Educational program in foreign languages and translation studies
In the 2023-2024 academic year the number of teaching staff in the educational program for foreign languages and translation studies, leading classes in the basic and specialized disciplines amounted to 29 teachers, including 3 associate professors (associate professor), 1 doctors PhD, 17 teachers-lecturers, 8 teachers-assistants and a senior lab assistant.
Number of trainees: In the 2023-2024 academic year 427 students are enrolled in the educational program in foreign languages – 353 students and in translation studies – 74 students.
Logistical support: The library collection is equipped with an electronic database of articles, books, author’s abstracts, dissertations, works of professor-teaching staff of universities of the RK.
Training and operational information for students and faculty are on the website and portals of the university. Department and computer labs are provided with access to the Internet, the local network of the university. There are open WI-FI zones.
The educational process is provided with 5 educational-methodical classrooms (3 multimedia – language laboratories).
Multimedia language laboratories are used in the educational process for practical classes in English, German, Korean, Chinese and Turkish. The classrooms are equipped with software, ready-made lessons and appendices for language textbooks as well as lessons developed by the department’s professors.
The university’s social facilities include auditoriums, conference halls, gyms, dormitories, a library and canteen
Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies was founded in 1996 as a Department of English language at philological faculty of Taldykorgan pedagogical institute named after I. Zhansugurov. A founder of the department is Katenova M. R, the associate professor, the senior teacher. In 19 years the department let out 15 specialists of English. Korean, Chinese, German and Turkish languages are learned as the second foreign language.
From 2012-2013 with accession the specialty "Translation Studies" the department was renamed into department of foreign languages and translation studies.
Graduates who have completed studying majoring in “Foreign language: two foreign languages” and “Translation Studies” work in the specialty and occupy various positions in the field of education: in the leading Kazakhstani universities and schools in Taldykorgan and Almaty region as teachers of English and second foreign languages, as well as translators and specialists with knowledge of the English language in various public and private organizations.
- 6B02301/5B020700 - "TRANSLATION STUDIES" Bachelor's degree
- The modular educational programs of the two specialties were reviewed and approved on the basis of the catalog of elective courses developed jointly with employers. The catalog of elective courses for the specialty changes annually in accordance with the requirements of the market economy and the preferences of employers. The catalog of elective courses is placed in the software of the information system of the university, and students choose their own ways of learning on the pages of electronic journals.
- Catalog of elective disciplines of the specialty 5В011900 - «Foreign language: two foreign languages»
- Catalog of elective disciplines of the specialty 5В020700 - «Translation studies»
The educational process is organized through credit technology training. The educational-methodical complex of the specialty is 100%. Improving the quality of taught disciplines is associated with methodological support. The use of innovative technologies in training depends on the development of communicative competence of students.
Students are provided with necessary teaching materials on all disciplines of the department in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Educational and methodical materials, instructions for practical classes, electronic lecture courses, electronic textbooks, test assignments are available in the Intranet system of the university.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, according to the thematic the textbook «Practical grammar of the English Language» was published by the head of the EP of Foreign Languages and Translation studies D.M.Zhabykbaeva, together with teachers- lecturers Sh.S.Eleusizva., Sh.M.Nussupova, A.K.Toktanova, also he textbook “Professionally oriented foreign language for physical education and sports” teachers O. Tursyn G., Mulik D., Kabylova M. For the academic year 2023-2024 a number of teachers of the EP planned to issue textbooks.
Teachers of the department have developed methodological guidelines for all disciplines: practical classes and lectures, theses, all kinds of internships. In accordance with the state compulsory standard and the academic calendar of students of 2, 3, 4 courses students have a production (pedagogical) practice. Educational practice (pedagogical practice) of the students of the department is carried out according to the contracts with district and city schools. The department has internship programs, internship reports, orders, student orientation and protocols of final conferences.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science 20.04.2011 № 152 “On approving the rules of the organization of training in credit technology” approved consultants of the department. Faculty advisers carry out explanatory work with students on elective subjects, develop individual study plans for students, as well as make recommendations on the curriculum.
The organization of scientific work of the teachers of the educational program of foreign languages and translation studies is carried out in accordance with the plan of organization and development of scientific activity. Teachers of the department are regularly published in scientific journals SCOPUS, KKSON, RSCI, participate in international conferences, scientific seminars, issue teaching aids, conduct educational and methodological seminars for teachers in the region. During the academic year 2023-2024 there were 17 articles published in the RSCI, 17 in international conferences,8 in SCOPUS, 4 in KKSON, 6 in bulletin ZHU.
Each year, teachers of the department improve their professional and pedagogical activities, studying on the program of JSC National Center of Professional Development “Orleu” (Almaty, Astana) and Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi.
From 18 to 22 September, under the leadership of the head of the educational program “Foreign languages and Translation studies” Zhabykbayeva Dinara Maratovna, teachers and students held a week dedicated to the Day of Languages of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The week began on the 18th of September with the event «Day of the Kazakh language», which raised the status of the state language, popularized our national traditions. On the second day was organized colourful events dedicated to Anglo-German culture, on the third day – Turkish, on the fourth day of Chinese-Korean culture, which gave university students special feelings, good mood. the educational program of foreign languages and translation studies and teachers and students were awarded who made a significant contribution to the event.
The last day of the festeve event continued with a beautiful song, national dances. On the final day of the event aimed at promoting the holiday of languages, fostering patriotic feelings of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dean of the Higher School of Humanities Abyzova Aina Maratovna, Professor Werner from Switzerland, head of the educational program of foreign languages and translation studies Zhabykbaeva Dinara Maratovna awarded teachers and students who took an active part in various competitions with letters of thanks.
The Regional Olympiad “The Best Englishmen 2023” is organized and conducted by the Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov, the educational program “Foreign Languages and Translation Studies” together with secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and secondary special educational institutions (colleges) of Taldykorgan and Zhetysu region. Students of grades 10-11 of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and students of the secondary specialized educational institutions (colleges) can take part in the competition.
- Registration of participants – until November 19, 2023.
- The 1st round of the competition is held on November 22, 2023 at 10.30 in the 502a room of the main building of Zhetysu University.
- Round 2 will be held on November 29, 2023 remotely (from November 23 to November 29, participants are given time to prepare a video)
On November 30, 2023, the results of the Olympiad ‘The Best Englishmen 2023’ were announced at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, in the Higher School of Humanities as part of the educational program in foreign languages and translation studies. The Olympiad was held among students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, and secondary specialized educational institutions (colleges) of the city of Taldykorgan and the Zhetysu region.
On November 14, 2023, a subject-specific Olympiad in the English language took place, organized by the teachers of the EP of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, G. K. Baigudanova, and S. B. Dyusebekova. 16 students from the third year participated in the Olympiad. The competition consisted of two stages: the first stage included reading and listening, while the second stage focused on speaking skills. According to the results of the competition, students were awarded diplomas: 1st place – Kalibekov Daniyar SHTK311, 2nd place – Kolomiets Darya IYAR221, 3rd place – Alimkhan Tolganai IYAR311.
From 01.12 to 06.12.2023 an event “Таза сессия” was held by the teaching staff of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, the Higher School of Humanities, EP of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies G.K.Baigudanov, K. Zhumagali, G.K Turabai, A.S. Ramazanov, J.A. Zhalelova, S.A.Ualieva, A.K. Ospan, A.S. Doskeldina, M.Zh. Zhumagazieva, A.S. Shynybekova, M.A. Maukebaeva, Sh.M. Nusupova, M.G. Ashimova, Sh.S. Eleusizova, A.N. Musabaeva, S.B. Dyusebaeva, G.M. Omarbekova, along with students from the following groups: AIK 212, IYAR 311, SHTK 311, SHTK 411, SHTK 312, AIK 411, SHTK 312, PDR 211, SHTK 221, SHTK 213, SHTK 413, AIK 311, SHTK 212, IYAR 411, SHTK 412, SHTK 112, SHTK 113, AIK 211, SHTK 211, IYAR 211, IYAR 221, IYAR 111, IYAR 121, SHTK 111, AIK 111. During this event, students shared their thoughts as part of the anti-corruption program. There was a comprehensive discussion and explanatory work on the policy of academic integrity.
In the aims of implementing external academic mobility at Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov, Erdinch Demirai, Doctor (PhD) of the Turkish Language and Literature Department from Omer Halisdemir University Nide, Turkey was invited to conduct classes “Communicative training of a second foreign language (Turkish)” for the 4th year students of “Foreign language: two foreign languages” educational program was implemented in the period of 1 November 2023- 30 November 2023
Cooperation with organizations, with partner universities
One of the priorities of the educational program is the development of international cooperation with the leading research centers and universities of the world. The program also includes close and productive cooperation with universities of the CIS countries. In addition, the cooperation of Zhansugurov ZhU with the University of Genoa, Italy; Yaroslavl University named after. Ushinsky University, Russian Federation Yaroslavl; Tennessee Technical University, USA; University of Lodz, Poland.
Students of EP 6B01705-“Foreign language: two foreign languages” pass pedagogical practice in 30 schools of the city of Taldykorgan, as well as in the districts. Students of EP 6B02301-“Translation Studies” pass practical training at the city translation bureau “Status”, as well as at AKB Kainar LLP.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, a branch of EP 6B01705 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages” was opened at “Secondary School -Gymnasium № 12”.
Associate Professor of the Educational Program of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies at the Higher School of Humanities, Ayzhan Sahanovna Shynybekov has been honored with the title of a full member of the International Academy of Informatization and an academician. In the city of Almaty, the CEO of the Educational Organization ‘International Academy of Informatization,’ A.F. Tsekhov, congratulated A.S.Shynybekova and personally presented her with the certificate.
«Деңгейлік онлайн платформа арқылы шетел тілінде тыңдалым және айтылым дағдыларын қалыптастыру» project manager Dyusebayeva S.B., project executors Abdualieva R.E., Doskeldina A.S., financing amount: 1,300,000 tenge.
Senior lecturer of the EP "Foreign languages and translation studies" Ualieva Saule Aitkalievna was awarded a certificate of honor for many years of honest work in the education system, creative achievements in moral education and contribution to the development and strengthening of the trade union movement.
Senior lecturer of the EP "Foreign languages and translation studies" Baigudanova Gulzhanat Kudaibergenovna was awarded a certificate of honor for many years of honest work in the education system, creative achievements in moral education and contribution to the development and strengthening of the trade union movement.
Zhabykbaeva Dinara Maratovna
Head of the educational program, PhD
Тел. +7 (775) 649 61 63
Mashanova Sania Medetbekovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Тел. +7 (777) 363 39 30
Shynybekova Aizhan Sakhanovna
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Тел. +7 (705) 290 18 88
Zhabykbaeva Dinara Maratovna
Head of the educational program, PhD
Тел. +7 (775) 649 61 63
Mashanova Sania Medetbekovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Тел. +7 (777) 363 39 30
Shynybekova Aizhan Sakhanovna
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Тел. +7 (705) 290 18 88