Department of Foreign languages and Translation Studies


The Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies offers undergraduate programs in the following specializations: 6B01705 – Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages, 6B01709 – Foreign Languages (IP), 6B02301 – Translation Studies (1st-4th year). Department’s Mission. The department aims to train highly qualified professionals proficient in foreign languages and skilled in translation. It focuses on teaching foreign languages, mastering translation techniques, developing intercultural communication, enhancing theoretical and practical translation skills, deepening linguistic knowledge, adhering to professional translation standards, and preparing competitive specialists for the international job market. In the 2024-2025 academic year, the department employs 26 faculty members who teach core and specialized subjects, including: 1 Associate Professor (Docent) – Mashanova S.M., 1 PhD – Zhabykbayeva D.M., 14 Lecturer-tutors – Baigudanova G.K., Tastemirova A.E., Kylyshpaeva M.H., Zhaukumova Sh.S., Nusupova Sh.M., Eleusizova Sh.S., Ualieva S.A., Kabylova M.S., Maukebayeva M.A., Musabayeva A.N., Tlegenova G.A., Toqtanova A.K., Dyusebayeva S.B., Turabay G.K., 9 Teacher-assistents – Suleimenova M.M., Tursyn G., Kairbek A., Doskeldina A.S., Akhmetova M.Zh., Omarbekova G.M., Ramazanova A.S., Zhumakhan M.Zh., Zhalelova Zh.A., 1 Senior Laboratory Assistant – Bekishova T.Zh. Student Enrollment. In the 2024-2025 academic year, a total of 548 students are enrolled in the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, including: 289 students in “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages”,  116 students in “Foreign Languages (IP)”, 143 students in “Translation Studies”. In 2024, the department successfully passed specialized accreditation for the “6B01705 – Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” and “6B02301 – Translation Studies” (1st-4th year) programs. Material and Technical Resources. The library collection includes an electronic database of articles, books, abstracts, dissertations, and academic works by faculty members from universities across Kazakhstan. Educational and operational information for students and faculty is available on the university’s website and portals. The department and computer labs have access to the internet and the university’s local network. Wi-Fi zones are available in open-access areas. The educational process is supported by four study and methodological rooms, including three multimedia language laboratories (rooms 302, 303, 304). Multimedia Language Laboratories. The multimedia language laboratories are used for practical lessons in English, German, Korean, Chinese, and Turkish. The classrooms are equipped with: specialized software, pre-prepared applied lessons with language lab textbooks, materials developed by the department’s faculty members. University Facilities. The university provides auditoriums, conference halls, sports facilities, dormitories, a library, and dining halls.

HISTORY of the department
1996 y.

Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies was founded in 1996 as a Department of English language at philological faculty of Taldykorgan pedagogical institute named after I. Zhansugurov. A founder of the department is Katenova M. R, the associate professor, the senior teacher. In 19 years the department let out 15 specialists of  English.  Korean, Chinese, German and Turkish languages are learned as the second foreign language.

2012-2013 yy.

From 2012-2013 with accession the specialty "Translation Studies" the department was renamed into department of foreign languages and translation studies.

Graduates who have completed studying majoring in “Foreign language: two foreign languages” and “Translation Studies” work in the specialty and occupy various positions in the field of education: in the leading Kazakhstani universities and schools in Taldykorgan and Almaty region as teachers of English and second foreign languages, as well as translators and specialists with knowledge of the English language in various public and private organizations.


In the 2019-2020 academic year, the head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies was Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Aizhan Sakanovna Shynybekova.

2020 y.

In 2020, the head of the department was Master's degree holder Zhanar Kurmanaliyevna Abilgaziyeva.

2020-2023 yy.

In the 2020-2022 academic years, the head of the department was Master's degree holder Ulserik Kydyrbaikyzy Orynbayeva.

2023 y.

Since September 1, 2023, the head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies has been Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Dinara Maratovna Zhabykbayeva.

Catalogue of elective courses

The educational process is organized through credit technology training. The educational-methodical complex of the specialty is 100%. Improving the quality of taught disciplines is associated with methodological support. The use of innovative technologies in training depends on the development of communicative competence of students. Students are provided with necessary teaching materials on all disciplines of the department in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Educational and methodical materials, instructions for practical classes, electronic lecture courses, electronic textbooks, test assignments are available in the Intranet system of the university.  In the 2024-2025 academic year, the following faculty members have published teaching aids: Sh.S. Zhaukumova“Workshop on the Formation of Professional Communicative Competence”, G.K. Turabay“Usage of Internet Resources in the Formation of Intercultural Communicative Competence”, S.B. Dyusebayeva“Theory and Practice of Formation of Foreign Language Communicative Competence of Primary School Students”, S.A. Ualieva“Deutsch als Fremdsprache”, S.B. Dyusebayeva & A.S. Doskeldina“Communicative Competence in Online Environment”. Additionally, some faculty members are planning to publish more educational materials

Teachers of the department have developed methodological guidelines for all disciplines: practical classes and lectures, theses, all kinds of internships. In accordance with the state compulsory standard and the academic calendar of students of 2, 3, 4 courses students have a production (pedagogical) practice. Educational practice (pedagogical practice) of the students of the department is carried out according to the contracts with district and city schools. The department has internship programs, internship reports, orders, student orientation and protocols of final conferences. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science 20.04.2011 № 152 “On approving the rules of the organization of training in credit technology” approved consultants of the department. Faculty advisers carry out explanatory work with students on elective subjects, develop individual study plans for students, as well as make recommendations on the curriculum.



The title and types of educational and methodological literature.

The name of the discipline, the specialty code, the educational program code.

Release date



Turabay G.

Usage of Internet resources in the formation of intercultural communicative competence

Шетел тілі (магистратура )

May 2024 y.


Тurabay G.

For the formation of intercultural communicative competence of future foreign language teachers

Шетел тілі (магистратура )

May, 2024 y.


Zhaukumova Sh.

Развитие профессионально-

коммуникативных компетенций

будущих учителей

начальных классов


June, 2024y.


Dyusebayeva S.

Theory and practice of formation of foreign language communicative competence of primary school students

Современные педагогические технологии в начальном образовании  (6B01301-Бастауышта оқыту педагогикасы мен әдістемесі бакалавриат

June, 2024y.


Dyusebayeva S.

Doskeldina A.

Communicative competence in online environment

6В01301 – «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» (bachelor’s degree) and 7M01301 – «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» (master’s degree).

December, 2024y.

Methodological Seminar (2024-2025 Academic Year)

On October 18, 2024, instructors from the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, along with Bolashaq program graduate Kairbek Araygul, who received her education in Ohio, and Omarbekova Gulzhan, conducted a seminar for the faculty of the department on the topic “Effective Assessment: Types, Rubrics, and Grading.” The main objective of the seminar was to explain effective ways of using rubrics and assessment methods to ensure fair evaluation of both instructors’ and students’ knowledge.

Methodological Seminar Title

Responsible persons


Effective Assessment: Types, Rubrics, and Grading

Kairbek A.

Omarbekova G.


Effective Strategies for Organizing Distance Learning in Higher Education

Kairbek A.

Omarbekova G.


The organization of scientific work of the teachers of the department of foreign languages and translation studies is carried out in accordance with the plan of organization and development of scientific activity. Teachers of the department are regularly published in scientific journals SCOPUS, KKSON, RSCI, participate in international conferences, scientific seminars, issue teaching aids, conduct educational and methodological seminars for teachers in the region. During the academic year 2024-2025 there were 17 articles published in the RSCI, 17 in international conferences, 8 in SCOPUS, 4 in KKSON, 6 in bulletin ZHU. Each year, teachers of the department improve their professional and pedagogical activities, studying on the program of JSC National Center of Professional Development “Orleu” (Almaty, Astana) and Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi.

Scientific articles published in academic journals indexed in the Scopus database.


Full name of teachers

Title of the Article

Journal Title

Impact Factor


Dinara Zhabykbayeva

 Gulnar Kozhasheva 

Yekaterina Gavrilova 

Talgat Baidildinov

Aivar Sakhipov

Development of professional competencies of students with distance learning technologies in the School-College-University system

Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University Series Physics 2024(55):1227-1236DOI: 10.54919/physics/55.2024.122nt7

Scientific articles published in journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education.

Full name of teachers

Title of the Article

Journal Title


Ашимова Малика Гениевна   Жабыкбаева Динара Маратовна Кабылова Мадина Серикболовна, Жалелова Жибек Анваровна

Развитие навыков произношения английских ударных гласных с помощью мобильного приложения Blue Canoe

Торайғыров университетінің Хабаршысы, Педагогикалық сериясы № 3. 2024,-С. 6-19


Байгуданова Гульжанат Куйдайбергеновна

Структурные компоненты формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности учащихся начальных классов с помощью интерактивных методов обучения

«Известия КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана», серия «Педагогические науки», Том 74 № 3 (2024)


Тастемирова Алмагуль Ерболаевна

Anne Stevenson’s Poetry and Society

КИнЭУ Научно-производственный журнал . общественные науки,история,философия . – 2024. – №1 март 2024. – 99-118 стр.


Кылышпаева Мадина Хамитовна

Linguistic persona development of a philologist in the digital environment of the university

Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, Том 149 № 4 (149)/2024. С. 239-246



Language Festival “National Unity and Multilingualism: A Look into the Future”

On October 22, 2024, the Faculty of Humanities at Ilyas Zhansugurov Zhetysu University hosted the Language Festival titled “National Unity and Multilingualism: A Look into the Future.” The event was organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies with the active participation of 1st to 4th-year students and was dedicated to Republic Day, celebrated on October 25. The festival served as a platform for promoting the values of national unity, multilingualism, and cultural diversity in Kazakhstan. During the event, students showcased creative performances highlighting the linguistic and cultural diversity of the country and participated in thematic quizzes, presentations, and discussions. Participants and guests had the opportunity to explore the traditions of various ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan and learn more about the importance of multilingualism in modern society and its role in strengthening national unity. Such initiatives contribute to fostering respect for the cultures and languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan and promoting intercultural dialogue among youth.

“Foreign languages without borders”

On November 26, 2024, the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies of the Faculty of Humanities organized the “Foreign Languages Without Borders” Olympiad among 2nd and 3rd-year students in English, Chinese, Turkish, and GermanThe English language Olympiad consisted of two stages: in the first stage, participants completed tasks to develop listening, reading, and writing skills, in the second stage, they presented their project workThe goal of the Olympiad was to identify talented students, develop their creative and intellectual abilities, enhance their research skills, and increase interest in learningOut of 40 students, 10 advanced to the second round. During the project presentations, students demonstrated their language proficiency and research skills, securing prize-winning places and receiving valuable prizes and diplomas for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placesWe are confident that our students will achieve even greater success in the future!

Since the beginning of the academic year, our students and faculty members have been actively participating in various events!

  • In the Chess Tournament for the Rector’s Cup, students Makhammatilla Zarina and Burkitbayev Bakytzhan from groups SHTQ-211 and SHTQ-213 secured 1st place in the team competition.

  • In the Judo Tournament for the Rector’s Cup, 3rd-year student Belkozha Bekzhan won 2nd place.

  • In the Talent Contest, our students took all the prize places in the Dance and Song categories (1st, 2nd, and 3rd places).

  • As part of the “Honest Session” campaign, advisors of each group held educational sessions with their students on the topic “No to Corruption!”.

  • To raise awareness about ludomania (gambling addiction), faculty members S.B. Dyusebayeva and A.S. Doskeldina conducted an open lesson in TED Talks format on the topic “Gambling Addiction”.

  • In the student video competition on anti-corruption, the best video was recognized as the work of 3rd-year student Shayakhmet Shynar, who won 1st place.



In the aims of implementing external academic mobility at Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov, Erdinch Demirai, Doctor (PhD) of the Turkish Language and Literature Department from Omer Halisdemir University Nide, Turkey was invited to conduct classes “Communicative training of a second foreign language (Turkish)” for the 4th year students of “Foreign language: two foreign languages” educational program was implemented in the period of 1 November 2023- 30 November 2023

Full name 

Country, HES

Title of EP

Period of study at a foreign university


Сапар Гауһар Асланқызы



6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Рамазанова Әлия Есенейқызы



6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Русланқызы Ардақ



6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Генералова Адема Талгатовна



6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Тілеухан Құндыз Бексұлтанқызы



6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Молдажан Еркежан



6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ




Ебелекова Толқын Сержанқызы

Түркия, Нийде Омер Халисдемир

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Туламатов Санжар Ойбекович

Оңтүстік Корея

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Қасымбай Аяулым Далелханқызы

Түркия, Анкара

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Жұмабек Асель

Түркия, Хаджеттепе

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Шаяхамет Шынар

Түркия, Хаджеттепе

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Абеу Шұғыла Ниязбекқызы

Түркия, Хаджеттепе

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Серікбай Жанерке

Түркия, Хаджеттепе

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Сайдулаева Диана Хаятуллаевна

Түркия, Хаджеттепе

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Бикулова Альмира

Түркия, Хаджеттепе

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Жамбыл Мадина

Түркия, Нийде Имер Халисдемир

6В01705 – ИЯ:2ИЯ



Cooperation with organizations, with partner universities

One of the priorities of the department is the development of international cooperation with the leading research centers and universities of the world. The program also includes close and productive cooperation with universities of the CIS countries. In addition, the cooperation of Zhansugurov ZhU with the University of Genoa, Italy; Yaroslavl University named after. Ushinsky University, Russian Federation Yaroslavl; Tennessee Technical University, USA; University of Lodz, Poland.

Students of EP 6B01705-“Foreign language: two foreign languages” pass pedagogical practice in 30 schools of the city of Taldykorgan, as well as in the districts. Students of EP 6B02301-“Translation Studies” pass practical training at the city translation bureau “Status”, as well as at AKB Kainar LLP.
In the 2024-2025 academic year, a branch of EP 6B01705 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages” was opened at “Secondary School -Gymnasium № 12”.

Achievements of the educational program

Senior lecturer of the EP "Foreign languages and translation studies" Ualieva Saule Aitkalievna was awarded a certificate of honor for many years of honest work in the education system, creative achievements in moral education and contribution to the development and strengthening of the trade union movement.

The 1st-degree diploma is awarded to the participant of the project "III International Book Edition," "Best Young Scientists - 2021," lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, Turabay Guldana Keliskyzy.

Senior lecturer of the department "Foreign languages and translation studies" Baigudanova Gulzhanat Kudaibergenovna was awarded a certificate of honor for many years of honest work in the education system, creative achievements in moral education and contribution to the development and strengthening of the trade union movement.

The Advanced Training Center "Өрлеу" expressed gratitude to the head o of the Department of "Foreign Languages and Translation Studies,"    D.M. Zhabykbayeva, for her contribution to the professional development of educators and her fruitful creative work.

The winner of the international competition "TMD-ның үздік педагогы -2021" is awarded to the lecturer of the "Foreign Languages and Translation Studies" department, Turabay Guldana Keliskyzy.

«Деңгейлік онлайн платформа арқылы шетел тілінде тыңдалым және айтылым дағдыларын қалыптастыру» project manager Dyusebayeva S.B., project executors Abdualieva R.E., Doskeldina A.S., financing amount: 1,300,000 tenge.


    Zhabykbaeva Dinara Maratovna

    Head of the department of Foreign languages and Translation Studies, PhD

    Тел. +7 (775) 649 61 63


      Mashanova Sania Medetbekovna

      Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

      Тел. +7 (777) 363 39 30


      Tastemirova Almagul Yerbolayevna


      Тел. +7 (702) 856 27 47


      Baigudanove Gulzhanat Kudaibergenovna


      Тел. +7  (777) 967 06 45 

