Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the teaching staff:

For 2023 – 2024 academic year: acting head of the Department of Teaching Methods and Education, Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior lecturer Raigul Serikovna Zheldibayeva; Associate d.p.s., Professor Ibyraiymzhanov Kalibek; c.p.s., Associate Professor Boribekova Farzana; c.p.s., Senior Lecturer Khanina Nadezhda; c.p.s., Associate Professor Zholtaeva Gulnar; c.p.s., Associate Professor Kapenova Anar, acting Associate Professor PhD Doctor Mailybaeva Gulmira; acting Associate Professor, PhD Doctor Zhakipbekova Saule; Senior Lecturer, PhD Doctor Feizuldaeva Saltanat; master of degree, Senior Lecturer Tazhinova Gulnar; master of degree, Senior Lecturer Taurbekova Ainur; master of degree, Senior Lecturer Alpysbaeva Nurgul; master of degree, Senior Lecturer Tugelbaeva Zhazira; master of degree, Senior Lecturer Abilgaziyeva Zhanar; master of degree, Lecturer Sarsekulova Dilyara; master of degree, Lecturer Kystaubaeva Botagoz; lab assistant Shatyrbaeva Gulnar.

Staff faculty – the number of teachers working full-time at the Department of methods of teaching and education in the 2020-2021 academic year is 18, non-staff – 2.

Of them:

the number of doctors of Sciences and professors CCES (HAC) (pH.): 1 pers.;

the number of candidates of Sciences and associate professors CCES (HAC) (Cand.):6 pers.;

the number of PhD students: 3 persons.

Material and technical equipment (laboratories).

The training process uses 4 educational laboratories:

– Primary Education Laboratory;

– Laboratory of informatization of elementary education;

– Learning Laboratory«Preschool childhood»;

– Scientific and methodological center for updated educational content.

These laboratories have special equipment, contributing to the formation of necessary research and practical skills of students:

The laboratories analyze positive foreign experience, analyze the experience and experience of teaching foreign and domestic scientists, determine the mechanism of educational policy of foreign countries and Kazakhstan, perform tasks on educational and methodological and research work of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan and other organizations; conducted fundamental and applied research.

The University develops teaching materials on problems in the field of education for special courses (programs of author’s courses, teaching AIDS, textbooks); conducts theoretical and scientific workshops, scientific conferences on topical issues of pedagogy, psychology, methods of primary education and special pedagogy, etc.; educational and methodical examinations, information and reference materials, scientific journals, monographs, scientific works of Kazakhstan and foreign researchers are carried out; scientific, information and methodological materials developed by students, undergraduates and doctoral students are tested in the educational process.

Cooperation with organizations, universities

Over the past three years, international cooperation has been established with St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University (Bulgaria), the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work of the St. Petersburg State Institute (Russia), K. D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University (Russia), and the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology of the Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (Ukraine).

Agreements have been signed with universities on cooperation in the field of education, science, and academic mobility:

– Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University,

– East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov,

– Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University;

– Humanitarian and Economic College “Bilim”.

Cooperation with schools and preschool institutions of the city and the region has been established.

On the basis of the concluded agreements, work is being carried out to attract leading specialists, exchange scientific information in the field of education, organize internships and business trips for teachers and students.

Within the framework of the agreement with the University of Central Asia, cooperation is carried out aimed at supporting, developing and introducing innovative educational material based on the cultural traditions and customs of Central Asia and the whole world.

Teachers of the department annually conduct seminars and information sessions for teachers of the I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University.

The Department of Teaching Methods and Education develops business relations with the St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work. Agreements on educational and research activities were signed. So, on the basis of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work of the St. Petersburg State Pedagogical Institute, the members of the department who passed the internship got acquainted with the work of secondary schools No. 5, No. 277 of the city of St. Petersburg of the Russian Federation, the center for social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities, schools for correctional and developmental education of children with mental retardation in primary classes.

They took part in the round table “The use of health-saving technologies in general education and correctional classes in the implementation of project activities”.

An agreement on international cooperation in the field of education and research activities was signed between the M. Dragomanov Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Pedagogical University (Republic of Ukraine) and the I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences A. Stambekova and senior lecturer G. Yerzhanova met with Professor V. N. Sinev to exchange experience and got acquainted with methodological news at the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Pedagogical University named after M. Dragomanov.

May 23-24, 2013 in Kremenets regional humanitarian pedagogical Institute named after Taras Shevchenko, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor G.N. Zholtaeva took part in the international scientific-practical conference “Innovations in higher education: Problems and prospects of education and science”, where he delivered a report on the topic: “Formation of professional readiness of specialists in higher education in the context of education reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Also, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv O.V. Plahotnik held a seminar for the faculty of the department on the topic “Interactive teaching methods”.

An agreement was signed with an accredited university on cooperation between the ZHU named after I. Zhansugurov and the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky (certificate of state accreditation No. 0513 of 01.04.2013).

According to the agreement, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky G. B. Baryshnikova held a seminar for the faculty of the department on the topic “Innovations in education”.

The program of academic mobility of students of Yaroslavl state pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky trained in Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov: 2011-2012 academic year – Begjanova Tazegul, Tsivileva Kira; 2012-2013 academic year Morozova Evgenya, Nasupkina Ekaterina ; 2013-2014 academic year – Sukonina Natalia Maslova Alexandra, Novikova Olesya, Zubolomova Vladlena; 2014-2015 academic year-Mosyagina Svetlana, Zolottseva Natalia, Efremova Elena, Makagonova Anastasia. 2015-2016 academic year – LeshchukDiana, Fadeeva Anna, Gladkikh Evgeniya.

An agreement was signed with an accredited university on cooperation between the Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov and Sofia University named after St. Kliment Ohridsky (certificate of institutional accreditation protocol No. 22 of 25.10.2012).

By invitation, as part of the academic mobility, leading scientists gave lectures and held seminars for the teaching staff and students. So, in particular: associate Professor of the St. Kliment Ohridsky Sofia University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Siika Georgieva Chavdarova – Kostova – “Modern problems of intercultural education”; Professor of the St. Kliment Ohridsky Sofia University. Kliment Ohridsky” Vasya Krumov Delibaltova – “University in the conditions of the educational services market”.

In order to implement the principles of the Bologna process and the program of external academic mobility of the university, online lectures and seminars, consultations were conducted by associate professor of Ibrahim Chechen University (Turkey), candidate of pedagogical sciences, Nurgaliyeva Saniya Aydarkhanovna for the teaching staff of the department, doctoral students of specialty 8D010200 – “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education” on the discipline “Higher education quality management” and Master’s degree students of the specialty 7M01201 – “Preschool education and upbringing” on the discipline “Psychological and pedagogical training of the head of a preschool institution” in the period from October 5 to November 30, 2020.

A survey of doctoral s and Master’s degree students following the results of participation in online lectures by a foreign professor shows that academic mobility is important both for personal development – the acquisition of learning experience in other academic conditions, and for updating the educational process at the university. This helps to increase the competitiveness of not only our university, but also future specialists as participants in the single labor market.

As a result of the lecture-seminar, certificates were awarded to undergraduates, doctoral students and the teaching staff.

The Department of teaching methods and education organized from 05.10.2020 to 30.10.2020 an online lecture-seminar in the frame of  external academic mobility on the topic: “Higher education quality management” under the guidance of the dean of  Pedagogy and Psychology faculty, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor K. Ybyraimzhanov.

The lecture-seminar was conducted for faculty members and doctoral students of the specialties 8D01301 – “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, 8D01101 – “Pedagogy and Psychology” by candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Ibrahim Chechen University (Turkey) – Sania Aidarkhanovna Nurgalieva.

During the lecture-seminar, teaching staff and doctoral students were engaged in theoretical research on the topic “Higher education quality management”, in addition to the corresponding pedagogical advice on the topics of doctoral dissertations.

There was a high degree of involvement of doctoral students in the educational process in the course of training, the presence of feedback, the intensification of the learning process, socially significant motivation for learning, the possibility of modeling future professional activities.

One of the methods that forms not only professional competencies, but also personal qualities of doctoral students, was of case-study, smart education technology.

history of department

The Department of Teaching Methods and Education was established on September 1, 2005 (Order No. 97П) on the basis of the Department of Private Methods in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.03.2005 No. 195.


The Department of Private Methods was established on March 11, 1997 (Order No. 29П) in connection with the reorganization of the departments of the Music and Pedagogical Faculty in order to optimize the educational process on the basis of the departments of Methods of Preschool Education and Methods of primary education.


On January 7, 1988, on the basis of Order No. I-II "On the division of the Pedagogical Faculty", in connection with the increase in the number of students at the pedagogical faculty due to specialty No. 2121 "Pedagogy and methods of primary education", 2 faculties were organized: preschool education and primary education. Accordingly, the departments of methods of preschool education and methods of primary education were created at these faculties.

Graduates of the department:

Stambekova Asel – specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University;

Tazhinova Gulnar-specialty "Pedagogy and preschool Psychology", Master's degree, senior lecturer of the Department of Teaching Methods and Education;

Chunkenova Symbat –  Master of the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education", doctoral student of ZhU named after I. Zhansugurov;  

Alpysaeva Nurgul – specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, master of degree, senior lecturer of the Department of Teaching Methods and Education;

Tugelbaeva Zhazira – Doctoral student of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, specialty " Pedagogy and methods of primary education»

Alipbaeva Anar – Master of the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education", doctoral student of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;

Tologenova Nazilya - specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, master of degree, Methodist of the methodical center «Zerde»;

Omarova Aizhan - specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, teacher of elementary education, NIS Taldikorgan city.

Rakhimbekova Aigul - specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, Lecturer of the Department of Teaching methods and Education

Nurmukhanova Karakat - specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, Lecturer of the Department of Teaching methods and Education

Li Inna - Master of the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education", doctoral student of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;

Sarsekulova Dilyara - specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, Lecturer of the Department of Teaching methods and Education

educational programs

The educational and methodological support of the subject is constantly updated by teachers. The educational and methodological complex includes: presentations of lessons, didactic materials, tasks for independent work of students, undergraduates, doctoral students. Students, undergraduates, and doctoral students have free access to educational and methodological materials in all academic disciplines.

Improving the quality of the disciplines taught at the department is associated with their methodological support. Modern information technologies, innovative technologies and new forms and methods of teaching (seminars, discussions, case studies, round tables, discussions, business games, etc.) are introduced into the educational process in order to increase the cognitive activity of students, undergraduates, doctoral students.

The use of innovative teaching methods in the educational process

Full name

Interactive learning methods

Hanina N.

Wise Owl Tips, Brownian motion, I know – I want to know-I found out, Decision tree, Aquarium.

Asylova R.

SWOT, six hats of thinking.

Tazhinova G.

Group work, Venn diagram, case-study, SWOT.

Maylybaeva G.

Group work, case-study, planning, SWOT

Kapenova A. 

Associogram method, story line method, group puzzle method, метод ролевой игры, case-study.

Taurbekova A. 

ДЖИГСО, INSERT,  problem lectures, associogram method, group technologies, diagram.

List of educational, teaching aids and monographs of the teaching staff of the department.

ФИО автора

Название научных трудов


Mailybaeva G. S., Ybyraimzhanov K. T., Abilgazieva Zh. K.

Pedagogical bases of primary school children’s moral values formation by means of the kazakh folkloreРекомендовано ученым советом Жетысуского  университета им. И. Жансугурова. (протокол №4  29.11.2018ж) Монография 108 стр. Алматы. 2019.  «ИП Беккожанова». ISBN 978-601-2016-505-0

2Ybyraimzhanov K. T.Бастауыш білім беру педагогикасы. /Учебное пособие/ Учебное пособие для студентов специальности Педагогика и методика начального обучения/.  Алматы: типография «Эвор», 2016г. -332 -стр.
3Ybyraimzhanov K. T., Koyanbaeva G. R.Педагогикалық сөздік. /Учебное пособие/ Алматы: типография «Эвор», 2016ж. -200 стр.
4Ybyraimzhanov K. T.

Қазақстандағы бастауыш білім берудің тарихы /Хрестоматия/. Вспомогательное пособие к истории педагогики/ Алматы: типография «Эвор», 2016г. – 328 стр.

5Ybyraimzhanov K. T.Ойын технологиясын бастауыш сыныптардың педагогикалық үдерісіне пайдалану. /Учебно-методическое пособие/ /Для учителей начальных классов и студентов специальностей/. Алматы: типография «Эвор», 2016г. -164 стр.
6Mailybaeva G. S., Ybyraimzhanov K. T.

«Мәңгілік ел» идеясы негізінде жоғары сынып оқушыларының азаматтық-патриоттық құндылықтарын дамыту». /Методическое пособие/. г. Талдыкорган. Издательский отдел «ОФСЕТ». /Методическое пособие/. -78 стр.

7Mailybaeva G. S.

Педагогические основы формирования нравственных ценностей у младших школьников средствами казахского фольклора. Монография. 132 стр. Талдыкорган. 2017

8Asylova R. O.Аңшылық пен саятшылыққа қатысты атаулардың линвомәдени мазмұны. Монография 102 стр. Талдыкорган. 2018
9Zhakipbekova S. S.Подготовка учителя начальных классов к совместному обучению детей с нормальным и нарушенным развитием. Учебно-методическое пособие. 146 стр. ISBN 978-601-216-449-7. Талдыкорган 2018г.

Asylova R. O., Mailybaeva G. S., Yerzhanova G. Zh., Galieva A. N.

Кәсіби қазақ тілі. Для учителей начальных классов и студентов специальностей/. Учебно-методическое пособие. Рекомендовано учебно-методическим советом Жетысуского  университета им. И. Жансугурова. Май, 2019.

Mailybaeva G. S., Onalbekova B. N., Zhakipbekova S. S.

Инклюзивті білім беретін бастауыш сынып және арнайы мамандарға арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулық. Методическое указание. ISBN 978601-216-358-2, 2019г.
12 Zhakipbekova S. S.Подготовка учителя начальных классов к совместному обучению детей с нормальным и нарушенным развитием. Учебно-методическое пособие. ISBN 978-601-216-449-7. Талдыкорган 2018г. 146 стр.
13  Alipbayeva A.A., Khanina N.N.Professional English for preschool teachers: teaching manual/ Taldykorgan, 2019  –  127 p. ISBN 978-601-216-597-5

Khanina N. N., Benesh N. I., Popova E. N., Rakhimzhanova B. B.

Учебная программа  по дисциплине «Методика преподавания предметов «Обучение грамоте» и «Русский язык»  0105000 – Начальное образование (в рамках модернизации содержания технического и профессионального образования)Уровень профессиональной квалификации:010510 4–Прикладной бакалавр начального образования. Нур-Султан, 2019

Khanina N. N., Benesh N. I., Popova E. N., Rakhimzhanova B. B.

Методические рекомендации по дисциплине «Методика преподавания предметов «Обучение грамоте» и «Русский язык»  0105000 – НАЧАЛЬНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ (в рамках модернизации содержания технического и профессионального образования) Уровень профессиональной квалификации: 010510 4 – Прикладной бакалавр начального образования. Нур-Султан, 2019


Mailybaeva G. S.

Бастауыш мектепте қазақ тілін оқытудың теориясы мен әдістемесі. Теория и методика преподавания казахского языка в начальной школе/ Учебное пособие. Талдыкорган. ЖУ им. И. Жансугурова, 2016. – 252 стр.


Zholtaeva G. N., Tugelbaeva Zh.N.

Болашақ бастауыш сынып мұғалімдерінің диагностикалық іс-әрекетін қалыптастыру. Талдыкорган, ЖУ им. И. Жансугурова, 2017. – 115 стр.

Boribekova F. B., Shatyrbaeva G. Zh.

Бастауыш сыныпта экологиялық білім мен тәрбие  беру негіздері. Талдыкорган, ЖУ им.И. Жансугурова, 2017. –144 стр. ISBN 978-601-216-402-2
19Khanina N. N.Теория и методика преподавания естествознания в начальных классах. Костанай: КГПИ. – 2017. – 116. ISBN 978-601-7839-91-8

F. Boribekova, K.Zh. Almenbetova, N. S. Alpysbayeva, G. A. Tazhinova, G. Zh. Shatyrbayeva

Бастауыш мектеп оқушыларының шығармашылық дарындылығын  дамыту. Учебное пособие. 174 стр. Талдыкорган 2018. ISBN 978-601-216-464-0 
21N. Zh. Zhanatbekova, F. Boribekova, G. Zh. ShatyrbayevaБастауыш сыныпта экологиялық білім мен тәрбие беру негіздері. Учебное пособие. 185 стр. Талдыкорган 2018. ISBN 978-601-216-402-2 
22Zholtaeva G. N., Mailybaeva G. S.Мұғалімнің диагностикалық іс-әрекеті. Учебное пособие. Рекомендовано решением ученого совета Жетысуского  университета имени И. Жансугурова от 28.03.2019 г. (протокол № 8).
23Boribekova F. B., Alpysbaeva N. S., Tazhinova G. A.Бастауыш мектеп оқушыларының шығармашылық дарындылығын дамыту. Талдыкорган. Жетысуский государственный университет им. И. Жансугурова, 2018-2019г. Учебное пособие, 194 стр.        
24Boribekova F. B., Alpysbaeva N. S., Tazhinova G. A.Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының нарықтық білімін қалыптастыру. Талдыкорган. Жетысуский  университет им. И. Жансугурова, 2019ж. Учебное пособие.
25Kapenova A. A., Sydykova B. T.Қарым-қатынас және сөйлеу мәдениеті. Республиканский научно-практический центр “Дарын”. Астана 2019 г.
Electronic textbooks
26Mailybaeva G. S.Бастауыш мектепте қазақ тілін оқытудың теориясы мен әдістемесі. ЭЕМ-ге арналған бағдарлама. Жетысуский  университет им. И. Жансугурова. 04.03.2019 
27Mailybaeva G. S., Asylova R. O., Galieva A. N., Chunkenova S. S.Қарым қатынас және сөйлеу мәдениеті. ЭЕМ-ге арналған бағдарлама. Жетысуский  университет им. И. Жансугурова. 04.03.2019 №2103 
28Asylova R. O., Mailybaeva G. S., Yerzhanova G. Zh., Galieva A. N.Кәсіби қазақ тілі. Электронды оқу құралы. 25.06.2019 
29Boribekova F. B., Alpysbaeva N. S., Tazhinova G. A.Бастауыш мектеп оқушыларының шығармашылық дарындылығын дамыту. Талдықорған. Жетысуский университет им. И. Жансугурова, 2018- 2019г. Электронное учебное пособие

Zholtaeva G. N., Tugelbaeva Zh.N.

Болашақ бастауыш сынып мұғалімінің диагностикалық іс-әрекетін қалыптастыру. ЭЕМ-ге арналған бағдарлама. Жетысуский  университет им. И. Жансугурова. 11.06.2019 г.
31Zhakipbekova S. S.«Подготовка учителя начальных классов к совместному обучению детей с нормальным и нарушенным развитием». Учебно-методическое пособие в электронном формате. Свидетельство №1533. 31.01.2019г. Талдыкорган
Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process:
1Ybyraimzhanov K. T.«Білім беруді интернационализациялау» тақырыбындағы магистранттарға арналған электронды оқулығын ендіру актісі. 01.09.2015
2Ybyraimzhanov K. T.Акт разработки и внедрения инновационных технологии обучения или его элементов в учебный процесс «Внедрение технологии индивидуализированного обучения  в учебный процесс». От 12.10.2015
3Ybyraimzhanov K. T.Оқу процесіне педагогика және психология факультеті оқыту және тәрбиелеу әдістемесі кафедрасы 6М010200 – «Бастауыш оқыту педагогикасы мен әдістемесі» мамандығына арналған «Педагогикалық пәндерді оқыту әдістемесі» тақырыбындағы магистранттарға арналған электронды оқулығын ендіру акті. 01.09.2015
4Ybyraimzhanov K. T.6М010200 – «Бастауыш оқыту педагогикасы мен әдістемесі» мамандығына арналған «Ғылым мен бастауыш білім берудің қазіргі мәселелері» тақырыбындағы магистранттарға арналған электронды оқулығын ендіру акті. 01.09.2015
5Ybyraimzhanov K. T.Акт разработки и внедрения инновационных технологии обучения или его элементов в учебный процесс «Внедрение технологии индивидуализированного обучения  в учебный процесс». От 14.10.2015
6Asylova R. O.5В010200 – «Бастауышта оқыту педагогикасы мен әдістемесі» мамандығы бойынша бакалавриаттың 3 курсына арнап Кәсіби қазақ тілі пәнінен 2,12 МБ “Кәсіби қазақ тілі” электрондық оқулығын ендіру акті. 2019-2020 оқу жылында.
7Asylova R. O., Mailybaeva G. S., Galieva A. N., Yerzhanova G. Zh.5В010500 – “Дефектология” мамандығы бойынша бакалавриаттың 3 курсына арнап Кәсіби қазақ тілі пәнінен  “Кәсіби қазақ тілі” атты оқу-әдістемелік құралын ендіру акті. 2019-2020 оқу жылында.
8Asylova R. O., Mailybaeva G. S., Galieva A. N., Yerzhanova G. Zh.5В010500 – “Дефектология” мамандығы бойынша бакалавриаттың 3 курсына арнап Кәсіби қазақ тілі пәнінен  3,9 МБ “Кәсіби қазақ тілі” электрондық оқулығын ендіру акті. 2019-2020 оқу жылында.
9Asylova R. O.5В010200 – «Бастауышта оқыту педагогикасы мен әдістемесі» мамандығы бойынша бакалавриаттың 3 курсына арнап Кәсіби қазақ тілі пәнінен 99 бет “Кәсіби қазақ тілі” оқу-әдістемелік құралын ендіру акті. 2019-2020 оқу жылында. 
10Mailybaeva G. S., Asylova R. O., Galieva A. N., Chunkenova S. S.6В010200 – «Бастауышта оқыту педагогикасы мен әдістемесі», 6В010500 – “Дефектология” мамандықтары бойынша бакалавриат 3 курсына “Қарым-қатынас және сөйлеу мәдениеті” пәнінен 162 бет “Қарым-қатынас және сөйлеу мәдениеті” атты оқу құралын ендіру акті. 2019-2020 оқу жылында. 


Scientific-research activities

Research focus for 2018-2020

Purpose: development of civil and patriotic education of young people of Kazakhstan based on the idea of ” Mangilik El”

  • Formation of an inclusive educational environment in the university;
  • Formation of teachers ‘ readiness to work in the conditions of inclusive education;
  • Teaching staff of the department participate in international, national, intra-university scientific and practical conferences. The work of the teaching staff of the department in national and international publications is included in the database of scientific journals CQAES, Scopus, Thomson Reuters.


Research circles, research projects, and problem groups:

The purpose of the research work of students is to increase the theoretical and practical levels of training of specialists-bachelors. The objectives of the research work of students are to increase the cognitive activity of students at the Department of teaching methods and Education, to activate the skills of independent work; to study the methodology and methods of research; to involve students in scientific research; to preserve the unity of the scientific and educational process. The involvement of students in research work is carried out through scientific circles and problem groups.

Students annually take part in student scientific conferences of international and national levels. The Department of “Methods of Teaching and Upbringing” has scientific circles and problem groups. Scientific circles: “Speech development of children” head Ph. D. Associate Professor Hanina N. N., Problem group “Izdenis” head Head Ph. D., Associate Professor (associate Professor) Kapenova A.A., “Linguistic circle ” Ethics of the Word» Head of Ph. D., Associate Professor (Associate Professor) Bakradenova A.B., Master’s degree, senior lecturer Taurbekova A.S. Group of student volunteers “Kamkor” head Doctor of Philosophy PhD., acting Associate Professor Mailybaeva G.S.

Grant-funded projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The following projects are being implemented at the Department of Teaching and Upbringing Methods within the framework of grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022:

Research topic


AP08856314 «Formation of teachers` preparation to the distance training of learners».Project Manager: Mailybaeva G.S.
AP08856810 «Formation of professional competences of future primary school teachers adapted to the updated content of education».Project Manager: Ybyraimzhanov K.T. 
AP08857092 «Organization of pre-university training of persons with disabilities in the system of inclusive higher education».Project Manager: Zhakipbekova S.S.

List of faculty members with the Hirsch index in the Scopus database

Full name of the teacher

DepartmentThe Hirsch index or the index in the Scopus databaseSelf-citation
1Mailybaeva G.S.Department of Teaching Methods and Education32
2Ybyraimzhanov K.T.Department of Teaching Methods and Education22
3Zhakipbekova S.S.Department of Teaching Methods and Education11
4Asylova R.ODepartment of Teaching Methods and Education11
5Abilgazieva Zh.K.Department of Teaching Methods and Education11

Subject Olympiads

VIII Republican Subject Olympiad

On April 6-7, 2017, Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov hosted the VIIII Republican Subject Olympiad among students of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 5B010100 – “Preschool education and upbringing”.

Students of the 2nd-3rd year of the specialty “Preschool education and upbringing” Kirtay Zlikha, Kapyshova Aida, Tynybekova Marzhan, Niyazbekova Kyrmyzy under the guidance of a senior teacher of the Department of Age Pedagogy and Psychology, Master Akhmedieva K. N. took the prize II place. The students ‘performance was distinguished by its practical orientation, creative approach and was awarded the nomination “Creativity”. The head and students were awarded certificates and certificates of honor.

In 2017, the student Baymukhanova Moldir (head of PhD, acting associate Professor (docent) Mailybaeva G. S.) was awarded a letter of thanks from the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


In April 2018, the X Republican Olympiad of students in the specialty 5B010200 “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”was held at the Abai KazNPU in Almaty. 3rd year student Arstanova Akerke, who took 3rd place in the individual competition, took part in the Olympiad.

A student of the MDA-211 group, Margarita Bondar, took the 2nd place in the republican competition of student research papers.

X subject Olympiad 5B010100 “Preschool education and upbringing”, groups MDK – 311 Bondar Margarita, Kalkaman Gulnaz and MDK-211 group students Kaliakhmet Kamshat, Beisembayeva Ayaulym, (head of the group A. S. Taurbekova) participated in the X Republican student subject Olympiad, in the specialty “Preschool education and upbringing”, in the East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov in Ust-Kamenogorsk took the III place and the title of the best team for the creative project “Journey to the Digital world”.

Management of research and creative work of students

On September 12, 2019, the grand opening of the international project “Russian Language in the Republic of Kazakhstan”was held. As part of the project, an essay contest was held.

On 10.10.19, in the conference hall of the main building, the results were summed up, the best works were read out, and the winners were awarded. As a result, Moryakhina Kristina took the third place. The winners of the contest were awarded with gifts (e-books), diplomas were awarded.

Winner of the essay contest and project manager Winners and nominees of the essay contest

From November 13 to 30, 2019, a Literary photo-cross was held.

Goal: to create conditions for the creative realization of young people, to evaluate the speed, creativity, originality of images, the speed of their implementation, compliance with the task.

Within 10 days, the competition committee worked, which determined the 30 best works out of 93 submitted for the competition, these works were presented at the exhibition of photographs in the lobby of the University. Preference was given to works that fully revealed the content of a particular passage of the poem. An important criterion was also the quality of the photo. At this time, the best cadres of students adorn the office of the Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan University.

Summing up the results of the competition “Literary Photocross” was held in the festively decorated large assembly hall of the main building, all those present: guests, participants on the big screen could get acquainted with the photo compositions.

Participants were awarded certificates in the following categories: “For a bright and emotional frame”, “For the image of harmony in the frame”, “For the image of the natural element” and memorable prizes-books by Russian poets and writers.

The winners were awarded valuable prizes. The third place was taken by Tatyana Lavrinenko, a 3rd-year student, specialty “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”.

November 19-21, 2019 “Jetisý – Startup” competition of innovative ideas among young scientists and aspiring entrepreneurs.

According to the results of this competition, the project on the theme : “Life without plastic bags” was awarded the nomination “Best Startup Project”. Performer: Vasilenko K. A. 4th year student of the specialty ” Pedagogy and methodology of primary education.

The diploma of the first degree was awarded to Asylova Raushan Omarovna, who showed special skills in the republican competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Teacher of the XXI century”.

The winner of the republican contest “100 best students-leaders of Kazakhstan”, organized by the National Innovative Research Center “Bilim-orkenieti”, was awarded a diploma of the II degree to a student of the specialty 5B010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” Arstanova A. T. Head: Candidate of Philological Sciences Asylova R.O.

At the X Republican Subject Olympiad of students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a student of the specialty 5B010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” Arstanova A. T. was awarded a diploma of the III degree. Head: Candidate of Philological Sciences Asylova R. O.

At the republican competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions, a student of the specialty pedagogy and methods of primary education of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov Esmuratova G. A. was awarded a Diploma of the first degree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 5B010200 – Pedagogy and methods of primary education. Head: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ybyraimzhanov K. T. Nur-Sultan, 2019.

Within the framework of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka bagdar: rukhani zhangyru” in order to strengthen the spiritual, moral and patriotic feelings of young people, students of the university held a seminar “Tugan zherim-tugyrym, Tugan elim-kydyrim!” according to the results of the essay contest, a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Zhapsarbayeva Nazym received a diploma of the II degree.Head: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ybyraimzhanov K. T. Taldykorgan, 2018.

At the republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students “XXI century: science and innovation” Nurgozha B. B. took the III place. Head: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ybyraimzhanov K. T. Taldykorgan, 2019.

A student of the specialty “Preschool education and upbringing” M. V. Bondar was awarded a diploma of the 3rd degree for winning the remote International Olympiad in the World Economy. Head: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ybyraimzhanov K. T. Karaganda, 2018.

The winner of the republican contest “100 best students-leaders of Kazakhstan”, organized by the National Innovative Research Center “Bilim-orkenieti”, was awarded a diploma of the II degree to a student of the specialty 5B010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” A. A. Kuspanova.Head: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ybyraimzhanov K. T. Nur-Sultan, 2019. 

Letter of thanks from the National Innovative Research center “Bilim-orkenieti”, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ybyraimzhanov K. T.Nur-Sultan, 2019. 


Since 2011, the academic mobility of students and faculty of the department has been implemented.

The program of academic mobility of students and undergraduates provides an opportunity to continue their education or get an education abroad-by participating in short-term programs.

In 2011-2012, under the program of external academic mobility, students of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky studied at the ZHU named after I. Zhansugurov: Begdzhanova Tezegul Yalkashbaevna, Tsivileva Kira Olegovna;

2012-2013 academic year-Evgeniya Morozova, Ekaterina Nasupkina;

2013-2014 academic year – Natalia Sukonina, Alexandra Maslova, Novikova Olesya, Vladlena Zubolomova;

2014-2015 academic year-Svetlana Mosyagina, Natalia Zolottseva, Elena Efremova, Anastasia Makagonova;

2015-2016 academic year-Diana Leshchuk, Anna Fadeeva, Evgeniya Gladkikh.

2013-2014 academic yearin the framework of external academic mobility, a 3rd-year student in the specialty 5B010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” Anastasia Makagonova studied at the Yaroslavl State University (Russia) named after K. D. Ushinsky

In 2015-2016 academic year, as part of external academic mobility, a 4th – year student in the specialty 5B010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” Li Inna studied at the University (Palack) Czech Republic in Olomouc

Within the framework of internal academic mobility, a 4th – year student in the specialty 5B010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” Irina Isheleva studied at the Karaganda State University named after Buketov.

2013The student of the Taraz State Pedagogical Institute N. Kemelbek studied at the Ilyas Zhansugurov ZHSU.

2013-2014 academic year in the framework of external academic mobility, a master’s student in the specialty 6M010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” Alipbaeva A. studied at the University of Warsaw (Poland).

According to the Erasmus KA1 program, the 1st – year doctoral student of the specialty 6D010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” Zhakipbekova Saule Sotiyaldinovna studied at the University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridsky (Bulgaria).

Students enrolled in the academic mobility program take an active part in the scientific and practical conferences “Youth and Science in the modern world”.

2014, March 13-14. N. Sukonina, V. Zubolomova report on the topic “Spiritual and moral education of younger schoolchildren” (head of Khanina N. N.).

A. Maslova, O. Novikova “Assessment of knowledge of primary school students” (head of Khanina N. N.),

2015 April 10-11 2nd year students of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky (Yaroslavl) Mosyagina, N. Zolottseva, E. Efremova “Organization of extracurricular activities of primary school students” (head of Khanina N. N.). Abstracts of reports are published in the conference materials.

Russian and foreign professors and associate professors (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences O. V. Plokhotnik, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Z. A. Movkebayeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences G. A. Abayeva, Candidate of Psychological Sciences A. N. Autaeva) were invited to give lectures to the students.

In 2014, within the framework of academic mobility, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University V. Chistov taught courses in English on the subject “Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of a first-grader”. 2015-2016, 2016-2017 academic years within the framework of virtual academic mobility, associate professors of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University Kokkozeva Kulcharya Shamilyevna, Severinova Elena Aleksandrovna, Stelmakh Svetlana Aleksandrovna gave lectures and conducted practical classes to students and undergraduates of the specialty defectology. 2014 Associate Professor of the department Zholtaeva G. N. She completed a research internship in Dusseldorf (Germany) on the topic “Integrated correctional and developmental education of children with mental retardation in primary classes of general education institutions”.

Within the framework of the external academic mobility program, the head of the “Center for Special Education” of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Department of Teaching Methods and Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Sergey Satsevich (Moscow, Russian Federation)

From 30.09.2018 to 04.10.2018, the Third International Conference in the Field of Education, Education and Training, organized by the European Association of Researchers, was held in Dubai. Teachers of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Teaching Methods and Education, Associate Professor (Associate Professor), PhD Maylybaeva G. S., Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Candidate of Philological Sciences Asylova R. O., Head of the Department of Music Education, Associate Professor (Associate Professor) Usenova S. K, teacher, master S. Tynyshanova T., 2nd year doctoral student of the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology” Zhabykbaeva D. M.

At the conference, they made a report on the topic “Cultural and social aspect of interethnic tolerance of young people in the framework of the bilateral culture of Kazakhstan and Belarus”. At the end of the conference, the participants were awarded certificates.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, undergraduates of the specialty “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education “Li Inna and” Defectology ” Dulat Aidanay studied as part of external academic mobility at the Palac University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

In the 1st semester of the 2018-2019 academic year, students of the specialty 5B010200-Pedagogy and methodology of primary education Mukhametshina Margarita and Verettennikova Alyona are trained at the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after Ushinsky (Russia), a student of the specialty 5B010100 – “Preschool education and upbringing” with a multilingual form of education-MDA-311 Bondar Margarita Vladimirovna, Palack University (Czech Republic).

As part of the implementation of the academic mobility program, in the period of November 06-16, 2018 and 08.04-16.04, 2019, she was present in the city of Kokand (Uzbekistan) at the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute. Mukimiy for giving lectures to students on the following subjects: “Methods of speech development of preschool children” for the specialty “Preschool education and upbringing” and ” Pedagogical Psychology “for the specialty”Pedagogy and Psychology”.

Meetings were organized with the teachers of the institute, student activists, a master class and training were held.

On March 27, 2019, a training seminar was held by Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Voldemar Kolga (Estonia, University of Tallinn) at the Department of Teaching and Upbringing Methods together with the Department of Advanced Training and Additional Education of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov) on the topic: “Culture and the formation of human individuality”. The seminar was attended by representatives of the practice base of the Department of Teaching and Upbringing Methods: psychologists of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation No. 1. Taldykorgan, heads of kindergartens, teachers-educators of kindergartens No. 42, No. 45, as well as the teaching staff of undergraduates, doctoral students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology.

In order to implement the principles of the Bologna process and the program of external academic mobility of the university, online lectures and seminars, consultations were conducted by associate professor of Ibrahim Chechen University (Turkey), candidate of pedagogical sciences, Nurgaliyeva Saniya Aydarkhanovna for the teaching staff of the department, doctoral students of specialty 8D010200 – “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education” on the discipline “Higher education quality management” and Master’s degree students of the specialty 7M01201 – “Preschool education and upbringing” on the discipline “Psychological and pedagogical training of the head of a preschool institution” in the period from October 5 to November 30, 2020.

A survey of doctoral s and Master’s degree students following the results of participation in online lectures by a foreign professor shows that academic mobility is important both for personal development – the acquisition of learning experience in other academic conditions, and for updating the educational process at the university. This helps to increase the competitiveness of not only our university, but also future specialists as participants in the single labor market.

As a result of the lecture-seminar, certificates were awarded to undergraduates, doctoral students and the teaching staff.

Social and educational activities

During the implementation of the program for educational work, there is: promotion of the formation of the student’s personality; formation of fundamental values, ideas, and beliefs among students that reflect the essence of civic activity: interest in the chosen profession; patriotism; a sense of pride in their country, respect for its national symbols and traditions; improvement of the political, legal and moral culture of students, respect for the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prevention of illegal behavior; formation of students ‘ conscientious attitude to study, hard work. Also, to promote the process of professionalization of students; to develop the traditions of the university, faculty, and student group; to form a cohesive and friendly atmosphere in the student group, to promote the work of student self-government bodies, public youth associations whose activities do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; to develop and deepen the skills of a healthy lifestyle, everyday, aesthetic and environmental culture of students, and the culture of family relations; promoting the organization of cultural leisure of students, involving them in various forms of extracurricular activities.

The curators of the groups introduce the 1st year students to the structure of the university, the history and traditions of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov. They also plan to work with the academic group (for the academic year, semester) in accordance with the main regulatory documents (the University Charter, the Concept of Educational Work, the Plan of Educational Work of Zhetysu University, etc.); regularly interact with the group’s assets; conduct curatorial hours, general meetings of the group on issues of education and upbringing, maintain contact with the dean’s office, the hostel; they introduce students to the basic laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan (“On Education”, “On languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the Concept of the state youth policy), Messages The President to the people of Kazakhstan, the Standard of the ZHU SMK ZHU ST 10/УВП. 32-2015 “Management of the educational process” and other normative documents.

The involvement of students in planned educational activities is 95 %.

In general, the organization of educational work contributes to the implementation of program documents in the field of youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As part of the article of the Head of State “Bolashakka bagdar: Rukhani zhangyru” on November 15, 2017, 2nd-year students and curators of the groups A. S. Batyrgaliev and N. S. Alpysbayev of the specialties “Defectology” and “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” took part in the Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic Mangilik el bastauy – Rukhani zhangyru”, as well as the festival of friendship of peoples “Kazakhstan – dostyktyn kieli besigi”. The purpose of the festival is to foster intercultural friendship and cooperation between the peoples of Kazakhstan and Russia. The event was attended by the Director of the Department of Youth Policy and Social Issues, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge of Kandy Law B. A. Seriev, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics, PhD B. R. Taubayev, Head of the Department of Cultural Events S. T. Shynybayev. Songs and dances of the peoples living in Kazakhstan were performed at the festival.

During the pedagogical practice, students of the 4th year of the specialty “Preschool education and upbringing” organized a seminar with the head of the kindergarten No. 45 “Arman” S. Seilgazinov within the framework of the program “Spiritual Revival”. And students of the 1st year of this specialty curator of the group A. S. Taurbekova held an educational hour on the topic ” 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language. New liberal arts education “

On March 01, 2018, the senior teacher of the department G. Zh. Yerzhanova held an educational event on the topic: “Corruption is the epidemic of the century”. The purpose of the event is to form the knowledge of future specialists about corruption, education of honest work, responsibility. The event was attended by the chairman of the Anti-Corruption Council T. G. K. A. K. Katenov, students of specialties 5B010500 – “Defectology”, 5B010100 – “Preschool education and upbringing”, 5B010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”.

Work of student scientific societies, scientific circles, problem groups of the university

Group of volunteers “Kamkor” of the Department of teaching methods and Education

Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology the group of student volunteers “Kamkor” is a voluntary student public organization created at the level of the faculty, university and educational institutions and the social environment to help people in need and those in need in the manifestation of creative, cognitive, educational, conscious realities, the development of leadership qualities and scientific, organizational abilities.

Events held by the group of volunteers ” Kamkor»

A charity event “Road to School”was held for students from low-income families of the secondary school-gymnasium No. 27 in Taldykorgan. During the campaign, school supplies and stationery were handed over and an extracurricular educational event was held with students of the 7th grade on the theme “Charity-a civic duty”.

Student problem group “Kamkor” – distributed hot tea and some snacks to steppe merchants and homeless street people in order to warm up in the sun. As part of the mini-event, the volunteers received a blessing and gratitude from those who provided assistance.

  “The name of the teacher is great and eternal.”

Purpose: to congratulate teachers on the holiday, to welcome teachers-veterans, to respect the teacher, to educate morality, to congratulate teachers on the holiday. Within the framework of this event, the head of the group Maylybaeva G. S. held a mini-master class for girls of the group on gardening, flower care. The flowers that they planted were presented to the faculty teachers.

Open educational hour “Abay dara Abay dana kazakta” for the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev.
Purpose: to promote the dissemination of poems and songs of the wise poet, thinker, composer Abai Kunanbayuly, to increase interest in the heritage of Abai, to stimulate his study and knowledge.

On 01.06.2020, in honor of the “International Children’s Day”, Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, under the leadership of the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ibraimzhanov K. T., together with the head of the problem group of volunteers “Kamkor”, Doctor of Philosophy PhD, acting associate Professor Maylybayeva G. S., head of the Department for Educational and Social Work of the University, Ospanova A. S., a charity event was held to help low-income families of students of secondary school-gymnasium No. 27 of the city Taldykorgan. During the charity event, students were given clothes and sweets. The action was attended by members of the volunteer group “Kamkor” 2nd year students of the specialty Pedagogy and methods of primary education ” B. Kozhakhmet, N. Zhapsarbayeva, the leading cultural organizer of the department for educational and social work-A. O. Suleimenova, cultural organizer-A. K. Yusupova.
The results are shown on the facebook page of the school-gymnasium No. 27 and on the website of the Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov.


The educational work of the department is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work of the university, faculty in the following areas.

  • Module of moral and patriotic education
  • Module of spiritual and moral, intellectual and creative, aesthetic education
  • Innovative and Corporate Education module
  • Module for the formation of a healthy lifestyle

It includes such types of work as organizational: on the development of patriotism, cultural, sports, moral and aesthetic, environmental, on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, work to combat AIDS, drug addiction and tobacco smoking, on the development of the state language, religious and national education, on the fight against various offenses, corruption, as well as on the education of educational and labor culture. At the same time, close contact is maintained with the parents of the students.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, together with the teachers, the events “Kazakhstan-my Homeland”, “The Basis of moral and Patriotic Education”, “Innovative Technology of education”, etc. were planned. The seminar “Moral and educational basis!” was held in the hostel No. 2.

On 12.09.2019, senior teacher of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Zh. M. Molbasynova and students of group 411 held an evening of psychological games on the theme “Konilgen Nur” in the House of Students No. 1. T. Zhumangazieva and Sh. Nurlybayeva held psychological games with students of the hostel on the topics: “Washing machine”, E. Abishev, S. Marlan “Rain”, D. Musabekova, M. Mukan, M. Rakhmetullayeva”I believe in you”. At the end of the evening, M. Serikbek performed beautiful songs with a guitar and gave the students of the hostel a good mood.

Educational work is carried out by the teaching staff according to the general university, faculty and cathedral plans. In general, educational work is carried out for teachers of groups in the following areas: civil and patriotic, spiritual and moral, intellectual and creative, aesthetic education and development, professional and corporate, healthy lifestyle formation, crime prevention, etc. All work is carried out in close connection with the Committee on Youth Affairs. The main components of the educational work of the department are aimed and carried out not only to give students a university education, but also to develop a creative, constantly improving, competitive and intelligent personality.

The student life of the university is full of interesting events and events. Teachers together with students conduct round tables, meetings, debates in all areas of educational work, competitions, concerts, participate in sports competitions. Students take part in the development of plans for educational activities. For the 2019-2020 academic year, teachers were scheduled educational hours “Formation of the state sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Kazakhstan is my Homeland”, etc. Students take an active part in all events held at the level of the university, faculty, department, as well as in student scientific and practical conferences. The educational process is provided with methodological developments and a long-term plan of the ZHU. The results of the work are considered at the meetings of the department, the Faculty Council, and the Academic Council of the ZHU. Students are informed about the events held through the stands, the ZHU website, the university newspaper “Zhetisu Universiteti”.

Our students are the winners of many national competitions. Curators and advisors organize such events as ” Biz zhanbasak alaulap…”, “Dedication to students”, “Teacher’s Day”, “Tauelsizdigimizge 25 zhyl”, etc. The purpose of the event was to strengthen the patriotic spirit, love for the Motherland and serves as a reminder of the history of the Kazakh people. During the event, videos and slide shows, fragments from the history of the country were shown, as well as patriotic songs were sung and poems were read. In the hostel, events were held on the topics ” Imandylyk-tarbie negizi!”, ” Kyz kylygymen korikti!»

Teachers of the department and our students actively participate in the life of our university.

achievements of the department

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Ybyraimzhanov Kalibek Turdygazievich corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "The best teacher" (2009), was awarded the medal of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "S.Altynsarina". Author of more than 100 articles and scientific and methodological works, including 1-monograph, 3 textbooks, 3-textbook.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior lecturer Asylova Raushan Omarovna in 2016 was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Y.Sagadieva, and was also awarded the title of "Teacher of the XXI century".

Mailybaeva Gulmira Sabyrovna – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Head of the Department of Teaching and Education Methods.
2017 - winner of the grant Best University Teacher

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Khanina was awarded the badge " S. Altynsarin " for significant achievements in the education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Ybyraimzhanov Kalibek Turdygazievich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

He was awarded the badge "for merits in the development of Science" of the Ministry of Science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate No. 0026.24 August 2023.

Acting Associate Professor(docent), Doctor of Philosophy PhD of the Department of Teaching Methods and Education of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov Mailybayeva Gulmira Sabyrovna corresponding member of the Concord Academy of France. Paris. 2018

Doctor of philosophy R.S. Zheldibayeva, Ph.D., head of the educational program «Methods of teaching and training» was awarded the «Bolashak» scholarship within the framework of the «500 scientists» project. The internship will take place during the 2024-2025 academic year at the University of Illinois' largest campus in Urbana-Champaign.


Raigul Serikovna Zheldibayeva


+7 771 413 22 51



    Boribekova Farzana

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor (docent)



      Tazhinova Gulnar

      master, senior lecturer



      Alpysbaeva Nurgul

      master, senior lecturer

      +7 (708) -593-74-50


      Bakradenova Altyn

      Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (docent)

      +7 (747)-892-01-28


      Zholtaeva Gulnar

      Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor (docent)

      +7 (747)-876-95-37


      Khanina Nadezhda

      Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior lecturer

      +7 (777)-256-73-69


      Mailybaeva Gulmira

      PhD, acting associate professor (docent)

      +7 (702)-932-21-16


      Feizuldaeva Saltanat

      PhD, Senior Lecturer

      +7 (778)-546-89-89


      Kapenova Anar

      Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (docent)

      +7 (776)-200-01-04


      Taurbekova Ainur

      master, senior lecturer

      +7 (701)-739-24-98


      Sarsekulova Dilyara

      master, lecturer

      +7 (747)-264-10-84


      Kystaubaeva Botagoz

      master, lecturer

      +7 (747)-253-79-15


      Ybyraimzhanov Kalibek

      Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

      +7 (702)-371-45-47
