Educational program7M04106 Finance
EP purpose Training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the field of Finance, meeting modern needs and demands of society, possessing new knowledge and competencies, new technologies, with in-depth scientific-pedagogical and research training and competitive advantages.
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeMaster
Period of study2
Volume of the credits120
Language of educationRussian, Kazakh, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardFinancial management
Learning outcomes:
1Has the ability to self-education and self-development, development of professional stability, creative self-realization through research activities, participation in scientific conferences, etc.
2Able to correctly assess the macro-and microenvironment and taking into account the uncertainty factor, independently make effective organizational and managerial decisions within the framework of professional competence, resolve problem situations in professional activity.
3Has knowledge in the field of economic Sciences, including legislation in the financial sphere, seeks to expand and deepen their intellectual potential, improve their own personality, the disclosure of its creative capabilities, the development of worldview, self-awareness, cognitive abilities, including in the field of professional activity.
4Speaks a foreign language at a level that allows them to freely use in professional and research activities, knows the features of scientific and public speaking and writing, has communication skills in the professional and business environment.
5Able to collect and analyze the initial data necessary for the calculation of financial and economic indicators characterizing the activities of economic entities.
6Has the skills to conduct independent research work on the basis of the developed program and thematic plan, is able to set tasks and choose research methods, interpret their results.
7Has the skills of generalization and analysis, as well as critical evaluation of the findings obtained in the course of research conducted by both domestic and foreign scientists, identifying promising areas of research.
8Uses the basic methods of corporate Finance management to collect, process, analyze and systematize information about the financial and economic risks of business entities to develop a risk management system.
9Applies the basic methods of financial management to assess the financial stability of organizations of various legal forms, is able to develop and justify a set of measures to improve the further activities of organizations.
10Able to determine the realism and adequacy of the results obtained in the course of the study, to assess the current, short-and long-term economic, financial or managerial situation, to coordinate and participate in the effective implementation of the budgets and financial plans developed in the organization.
11Able to independently choose and apply modern methods and techniques of teaching in accordance with the subject of financial disciplines, to study new educational technologies.
12Applies the knowledge necessary for the structuring and preparation of educational programs, uses the skills of complete training and methodological support for the teaching of financial disciplines in educational institutions.