Department of Russian Language and Literature


Educational programs include:

Currently, 5 candidates of sciences, 3 lecturers, 2 assistant teachers take part in the implementation of educational programs in basic and major disciplines. 

Teaching staff: 

  1. Esimkulov Bakhyt – candidate of philological sciences, head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature , teacher-lecturer.
  2. Li Emma – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.
  3. Auelbekova Bakitzhan – candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor.
  4. Seralieva Nailya – candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
  5. Shcherbovskikh Irina – candidate of philological sciences, teacher-lecturer.
  6. Rysdauletova Botagoz – master, teacher-lecturer.
  7. Abaydeldanova Meruert – master, teacher-lecturer.
  8. Chesnokova Kristina – master, teacher-lecturer.
  9. Zhazybekova Aisulu – master, teacher-assistant.
  10. Kurmanov Murat Bailievich – teacher-lecturer.
  11. Torpakova Aray Amirbekovna – teacher-assistant.
  12. Somova Elena Vyacheslavovna – teacher-assistant.
  13. Tulepova Saltanat Iztleuovnateacher-assistant.

The number of students in the educational program in the 2024-2025 academic year is: 


Total amount

State grant


Local government grant

6В01703 – «Russian Language and Literature»(bachelor’s degree)

1 course





2 course





3 course





4 course





6В01704 – «Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction» (bachelor’s degree)

1 course





2 course





3 course





4 course





7М01402 – «Russian Language and Literature» (Master’s program)

1 course





2 course






Material and technical equipment

Students of educational programs study in the educational building №1. Classes are held in classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards № 125 named after M.Zholdasbekov, №129 named after V.Salagaev, classrooms 128, 131, 132. A resource center is located in auditorium № 123.


The Department of Russian Language and Literature is the oldest department of the university, founded in the first days of the opening of the TPI named after Ilyas Zhansugurov.

During the existence of the department has repeatedly undergone structural changes. When admission to the specialties «Russian Language and Literature» and «Russian Language and Literature in the National School» in Soviet times reached its apogee (100 people were admitted to the first year), 4 related departments functioned: Russian language, Russian and foreign literature, practical Russian language, methods of teaching the Russian language and literature.

Over the years, these departments were headed by Professor, Doctor of Philology E.A. Sedelnikov; docent B.G.Maleev, professor E.V.Li, docent K.K.Akhmedyarov, later Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Russian Language Department of KazNU named after Al-Farabi; docent V.I.Masik, professor L.V.Zorina, senior lecturers N.Ya.Kutman, K.A.Amandosova, M.B.Kurmanov, docent  L.N.Rotova, docent N.Zh.Seralieva, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Abzhakov T.D.


Professor, candidate of philological sciences, later the dean of the faculty, and then the rector of the university Valery Salagaev, Associate Professor, candidate of philological sciences Valentina Vereshchagina, Associate Professor, candidate of philological sciences Enkar Kakilbaeva; Associate Professor, candidate of philological sciences Askhat Alimov; Associate Professor, candidate of philological sciences Khafis Mukhamadiev; Associate Professor, candidate of philological sciences Mukatai Tezekbaev; candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Mariyash Segizbayeva; docent, candidate of philological sciences Mariyash Dzhumartova; docent, candidate of pedagogical, sciences responsible for career guidance Nuria Kozhabekova; Senior Lecturer, candidate of philological sciences Aliya Alkenova; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Senior Lecturer Rafkhat Afindeev; Senior Lecturer, National Trainer of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan under the program "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" Murat Kurmanov worked at the department in some years.


For a long time, Professor Musa Bisenkulov headed the Department of Russian Language and Literature, under whose leadership the Department successfully carried out educational and scientific activities.

The department enthusiastically carried out educational, scientific and educational work, both with university students and with the youth of the city. Students and schoolchildren took an active part in the meetings of the "Poetic Friday" club, which brought together lovers of poetry and beginning poets. Pupils of schools and colleges, university students competed with pleasure in intellectual brain-rings, which the department held together with the city committee for youth, tourism and sports. During the summer holidays, students of the specialty scrupulously collected the folklore of Zhetysu, and our students had no equal at KVN competitions and amateur art shows. There were no equals to philologists on sports grounds. On the pages of city and regional newspapers, poems and stories of philologists were regularly published, in the annual collections of the best student works, scientific reports of philologists occupied a worthy place.


Currently, the educational programs of the Russian language and literature: 6B01703 - "Russian Language and Literature", 6B01704 - "Russian Language and Literature in Schools with a Non-Russian Language of Instruction", 7M01702 - "Russian Language and Literature" are led by candidate of philological sciences Bakyt Esimkulov.

The implementation of educational programs is carried out by experienced teachers, associate professors E.V.Li, B.A.Auelbekova, N.Zh.Seralieva candidate of philological sciences I.G.Shcherbovskikh; Masters M.K.Abaydeldanova, B.T.Rysdauletova, K.A.Chesnokova, A.K. Zhazybekova. In the line of external academic mobility, classes in the magistracy are conducted by Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the University of Zurich O.Burenina-Petrova.

The teaching staff of the EP of Russian Language and Literature successfully develops and implements disciplines that form the research competencies of students and undergraduates at the international level; the proportion of invited foreign lecturers participating in lectures and seminars on studying the foundations of modern scientific research is increasing.

In 2022, educational programs 6B01703 - "Russian Language and Literature", 7M01702 - "Russian Language and Literature" successfully passed specialized accreditation. Along with a positive assessment of the activities of teachers of educational programs, we faced new challenges related to the expansion of programs for external and internal academic mobility, with the conclusion of targeted contracts for the training of specialists.


The work of the methodological group of educational programs in the 2023-2024 academic year is carried out according to the plan of the Methodological Council of the university and higher education.

The teaching staff of educational programs systematically carries out work to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of teaching. To this end, the results of the work of teachers for the academic year are summed up, mutual visits by teachers to the classes of colleagues, holding open classes with their subsequent discussion.

Teachers who implement educational programs actively use innovative methods and modern interactive pedagogical teaching methods in the educational process, which contributes to a more successful mastering of educational programs by students. At different times, the teaching staff of the EP was trained in advanced training courses on the use of modern interactive pedagogical technologies, which are widely used today in the course of classes. Teachers widely use various technologies for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing.

In the course of lectures and practical classes, the results of scientific research of teachers are introduced into the educational process, if possible. So, the materials of the teaching aid Shcherbovskikh I.G. “The principle of binary in the poetry of F.I.Tyutchev” (2019), collective study guides “Analysis of a poetic text” (2010) and “Analysis of a literary prose text” (2018), offering samples of a comprehensive analysis of works of art from different genres are used in the course of teaching the disciplines “Methods of linguistic and literary text analysis”, “Complex analysis of a literary text” (Li E.V.), “Word in a literary text” (Esimkulov B.N.).

Materials of the textbook Auelbekova B.A. “Innovative technologies in higher education” is used by the author in the course of teaching the disciplines of the module “Modern problems of philological disciplines and teaching methods” (“Innovative technologies in teaching Russian literature” / “Methods of teaching literature in universities in an updated context”). The technologies described in this tutorial are also used by other teachers in the classroom in the disciplines of educational programs.

In recent years, with the authorship of the teaching staff of educational programs, the following textbooks, teaching aids, teaching aids have been published:

Intelligence about scientific works of educational programs for the last 5 years:

Full name teaching staff




Li E.V.

Смысловая близость лексических единиц в художественном произведении  International popular science journal «Наука и жизнь Казахстана».  Philology, № 4 (60), 2018. – Astana, 2018. – p.278-282.


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Применение метода Кейс-стади в учебном процессе высшей школы //   International popular science journal«Наука и жизнь Казахстана», №3, Аstana, 2018 .


Bolgar K.A.,  Abaydeldanova M.K.


Хронотоп дома в творчестве Л.Петрушевской.

International popular science journal «Наука и жизнь Казахстана», №4(60), Astana, 2018 pp. 221-223.


Shcherbovskikh I.G.

Семантический комплекс «горнее – дольнее» в лирике Ф.И.Тютчева //

Наука и жизнь Казахстана. –  International popular science magazine. – 2018. – 4 (60). – Philology. – Astana, 2018, pp. 290-293.


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Лингвостилистические особенности языка Интернета.

Materials of the scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students «XXI ВЕК: НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИЯ»,  Taldykorgan, April 13, 2018 (co-authored)



Shcherbovskikh I.G.

Принцип бинарности в поэзии Ф.И.Тютчева.  Tutorial. – Taldykorgan, 2019. – 181 p.



Seralieva N.Zh., Shcherbovskikh I.G.,  Bolgar K.A.

Specific use of information computer  technologies in teaching philological disciplines// Science and liefe of Razakhstan/Наука и жизнь Казахстана.  International scientific journal. № 4 (81), 2019.


Seralieva N.Zh.,  Shcherbovskikh I.G.,  Esimkulov B.N.

On the use of modular teaching technology  in practical course of Russian language// Science and liefe of Razakhstan/Наука и жизнь Казахстана.  International scientific journal. № 5/3, 2019.


Seralieva N.Zh.

Изучение спортивной терминологии на занятиях по русскому языку студентами казахского отделения специальности “Физическая культура и спорт” //   Problems of modern philological education. Collection of scientific articles. Rep. ed. V.A. Kokhanov. 2019. S. 251-256


Esimkulov B.N.,  Shcherbovskikh I.G.

Анализ синтагматических отношений глагольных полисемантов в аспекте лексико-синтаксической координации //   Vestnik ZKGU. 2019. № 2 (74). pp. 342-352.


 Esimkulov B.N.

Проблематика исследований в области функциональной лексикологии //  Vestnik ZKGU. 2019. №2 (74). pp. 248-257.



Abaydeldanova M.K.

Проблема развития интеллектуальной активности студентов в процессе обучения //  Bulletin of KazNU named after al-Farabi (philological series), No. 2, 2019. P. 200-205 (co-authored).


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Развитие интеллектуальной активности студентов-филологов при выполнении СРС //  Bulletin of KazNU, series: philological, No. 3 (175), 2019. P.166-171


 Bolgar K.A.,  Shcherbovskikh I.G.,  Seralieva N.Zh.


Средства создания комического эффекта и иронии в постмодернистском тексте // Наука и жизнь Казахстана.  International scientific journal. №4 (81), 2019. P. 205-214


 Esimkulov B.N.

Функциональные свойства относительных значений глагольных полисемантов в текстовых фрагментах с обязательной и необязательной позицией пространственного распространителя // Наука и жизнь Казахстана:  International scientific journal. -2019.-№12/2, p.250-256


Esimkulov B.N.

Пространственные ориентиры в описании типовой лексической сочетаемости // Наука и жизнь Казахстана:  International scientific journal. -2019.-№10/2, p.277-283


 Esimkulov B.N.

Объектные ориентиры в описании типовой лексической сочетаемости // Наука и жизнь Казахстана:  International scientific journal. -2019.-№10/2, p.284-292


 Esimkulov B.N.

Взаимная обусловленность частотности и регулярности значений в семантической структуре глагольного полисеманта //  Bulletin of the ANPU named after Abai.-2019.-No. 3 (69). – p.46-50


 Esimkulov B.N.

Синтагматика относительных значений глагольных полисемантов и их текстовая репрезентация // Наука и жизнь Казахстана:  International scientific journal. -2019.-№12/2, p.257-263


Esimkulov B.N.,  Shcherbovskikh I.G.,  Seralieva N.Zh.

Роль синтагматических факторов в реализации абсолютных и относительных значений глагольных полисемантов // Наука и жизнь Казахстана.  International scientific journal. №6/2, 2019. С 207-213


Shcherbovskikh I.G.,  Bolgar K.A.,  Seralieva N.Zh.

Система отражений в лирике Ф.И. Тютчева // Наука и жизнь Казахстана.  International scientific journal. № 4 (81), 2019 P.317-324


Shcherbovskikh I.G.,  Seralieva N.Zh.,  Esimkulov B.N.

Принцип бинарности в образной семантике лирики Ф.И.Тютчева // Наука и жизнь Казахстана.  International scientific journal. № 6/1, 2019. P.215-222


Shcherbovskikh I.G.,  Seralieva N.Zh.,  Esimkulov B.N.

Мотив границы в лирике Ф.И. Тютчева // Наука и жизнь Казахстана:  International scientific journal. -2019.-№5/3, p.195-203


 Shcherbovskikh I.G.

Means of creations of comic effect and irony in postmodern text // Наука и жизнь Казахстана. –  International scientific journal. – 2019. – No. 4 (81). – Astana, 2019, p.205-214. (in co-authorship).



Shcherbovskikh I.G.

Формирование общекультурной компетентности студентов в образовательном процессе // Наука и жизнь Казахстана. –  International scientific journal. – 2019. – No. 6/1. – Astana, 2019, pp. 148–151. (in co-authorship).


 Abaydeldanova M.K.

Особенности казахского молодежного жаргона.  VI International Farabi Readings, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2019.


 Abaydeldanova M.K.

Особенности функционирования понятия интеллектуальная активность в современном русском языке. //  

Bulletin of KazNU named after al-Farabi (Philology), No. 2, 2019, special issue


 Abaydeldanova M.K.

Мотив как движущая сила интеллектуальной активности студентов.  V International scientific and practical conference “Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century”, Nur-Sultan, December 6-7, 2019. P.86-89


 Li E.V.

Влияние идейнообразной стороны произведения на изменение семантической структуры слова //  International Scientific and Practical Conference “Russian Language and Literature in the Modern Educational Space: Theory and Practice”. – Almaty, Kazakhstan, 28.02.2019, p. 89-93


 Rysdauletova B.T.

Роль информационно-коммуникационных технологий в формировании языковой компетенции студентов/  Eurasian Union of Scientists (scientific journal) No. 8 (65): Moscow, 2019, pp. 21-25



Rysdauletova B.T.

Modern teaching methods // Проблемы интеграции в современном образовании.  

International scientific and practical conference. 2020. S. 58-64. (co-authored).


Seralieva N.Zh.


Работа над текстом на уроках русского языка и литературы в старших классах НИШ // Проблемы современного филологического образования.  Collection of scientific articles of the X All-Russian scientific-practical conference. Rep. editor V.A. Kokhanov. 2020. pp. 145-151. (co-authored)


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Intellectual activity as a component of professional competencies of future specialists //  International scientific journal “Science and Life of Kazakhstan” No. 11/1 (144) 2020. pp.136-140


Shcherbovskikh I.G.

Особенности поэтики стихотворения Ф.И.Тютчева «Проблеск» // Наука и жизнь Казахстана. –  International scientific journal. – 2020. – No. 12/4 (150). – Astana, 2020. – pp. 427-432.


Shcherbovskikh I.G.

Лексический повтор как средство актуализации смысла в художественном произведении // Наука и жизнь Казахстана. –  International scientific journal. – 2020. – No. 12/4 (150). – Astana, 2020. – pp. 433–438.


Rysdauletova B.T.

Функциональные особенности интертекстуальных включений в брачном объявлении //  Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference «Экономика. Бизнес. Образование» –  Taldykorgan, ZhU named after I. Zhansugurov, 2020, pp.143-146


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Русский язык в Казахстане: дифференциация программ обучения. //  Collection of abstracts of the International scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Professor Serafima Alekseevna Khavronina «Русский язык в современном научном и образовательном пространстве». –  Moscow, RUDN University, October 28–29, 2020 (co-authored).


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Интеллектуальная активность как составляющая профессиональных компетенций и алгоритм ее формирования // 50th International Scientific and Methodological Conference «Современная интерпретация педагогической концепции аль-Фараби в условиях цифровизации образования»,  

dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of al-Farabi. Collection, book 1. 2020


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Когнитивная сущность интеллектуальной активности и обучающие технологии //  Bulletin of KazNU, series: philological, № 2. Special issue 2020


Rysdauletova B.T.

Роль информационно-коммуникационных технологий в формировании языковой компетенции студентов/  Eurasian Union of Scientists (scientific journal) №8 (65): Moscow, 2019, pp. 21-25


Rysdauletova B.T.

Формальные особенности интертекстуальных включений в брачном объявлении.  Bulletin of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov (scientific journal). – Taldykorgan, 2020, p.89-93



Seralieva N.Zh.

Межъязыковой перенос как положительный и отрицательный факторы овладения вторым языком (транспозиция и интерференция).  In the collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Лингвометодическая школа в Республике Татарстан: история и современность» ( To the 100th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding scientist-methodist, a prominent representative of the Kazan Linguistic and Methodological School – Shakirova Lia Zakirovna). Kazan, (16-17 February) 2021


Li E.V.

Категория интертекстуальности и интерпретация художественного текста eLIBRARY ID: 46337720 «Заметки ученого».  Limited liability company «Приоритет» (Rostov-on-Don). Number 7-1. Year 2021. pp.107-113


Auelbekova B.A.

Тема искусства и природы в романе С.Елубаева «Одинокая юрта». 119 стр. Научно-практический журнал «Заметки ученого », №7 / 2021, part 1, g. Rostov-on-Don


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Преимущество WEB -квеста как инновационного метода в условиях дистанционного формата образования // Заметки ученого. 2021. No. 7-1. pp. 184-188. (co-authored).



Seralieva N.Zh.

О преподавании русского языка как неродного по модульной технологии // Общество. 2021. № 4 (23). pp. 114-117.


Rysdauletova B.T.

Эстетическая оценка лица человека в казахском и русском языках // Устойчивое развитие территорий: теория и практика.  Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. Sibay, 2021.pp. 207-210.


Rysdauletova B.T.

Понятие внешней и внутренней красоты в человеке в русском и казахском языках // Шаг в науку.  Collection of materials of the IV International scientific-practical conference with the participation of students. Grozny, 2021. pp. 384-386. (co-authored).


Seralieva N.Zh.,  Rysdauletova B.T.


Роль и значение сопоставительно-типологического описания языков в практике усвоения второго языка // Научный потенциал. 2022. № 1 (36). pp. 97-100.


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Интеллектуальная активность и цифровизация – реалии нового формата высшего лингвистического образования //  Bulletin of ENU. L.N. Gumilyov, Philology series, No. 2 (135), 2021. pp. 110-119 (co-authored).


Seralieva N.Zh.

О модульной  технологии обучения русскому языку // «Жансүгуровские чтения»  Republican scientific and practical conference. – Taldykorgan, 2021, pp. 194-197



Seralieva N.Zh.,  Rysdauletova B.T.

Роль и значение сопоставительно-типологического описания языков в практике усвоения второго языка//Информационное пространство современной науки:  Proceedings of the XXIII International Scientific Conference

(Cheboksary, Russia, January 31, 2022) // Scientific potential. – 2022. –

No. 1(36). pp.97-100.


Seralieva N.Zh. 

О методическом обеспечении педагогической практики студентов образовательной программы «Русский язык и литература»

In the collection of materials of the XII All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation «Современное филологическое образование: проблемы и перспективы».  Moscow April 15, 2022 RSCI


Seralieva N.Zh.

Виды практических работ с текстами на уроках русского языка и литературы для развития исследовательских навыков учащихся//Информационное пространство современной науки:   Proceedings of the XXIV International Scientific Conference (Cheboksary: ​​Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, 2022, Scientific Potential, 2022, №2(37)-p.58-62. (co-authored).


Seralieva N.Zh.

О развитии навыков саморегулируемого обучения   на уроках русского языка и литературы.  

In the collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Филологические науки в образовательном пространстве Республики Казахстан»,  

dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the university (April 21, 2022) (co-authored).


Abaydeldanova M.K.,  Chesnokova K.A.

The development of cognitive independence of students in the study of the practical course of Russian language // Современная школа России. Вопросы модернизации. №1 (38, V.2),  January 2022, pp. 44-46.


Chesnokova K.A.

Представления Л.Н.Толстого о человеке в свете философско-эстетических категорий //  Materials of the international scientific and practical online conference «Филологические науки в образовательном пространстве Республики Казахстан»  Taldykorgan, Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, 2022, pp. 271-275.


Chesnokova K.A.

Принципы создания портрета в прозе Л.Н.Толстого 1870-1880-х гг. //  LXXXVI International Scientific Conference «Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире» (June 26-27, 2022).


Chesnokova K.A.

Особенности раскрытия категорий добра, зла, красоты и свободы в творчестве Ф.М.Достоевского //  Scientific and practical journal  «Заметки ученого», №7, 2022, pp. 86-91.


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Активизация учебно-познавательной деятельности обучающихся в условиях современного образования //  Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference «Филологические науки в образовательном пространстве Республики Казахстан», 2022, , pp. 5-10.


Esimkulov B.N.

О новом подходе в лингвистике //  Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference «Филологические науки в образовательном пространстве Республики Казахстан», 2022,  

pp. 72-76 (co-authored).


Жазыбекова А.К.

Оқушылардың танымын қалыптастырып дамытудың мүмкіндіктері //  Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference «Филологические науки в образовательном пространстве Республики Казахстан», 2022,  pp. 76 -81.


Li E.V.

Современные языковые явления и история русского языка //  Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference «Филологические науки в образовательном пространстве Республики Казахстан», 2022,  pp. 144-148.


Seralieva N.Zh.

О развитии навыков саморегулируемого обучения на уроках русского языка и литературы //  Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference «Филологические науки в образовательном пространстве Республики Казахстан», 2022,  pp. 223-227 (co-authored).


Rysdauletova B.T.

Способы выражения эстетической оценки фигуры человека в русской/казахской языковых картинах мира //  Bulletin of Zhetysu University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov, № 1, 2022.


Abaydeldanova M.K.

Кейс-метод как способ развития интеллектуальной активности студентов-филологов //  ЕВРАЗИЯ-2022: социально-гуманитарное пространство в эпоху глобализации и цифровизации:  Materials of the International Scientific Cultural and Educational Forum (Chelyabinsk, April 6–8, 2022) / ed. T. F. Semyan, T. E. Abramzon, L. A. Nefedova. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing Center of SUSU, 2022. – 656 p. (Volume IV. Actual problems of modern humanities).

 Educational and methodological seminars and trainings organized by the teaching staff of educational programs of the Russian language and literature

On December 19, 2019, a one-day training seminar for teachers and students was held at the Faculty of Humanities, dedicated to the specifics of the updated content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The organizers of the seminar were: the teaching staff of educational programs of the Russian language and literature and the branch of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of the city of Taldykorgan represented by the trainer Abisheva R.B. The seminar was attended by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Seralieva N.Zh., Candidate of Philological Sciences Shcherbovskikh I.G., Master Rysdauletova B.T., 3rd and 4th year students of the specialties “Russian Language and Literature” and “Russian Language and Literature in Schools with a non-Russian language of instruction”.

May 03, 2019 at ZhU im. I. Zhansugurov held the first scientific and practical conference of teachers of the Russian language and literature of secondary schools in the Almaty region on the topic: “Theory and practice of teaching the Russian language and literature in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the updated program.” The main goal of the conference: the exchange of pedagogical experience in teaching the Russian language and literature, as well as the holding of training seminars. The work of the conference was carried out in three directions:

  1. Features of teaching the Russian language and literature within the framework of the updated content of education;
  2. Text as a means of personal development;
  3. New approaches to teaching the Russian language and literature in educational institutions of Kazakhstan.

Within the framework of the conference, master classes were held and a round table “Problems of implementing the updated program in schools in Kazakhstan” was organized. At the end, the participants were awarded certificates, as well as materials of the scientific and practical conference. The conference was organized by the Department of Journalism and Philology, the regional educational and methodological center for the development of education, a branch of the center of pedagogical excellence in Taldykorgan.

On December 7, 2021, an on-line training seminar was held for 4th year students of the specialty “Russian Language and Literature” on the topic “Features of the modern lesson as part of updating the content of education” with the participation of the methodologist of the regional educational and methodological center for the development of education of the State Institution region” Torpakova A.A.


On December 10, 2021, an on-line training seminar was held for 4th year students of the specialty “Russian Language and Literature” on the topic “Planning and assessment as the main tools of a teacher” with the participation of a teacher-researcher of KSU “Secondary School-Gymnasium №12” Noskova L. A., teacher-master, school coach of KSU “Secondary school-gymnasium No. 12” Filimonova E.R.


The teaching staff of the department published the following educational and teaching aids:

  1. Auelbekova B.A., Bisenkulov M.K., Kurmanov M.B., Li E.V. «Анализ художественного прозаического произведения», 2018;
  2. Esimkulov B.N. «Словосочетание в аспекте лексико-синтаксической координации», 2018;
  3. Kurmanov M.B.Интерактивные методы и формы обучения в вузе. Teaching aid for teachers. – Taldykorgan, 2018. – 122 p.
  4. Shcherbovskikh I.G. «Принцип бинарности в поэзии Ф.И.Тютчева», 2019.
  5. Esimkulov B.N. Лексическое значение слова и сочетаемость: Учебное пособие. – Taldykorgan: ZhSU, 2020.- 153 p.
  6. Auelbekova B.A. and etc. Инновационные технологии в высшей школе. Tutorial. 2021
  7. Seralieva N.Zh. e-tutorial «Сборник текстов по русскому языку». Copyright certificate № 25430 dated 04/25/2022

 Faculty articles published in journals included in the Scopus database:

Full name teaching staff

Theme of the article and the name of the journal


Щербовских И.Г. Candidate of Philological Sciences, Lecturer Shcherbovskikh I.G.

Opcion.  On the effectiveness of blended learning technologies in higher education(Article)

Volume 35, Issue 20, 2019, 278-286p


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Lecturer Shcherbovskikh I.G.

Espacios. Features of the application and management of innovative practices in the system of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Volume 40, Issue 8, 2019, 13p 


Candidates of Philological Sciences, Lecturers Shcherbovskikh I.G., Esimkulov B.N.

The ancient Kazakh legends in the drama of euripides of scholarly writers. Opcion. – 2019. – Vol.35 P.1063-1074.

Articles by faculty members published in journals included  in the Thomson Reuters database 

Full name teaching staff

Article topic

Journal title


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Seralieva N.Zh.

Textual study of Abay’s first publications

Ad alta-journal of interdisciplinary research. – Vol.8. – Iss.1. – 2018. – P.34-37.



To obtain additional experience and competencies in the form of loans, academic mobility is carried out.

In order to implement the plan of educational programs at the international level, specialists from foreign universities and institutes are invited to conduct seminars and lectures. so, in the 2022-2023 academic year, doctor of philology, PhD dr.habil, researcher at the Zurich institute of slavic studies university (Zurich, Switzerland) Olga Burenina-Petrova.

In order to promote the exchange of teachers for lecturing, the implementation of scientific cooperation, the exchange of experience in the development of advanced teaching methods, the organization of training for bachelors, masters, doctoral students in basic professional and additional educational programs, the exchange of publications and materials on leading research, the joint organization of bilateral and multilateral symposiums , seminars, conferences, round tables and other events, the implementation of joint scientific and other projects and programs, a cooperation agreement was concluded with the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. (Russian Federation, St. Petersburg).


The educational work of educational programs of the Russian language and literature is carried out in the following areas:

  • formation of political literacy among students;
  • prevention of delinquency among young people;
  • formation of spiritual and universal values among young people;
  • civil and patriotic education;
  • spiritual and moral, intellectual and creative, aesthetic education;
  • education, formation of a healthy lifestyle.

 On November 13, 2019, the meeting of the Chairman of the Joint-Stock Company “Republican newspaper “Egemen Qazaqstan” Darkhan Kuandykuly Kydyrali with the faculty and students took place at the university.

The event was organized as part of the celebration of the 125th anniversary of I. Zhansugurov. Everyone knows that in 1921-1935, the classic of Kazakh literature worked as a correspondent, head of a department in the newspaper Enbekshi Kazak (now Egemen Kazakhstan). Darkhan Kuandykuly told future specialists about the activities of the republican newspaper, answered questions of interest. Also during the meeting, D. Kydyrali, as the President of the International Turkic Academy, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Shokaeveda shared interesting information with students of the specialty “History”.

Friendship of peoples is the main condition for the unity and prosperity of the country. This was once again confirmed by the participants of the ethno-festival, which took place on December 13, 2018 at the Faculty of Humanities. Auditorium No. 129 hospitably opened its doors to “delegations” representing various peoples and national cultures. The main characters of the holiday were students of group 211 of the specialty “Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction”. As the organizer of the festival, Irina Gennadievna Shcherbovskikh, acting associate professor of the Department of Journalism and Philology, emphasized, the curatorial hour turned into a real firework of talents. The students prepared interesting stories about the manners and customs of different peoples, which were accompanied by a demonstration of traditional national costumes and a tasting of national dishes. Festival guests were able to taste fragrant Uzbek pilaf and Chechen dumplings with meat, Korean rice tok and lush baursaks. The highlight of the program were songs in German and Korean and an incendiary Uzbek dance. The holding of such holidays broadens the horizons of students, fosters a careful attitude to national traditions, interest and respect for the culture of other peoples.

It has become a good tradition for the teaching staff of educational programs to hold various creative competitions and festivals in honor of the Day of Languages ​​of the People of Kazakhstan as part of the Russian Language Week, which invariably gather a record number of participants and spectators.

 So, in 2018, the real culmination of the “Week of the Russian Language” was the competition for the best dramatization of the fable. According to the established tradition, the main characters of this creative competition were first-year students who acted as actors, directors, sound engineers, decorators, costume and make-up artists. For two weeks, the fables of I.A. Krylov sounded in the classrooms of the Faculty of Humanities. The audience was delighted by the inspired play of the actors, and unpretentious costumes, and skillfully prepared musical accompaniment, and man-made scenery and theatrical props. There have never been so many violas and violins in auditorium No. 129 at the same time!.. According to the organizer of the competition, Candidate of Philological Sciences Irina Gennadievna Shcherbovskikh, “such a tournament has already become traditional and has turned into an annual celebration of student talents. The first-year students showed the ability to work in a team, the ability to improvise and be creative. But the main achievement of our competition was the good mood of both the actors and the audience.” The most memorable event of this week in the life of first-year students of the Faculty of Humanities and Finance and Economics was the final lesson in the Russian language, held in the form of a competition between several teams that took part in a wide variety of competitions. The highlight of the program was the staging of excerpts from fairy tales. No wonder they say that “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! ..”: today, as once in childhood, it teaches again and again that greed and stupidity will certainly be punished, and goodness and beauty will certainly defeat envy , cruelty and evil!

 Literary tournament on the history of world literature.

The theme of the meeting was the work of the great French playwright of the era of classicism Jean-Baptiste Molière.

As the organizer of the competition, candidate of philological sciences, teacher-lecturer Irina Gennadievna Shcherbovskikh, emphasized, the choice of the author was far from accidental: “Today’s “literary battle” opens a whole series of poetry evenings, creative meetings and reader conferences, united under the heading “One Hundred Great Works world literature. Molière’s comedies take a worthy place in this list.

The images of Moliere’s heroes have long become a household name. Tartuffes and Jourdains, Harpagons and Don Juans overstepped the boundaries of the era that created them, and today, 400 years later, the social and moral questions posed by the writer are still very relevant.

During the literary game, its participants got a wide variety of tasks – from quiz questions to crosswords and puzzles. But the most interesting was ahead!

The final chord of the competition was the staging of an excerpt from the comedy “The Tradesman in the Nobility”. Students had the opportunity to rehearse selected scenes in advance, so that they can present their talents as screenwriters, directors, actors, costume designers and make-up artists in full splendor.

 On September 23, 2021, the next intellectual tournament of experts in the Russian language “Only the word is given life” was held on the Google meet platform, timed to coincide with the holiday of the languages ​​of the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The organizers of the competition were the teachers of the EP for the preparation of philologists, Master Abaydeldanova Meruert Kebekovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Nailya Zhumagalievna Seralieva and Candidate of Philological Sciences Irina Gennadievna Shcherbovskikh.

The main heroes of the meeting were, of course, the first-year students, who nominated two teams that defended the right to the title of experts in the Russian language. I would especially like to note the performances of the hosts of the competition Alena Vargentina and Yerkezhan Suleimenova. The organizers of the holiday did not forget about certificates of honor for the winners of the artistic reading contest.

Despite the fact that this academic year the tournament was held online, the meeting was held, as usual, in a lively creative atmosphere. The first-year students not only showed off their erudition, knowledge in the field of language theory and talents of reciters, but also got the opportunity to get to know the senior students who acted as the hosts of the competition (3rd year), as members of the jury (4th year), and as spectators and fans (2 course). Undergraduates who prepared interesting questions and tasks (group RYALm-111) did not stand aside.

The guests and participants of the meeting were so inspired by the talents and energy of the first-year students that long after the end of the intellectual and creative competition of the teams, those gathered could not leave the meeting hall, continuing to share their impressions, emotions or suddenly remembered poetic lines!..

On September 27, 2nd and 3rd year students of OP 6B01703 – “Russian Language and Literature” and 6B01704 – “Russian Language and Literature in Schools with a Non-Russian Language of Instruction” held a literary league “And every autumn I bloom again …” for 1st year students, dedicated to Day of languages ​​of the people of Kazakhstan. The Day of Languages ​​is a holiday of friendship and unity of the people of a multinational country.

1st year students read poems, guessed riddles, and also participated in a quiz, demonstrating a good level of knowledge. All participants were awarded with diplomas.

The festive event was organized by the teachers-lecturers of the program “Russian Language and Literature” Abaydeldanova M.K., Chesnokova K.A. and teacher-assistant Zhazybekova A.K.

October 4, 2022 teacher-lecturer of the OP Russian Language and Literature Abaideldanova M.K. conducted the quest “IN THE WORLD OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE” in Zhastar Park for students of 2.3 courses of the EP “Russian Language and Literature”, “Russian Language and Literature in Schools with Non-Russian Language of Instruction”.

Modern students have few didactic games, they are interested in more whole scenarios of games to achieve various goals. The technologies of the educational quest correspond especially well to this request, thanks to the extraordinary organization of educational activities and an exciting plot.

What do we mean when we talk about an educational quest, about quest technology? If we turn to the dictionary, then the very concept of “quest” itself will mean a game, searches that require players to solve certain mental tasks in order to overcome obstacles and move along a plot that can be defined or have many outcomes, where the choice will depend on the actions of the player himself.

In the process of passing the quest “IN THE WORLD OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE” the students were divided into two teams. Each of the teams had a curator. The group received a task from him, found a place marked with a code, and received a question about it. The assignments were very varied. Somewhere it was necessary to assemble a puzzle of portraits of great writers, somewhere – to solve riddles and puzzles, sing ditties and recite poems.

During the quest, students not only acquired new knowledge about the Russian language and literature, but also developed teamwork skills.

Achievements of the educational program

Certificate of specialized accreditation in the specialty 5B011800 - "Russian language and literature""

Certificate of specialized accreditation of specialties 5b012200 - "Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction" 

Certificate of international accreditation op 6B01704 (5B012200) - "Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction" 2020-2025

Achievements of the educational program 5b002200 - "Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction" in the national rating:


Esimkulov Bakyt Nusupbekovich

Head of the Department, teacher lecturer



Lee Emma Victorovna

Associate professor



Auelbekova Bakitzhan Alpamyshovna

Associate professor

Seralieva Nailya Zhumagalievna

Associate professor

+77017594698, +77772295224  


Shcherbovskih Irina Genadyevna


Rysdauletova Botagoz Tynysbekovna


Chesnokova Kristina Alexandrovna




Abaydeldanova Meruert Kebekovna




Zhazybekova Aisulu Kenjetaevna

Teacher assistant

