Responsibility for quality assuranceа

The management of the University’s internal quality assurance system is based on a clear definition of the functions of all officials, employees and their relationship in the performance of their functions, including responsibilities and powers.

The quality of education is ensured by the appropriate organizational structure of the University. Taking into account the set goals and available resources, the most appropriate organizational management structure has been created at the University.

The functions performed by key officials and departments included in the organizational structure of the University are subordinated to one common goal – to ensure the quality of the educational process.

The responsibilities and powers of officials and divisions are defined and fixed by internal regulatory documents, University plans, orders of the Chairman of the Board – Rector, job descriptions and regulations on structural divisions.

The job descriptions of the University staff define the duties, rights and responsibilities of the employee appointed to this position.

The University management carries out quality assurance activities in the following areas:

  • organization and planning of the educational process;
  • the quality of all types of training sessions;
  • providing students with educational and methodological complexes of disciplines in accordance with the state general education standard of education;
  • the use of technical and software tools in the educational process;
  • staffing;
  • professional development of the teaching staff.

Higher schools carry out quality assurance activities in the following areas:

  • development of educational programs in demand on the labor market in the areas of personnel training based on state general education standard, standard rules and professional standards and their implementation;
  • creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of educational programs aimed at professional formation and personal development based on the achievements of science and practice, the introduction of international, national standards and universal values;
  • training of highly qualified personnel who are competitive in the labor market;
  • conducting relevant scientific research;
  • the introduction of the results of the latest scientific research into the educational process, as well as the practical involvement of students in their implementation;
  • timely updating of the material and technical base of the Higher school for the introduction and further development of innovative learning technologies;
  • development of personal capabilities, formation of solid foundations of morality and a healthy lifestyle;
  • education of citizenship and patriotism, love for the Motherland – the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for state symbols, intolerance to any unconstitutional and antisocial manifestations.

Heads of structural divisions:

  • ensure the quality of processes and educational services in accordance with internal and external regulatory documents;
  • are responsible for communicating to each employee the internal quality assurance policy of the University;
  • ensure the functioning of processes in departments.

The personnel of structural divisions is responsible for the quality of performance of their official duties in accordance with the regulations on the structural divisions and job descriptions.

One of the main components of the internal quality assurance system is the involvement of students in the management of the University (student self-government). All students actively participate in the quality assurance procedure: students, undergraduates, doctoral students. Thus, students are involved in the work of Academic Council, Anti-Corruption Council, Ethics Council and Quality Assurance Commission.

The organization of work with students and their involvement in the work on assessing the quality of the educational process is carried out by the Youth Center and Quality Assurance Commissions on the basis of Higher schools.

In order to improve the quality of educational activities, Quality Assurance Commissions are functioning on the basis of Higher schools. By order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector, the Commission consists of teachers and students of the University.

The Commission makes decisions on the content and conditions for the implementation of educational programs, assessment policy and other academic issues of higher education, organizes a questionnaire of students for compliance with the quality of educational programs and disciplines/modules, for the presence of facts of violation of academic integrity. The meetings of the Commission are held according to the approved plans. Representatives of the administrative and managerial staff of the University take part in the meetings of the Commission, depending on the issues under consideration.