Educational program6В01701 Kazakh language and literature
EP purpose Training of highly qualified personnel that meet the requirements of the labor market of Kazakhstan, formed the necessary competence in the field of education; able to be easily adapted on the basis of deep knowledge, professional skills, developed in a changing world, with a high level of emotional intelligence, ready to play a leading role in the development of Kazakh Philology owning scientific and methodological issues of teaching the Kazakh language and literature in accordance with the updated educational program
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeBachelor
Period of study4
Volume of the credits240
Language of educationKazakh   
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardTeacher
                               Learning outcomes:
1able to evaluate and apply innovative methods of public and social phenomena and processes in the legal, business, production, ecological environment
2able to plan, predict and manage the instructional process in the conditions of updating the content of secondary education taking into account the physiological and functional characteristics of the development process of students individual educational needs
3he speaks modern Kazakh in the field of phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, stylistics, new directions of linguistics, theory and practice of writing, which contains the full content of education and is able to effectively use it in professional activities and produce results as a form of manifestation of national culture, the relationship between language and the history of the people
4he has scientific knowledge about the theory, poetics, the main stages and representatives of literature, trends and new directions, literary critics, interprets fundamental theories and patterns in the main sections of philological knowledge, is able to effectively apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained in identifying and solving research problems of the Kazakh language and literature
5able to carry out methodological, research, creative work in educational institutions, evaluate teamwork, trust between people, understand each other, listen, respect, observe etiquette, know traditions, be able to resolve conflicts, correct broken relationships, understand their mistakes, be able to work in a team, properly organize the work of performers, make and apply management decisions
6demonstrates high emotional intelligence, oratory and speech ethics, adheres to high social values and humane pedagogical values, organizes the educational process in mastering the Kazakh language and literature on the basis of national values, provides expert, consulting, analytical services in the social, cultural, educational spheres
7groups educational material on the Kazakh language and literature, independently prepares didactic material, proves its effectiveness in practice, identifies the use of technical means in the educational process; solves pedagogical problems, contributing to improving the quality of education, evaluates the results of professional activity
8shows flexibility in management, planning, forecasting of pedagogical activity, organizes training in the Kazakh language and literature on the basis of theoretical and methodological, didactic, ethnopedagogical bases of pedagogy, has skills of development and modification of basic normative documents and textbooks, educational and methodological complexes on the subject, guided in the process of their training; has the ability to self-education and self-knowledge
9summarizes the methodological system of measuring tools for evaluating learning outcomes, formulates the world experience of science teaching methods, theoretical directions and schools in the field of education, problems of theoretical and methodological generality, periodic practices (updated content of education), characteristic of the system of development, formation of science teaching methods of the Kazakh language and literature
10own methodology and methods of philological studies, establishes, organizes, evaluates the scientific work on the Kazakh language and literature, tests and summarizes the results of scientific work
11scientifically assesses information about the theory and criticism of literature, the main stages of the history of Kazakh literature, the direction of the school, its representatives, researchers, provides new insights and analysis of the role of literature in the awakening of consciousness