Educational program6В01507  Chemistry-Biology
EP purpose implementation of education aimed at training highly qualified personnel with practical skills and leadership skills, through the introduction of innovative training technologies and training of competitive specialists in the field of education, ensuring the preparation of qualified, competitive personnel who meet modern quality requirements for specialists with higher education in the field of education 6B01507 specialty – “Chemistry -Biology”.
EP typenew
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
The awarded academic degreebachelor
Period of study4
Volume of the credits240
Language of educationKazakh, Russian
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardpedagogue
                               Learning outcomes:
1Owns the basics of chemical knowledge, the basic principles of the atomic-molecular teachings, the classification of inorganic substances, analyze the basic terms and the stoichiometric laws of chemistry. He knows the distribution, location in nature and properties of chemical elements in the periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev, the classification of anions and cations, physical, chemical and instrumental methods of analysis.
2Knows the basics of taxonomy, classification and nomenclature of plants. Owns the skills to distinguish features of the morphological structure of plants; know the structure and function of cells, types of tissues, organs and organ systems; physiological studies of plants, methods for predicting the physiological state of plant organisms; Considers zoology as a science of the animal world, its origin, development, present position, role in the biosphere and human life.
3Shows active citizenship in interpersonal and intercultural communication in a multilingual environment based on fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of social, political, cultural, and psychological sciences in the context of their role in the modernization and digitalization of Kazakhstan’s society; It has the ability to adapt to new economic, social, psychological, political and cultural situations, use regulatory and legal documents in its activities
4Knows the theory of chemical structure and classification of organic compounds, the mechanisms of organic reactions; owns knowledge of the main classes of functional derivatives of carbohydrates, their structure, chemical properties.
5Knows the basics of chemical kinetics and catalysis, the basis of the mechanism of chemical reactions, electrochemistry. Owns practical skills and habits of working with dispersed systems, methods of obtaining them and studying the properties of dispersed systems. Owns the skills of calculating thermal effects, equilibrium constants of chemical reactions.
6Owns principles of systematics of microorganisms, plants and animals; knowledge of their adaptation to environmental conditions, diversity and basic patterns of distribution
7Knows the main directions and patterns of chemical-technological processes, be able to own equipment for carrying out simple technological processes. Knows the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of high-molecular compounds, have a general understanding of the principles of synthesis of polymers, their structure, physico-mechanical properties and areas of their application;
8Has the ability to communicate in oral and written forms in Kazakh / Russian, Latin and foreign languages ​​for solving scientific problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction. He speaks English, knows chemical and biological terminology in English, can translate specialized texts from English, presenting a scientific project in English orally and in writing;
9Applies the methods of forecasting, planning and management of the educational process in the framework of the updated content of secondary and inclusive education. It has the ability to apply modern methods and criteria-based assessment technologies in the educational process, analyze the results of the process and use them in educational institutions
10Studies the origin and development, shape and structure of the human body. Owns knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of humans and animals, genetics; about biophysical processes in the body; uses modern equipment when working with biological objects;
11Owns knowledge of the laws of heredity, inheritance and variability, of the mechanisms of reproduction and realization of genetic information and the system of replication, transcription and translation.
12Able to be an expert in theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of chemistry and biology; high school teacher.