Educational program6В01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages
EP purpose The purpose of the educational program: is the preparation of a highly qualified and competitive bachelor of education, possessing knowledge in the field of foreign language education, having an idea about the innovative scientific and educational environment, possessing high personal and professional competencies.
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeBachelor
Period of study4
Volume of the credits240
Language of educationRussian, kazakh
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardTeacher
                               Learning outcomes:
1Has the ability to evaluate and apply innovative approaches to the understanding of social phenomena and processes in the legal, entrepreneurial, industrial, environmental environment;
2Defines the general biological patterns of individual development; the main age features of the structure, the basis of the processes and methods of training and education; able to use the knowledge gained from the study of age anatomy in professional activities
3fluent in the system of speech and communication as the willingness and ability to carry out the following communicative acts: express, convinces, evidently reports information within the studied functions and expresses its point of view on the educational topic with discussion and refraction through its own experience of perception, the system of assessments (social,social and cultural spheres); supports conversation or discussion (takes part without preparation, in a conversation on a familiar topic in a particular situation, monitors the progress of the conversation and understands clearly spoken speech addressed to it; able to build grammatically correct oral and written statements in a foreign language that meet the requirements of adequate deployment of monologic and dialogic speech.
4master the system of language and ways of its use in intercultural and communicative activities; carries out the following communicative acts: speaks fluently on various topics: general, educational and professional; communicates without preparation avoiding grammatical errors without visible limitations of speech styles; conducts the dialogue quite fluently and without preparation; emphasizes personal interest in any business, explains and reinforces his point of view with the help of necessary arguments; conveys conversation shades of emotions.
5Defines the main sections of linguistics: phonetics, word formation, morphology, vocabulary, syntax, style; possesses spelling, lexical, grammatical and stylistic norms of the language being studied; knows the main historical stages of the development of lexicology and its current state; signs of words and phraseological units, can show the structure of units and their semantic features; classifies the system of sounds, the articulation base of the language, the peculiarities of their definition and correct pronunciation ; represents the most important laws of the grammatical structure of a foreign language, knows the basic aspects of grammatical phenomena; analyzes the linguistic characteristics of functional styles, type of text and genre;
6Knows the peculiarities of language development in accordance with the specific historical and linguistic situation; explains the specific characteristics of the modern English language, in terms of its history; analyzes phonetic, grammatical and etymological features of the language within a certain period; has the skills of selection and analysis of linguistic and cultural material, is able to extract information from the cultural-specific units of the language, knows the literature of the country of the studied language; monitors the trends in the development of language, tradition, norms of socio-cultural behavior in the country of the studied language;
7Develops a professional level of proficiency in the language; knows the rules of the official business style; uses active business vocabulary and terminology; organizes work with authentic written and oral sources; make business letters; leads a business conversation in a foreign language.
8Identifies key issues, concepts and methods in teaching English as a foreign language; the role of the teacher and the training in the language school, the nature of the communicative competence and its relation to the teaching of the communicative language, and the development of programs and in accordance with the needs of the pupils of the language schools.
9proficient  in complexes of psychological and diagnostic methods for studying the student’s personality, the classroom team and the main characteristics of the pedagogical process, methods of professional self-knowledge; gains initial practical experience in the chosen specialty; plans effective work in a constantly changing socio-pedagogical conditions; master the pedagogical skills and pedagogical techniques; tests the methods and techniques of training used in a particular technology; conducts and analyzes training sessions built on the new technology; uses e-learning tools – electronic textbooks, electronic dictionaries, recognizes active learning strategies; evaluates the results of introducing new technology into practice using the methods of pedagogical diagnostics;
10Applies various techniques when reading text (scanning techniques, highlighting key information, etc.); uses a variety of techniques in writing; distributes the time to perform tasks during the test, owns a special listening technique.