teaching technologies and methods of teaching music in the formation of subject skills of preschoolers and schoolchildren, uses the knowledge of music pedagogy, psychology and related disciplines to analyze and synthesize patterns, phenomena and processes in everyday life, is able to work in a team, to perceive social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences with tolerance
8He has modern musical and theoretical knowledge, is able to work with new musical and theoretical developments for the organization of various types of children’s activities, applies methods of organizing extracurricular work, modern music and computer technologies related to the research and project activities of students
9He has extensive knowledge in the field of musical and performing arts, owns musical instruments (dombra, piano), knows how to choose musical accompaniment for choral singing and solo performance, knows the full school pedagogical repertoire and the basics of individual musician training
10He has knowledge of vocal and choral activities, knows how to sing and conduct a choir, knows the methodology of working with children’s choral groups and the peculiarities of vocal skills of children of different ages
11He is proficient in the methods of musical and pedagogical research, analyzes, synthesizes, and creatively transforms information from various sources to create a product, hypothesis, or systematic explanation of a phenomenon or event, and shows a creative, research approach to professional activity.