Educational program7М01201 Pre-school education and upbringing
EP purpose The master’s program is aimed at training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of preschool education, in demand on the labor market, capable of solving professional problems in design, research, expert advisory, educational and organizational and managerial activities.
EP typecurrent
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
The awarded academic degreemaster’s degree
Period of study2
Volume of the credits120
Language of educationKazakh, Russian, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardPedagog
                               Learning outcomes:
1owns the conceptual and methodological apparatus of the history and philosophy of science, takes into account the specifics of abstract-logical analysis and synthesis of the provisions of modern philosophy of science, the main stages of the evolution of science, the functions and foundations of the scientific picture of the world, systematizes and analyzes modern problems of history and philosophy of science
2speaks a foreign language to the extent necessary to obtain professional content information from foreign sources, conduct scientific correspondence, prepare scientific articles and reports; realizes personal abilities, creative potential in various types of activities, expresses his position verbally and in writing
3owns key methods of teaching pedagogical sciences, the main methods of improving and developing professional competencies, applies methods of pedagogical monitoring, uses methods of self-development and self-realization in professional and other fields
4analyzes the conditions and features of managerial activity in the educational system, the psychological laws of communication and takes into account the main provisions of the psychology of the collective and small group, the role of a leader in group dynamics processes, the differences between leadership, leadership and management in professional activities
5analyzes the main trends in the development of ethnocultural and confessional differences in the participants of the educational process in building social interactions, is able to organize the implementation of programs of ethnocultural adaptation of children in the educational process
6uses techniques and techniques of effective communication in professional activities, knows how to build interpersonal relationships in a group of preschool children, as well as forms and methods of interaction with them and their parents, analyzes the main categories and concepts in the structure of pedagogical skills
7owns a culture of thinking, the ability to logically and clearly summarize modern knowledge in the field of preschool and inclusive education, teaching methods and improving the profile of his professional activity, he knows and understands the significance, essence and characteristics of inclusive education
8owns the skills of in-depth research of scientific problems, consistent resolution of tasks and thorough verification of the results; knows how to use interdisciplinary methods for in-depth development of set scientific tasks, develop own research methods, correlate already known research methods with own developments
9evaluates the pedagogical capabilities of various methods, techniques, techniques, forms of organization of training and education of preschool children; uses psychodiagnostic techniques and psychometric procedures; analyzes the information necessary to solve pedagogical problems, monitors the effectiveness of pedagogical activity
10effectively organizes feedbacks when translating the results obtained in the process of applying the theory to solve professional problems; competently builds professional communication in terms of ethical standards
11plans to work with parents (persons replacing them), studies the features of family education of preschool children, the relationship of parents and children in the family, formulates the goals and objectives of working with the family, owns methods, techniques and means of managing the pedagogical process
12Integrates the acquired knowledge at the subsequent stages of training, as well as in professional activities, develops the content and technology of teaching in preschool and applies modern pedagogical technologies