Educational program7М01301 Primary education pedagogy and methodology
EP purpose training highly qualified and competitive teaching staff in the field of primary education, capable of implementing professional activities in the context of the globalization and internationalization of education, with practical skills, high spiritual, moral and leadership qualities
EP typecurrent
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
The awarded academic degreemaster’s degree
Period of study1
Volume of the credits60
Language of educationKazakh, Russian, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardPedagog
                               Learning outcomes:
1has the ability to communicate in the state and foreign languages ​​in the professional environment and in society as a whole, is able to develop documentation, present and protect the results of comprehensive pedagogical activities
2analyzes the role of science and education in public life, current trends in the development of primary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, studies, generalizes and disseminates innovative experience in the field of education
3critically analyzes the conceptual foundations of psychological and pedagogical study of students, the specifics of pedagogical diagnostics and education results, forms the skills necessary for organizing and conducting diagnostics of primary school students
4selects diagnostic tools appropriate to the practical and research tasks, applies modern methods and technologies for monitoring the quality of education, designs further educational routes for students based on the results
5owns methods and means of improving and developing the intellectual level of the student, applies methods, techniques, technologies of modern pedagogy and primary education
6knows how to plan and solve problems of his own professional and personal development, develop a program of self-improvement, analyze materials and sources, owns skills of abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis
7owns the skills necessary for the implementation of the updated content of primary education, practically uses the educational materials of the curriculum of the courses, the criteria-based assessment system and the methodology for its implementation in teaching
8uses the methodology of pedagogical research, organizes the work of the research team, owns the algorithm of research activities, carries out planning and organization of scientific research, applies methods of processing scientific data
9creatively uses the achievements of theory and practice, including teaching methods in elementary school, summarizes and implements best practices and the results of research work in the educational process.
10analyzes the modern trends of scientific and educational management, focuses on the psychological and pedagogical content of educational activities, implements the main management functions
11applies knowledge of laws, laws, principles and mechanisms of the pedagogical process in the planning and organization of educational work, the selection of effective forms and methods of education and training of students, performs control and evaluation activities
12carries out the development, adaptation, implementation of educational programs in a multicultural environment, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, is tolerant to social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences