Educational program6В04105 Information resources management
EP purpose  high-quality training of a qualified specialist with a high level of knowledge and professional competence in the development and implementation of Economics and management of information resources, as well as information systems and technologies.
EP typeInnovative EP
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeBachelor
Period of study4
Volume of the credits240
Language of educationRussian, kazakh
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardFinancial management
                               Learning outcomes:
1Takes an active civil position in interpersonal and intercultural communication in a multilingual environment on the basis of fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of social, political, cultural, psychological sciences in the context of their role in the modernization and digitalization of Kazakhstan’s society;
2able to understand innovative approaches in socially significant phenomena and processes in the legal, business, industrial, and environmental environment;
3make a plan for the development of information technologies and information systems at the management facility and the development of information technologies and information systems at the management facility and is able to solve the tasks in changing conditions;
4monitors the implementation and operation of information technologies and information systems and applies project management methods and technologies for creating and implementing information systems in the business activities of organizations;
5research the theory, prepare models and determine methods of disciplines in the subject area of information systems, namely: Economics, Finance, management and other components of business activities in organizations;
6structure standards, plan mathematical models, methods, methods and technology for designing, developing, implementing and maintaining information systems and networks;
7applies interpersonal communication technologies and organizes work in a group, manages work in group development;
8evaluate the role of the Manager in the formation of the information infrastructure of the enterprise (organization) and justify the professionalism in the field of management;
9creates and verifies technical documentation for the information system being developed, analyzes system concepts to understand and identify problems;
10initiate changes and additions to the legal framework and formulate the principles of business organization in the Republic of Kazakhstan in modern conditions;
11adapt effective forms of organization and management of the enterprise, taking into account their specifics and specific business conditions;
12creates projects of information systems and their elements in specific areas and modern models, methods and technologies for designing information systems.