Educational program for the training of philologists

General information

Educational program for the training of philologists

To date, the teaching staff of the educational program for the training of philologists: 1 Doctor of Sciences, Professor M.M.Imangazinov, 2 Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) A.M.Abyzova, G.T.Shukenai, 7 Candidates of Sciences, associate professors (associate professor) Sh.A.Kyyakhmetova, D.S.Ansabaev, M.T.Dzhakypbekova, Shynybekova A., acting associate professor (associate professor) S.K.Kozhagulov, G.T.Syrlybayeva, teachers-lecturers L.A.Chaltikenova, Suleimenova G.S., Asylova R.O., Tumabaeva M.B., 4 teaching assistants, Sarzhigitov E., Sovet E., Razbekova M., Altai A. 1 of them is a teacher with a foreign diploma.

Head of the educational program: Candidate of Philological Sciences Asylova Raushan Omarovna.

The degree of the educational program is 71%.

The number of students in educational programs in the 2023-2024 academic year is:

Educational programs




State grant

Grants from local executive bodies


6В01701 – Kazakh language and literature (bachelor’s degree)




6B01702 – Kazakh language and literature in schools with a non-Kazakh language of instruction (bachelor’s degree)




6В02302 – Philology (undergraduate)




6В02303 – Philology: Kazakh language and literature




7М01701 – Kazakh language and literature (magistracy)




8D01701- Kazakh language and literature (PhD doctoral studies)




history of the educational program
1990-1991 yy.

In the 1990-1991 academic year, the department of Kazakh Philology was established within the Pedagogical Institute named after I. Zhansugurov and began training specialists in the specialty 030740 - Kazakh language and literature.


1990-1996 yy.

In 1990-1996 the head of the department of Kazakh Philology was the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor K. А. Abylkasymova. In 1996, the department was divided into the departments of Kazakh literature and methods of teaching, the Kazakh language and methods of teaching, and the head of the department of Kazakh literature and methods of teaching was the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor K.A. Abylkasymova, the head of the department of the Kazakh language and teaching methods was the senior lecturer Z.Kh. Erkimbekova.

1998 -2006 yy.

In 1998, the department of Kazakh Studies and the Kazakh language and teaching methods, Kazakh literature and teaching methods were merged and renamed the department of Kazakh Language and Literature (order № 166p, 30.05.98), until 2002 it was headed by еру Doctor of Philology, Professor K. Kaliaskaruly, from 2002 to 2006,by  the Doctor of Philological sciences, professor T. Sydykov.

2005 y.

In 2005 the department was renamed the “Department of Kazakh Philology” (order №97p, 01.09.05).

2006 - 2008 yy.

In 2006-2007, 2008-2009 the head of the department was Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor K.B. Sarbasova, in 2007-2008 the head of the department was Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer T.D. Abzhakov.

2009 - 2015 yy.

From 2009 to 2015 the head of the department was Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Kozhagulov Sailau Kazhybekuly.

In the 2009-2010 academic year, the department opened a specialty 5B050400 – “Journalism”. Only in the 2014-2015 academic year it worked as the department of Philology and Journalism, in the 2015-2016 academic year the department of Kazakh Philology and Journalism was formed, specializing in journalism, Russian language and literature, Russian language and literature in non-Russian language schools.

2015-2018 yy.

From the 2015-2016 academic year, the department of Philology and Journalism was reorganized under the name “Kazakh language and literature.”

In 2015-2018, the head of the department was PhD Aina Rakhimova.

Teachers who have worked in different years: K. Abylkasymova, B.Kaniahmetova, M.Rysbaeva, K.Abinova, S.Oyshinov, Zh.Akhmetzhanova, K.Ayubaev, A.Akhmetzhanov, Sh.Zhanysbekova, Zh. Zhanibekova, R.Abilkhamitovna, A.Alkenova, K.Kabieva, G.Botantaeva, K.Rakish, R.Bekmukhanbetova, M.Tengizbayev , K.Kaliaskarovich, G.Alkenova, ZH.Erkimbekova, M.Salimgereeva, T.Sydykov, T. Abzhakov conducted the teaching stuff of the specialty Kazakh language and literature.

Educational programs

Educational and methodological activities

The work of the methodological group of the department for the 2023-2024 academic year is carried out according to the plan of the Academic Council of the university and the faculty.

In recent years, with the authorship of the faculty department, the following textbooks, teaching materials, and teaching aids have been published:

Information about the scientific work of the department of the Kazakh language and literature for 5 years:

2016 year


Professor Sydykov T.

Ilyas Zhansugurov through the eyes of the XXI century. (Research and literary portraits) Taldykorgan, 2016.-452 p.


Professor Madibaeva K.

Abai study. Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2016.


Professor Madibaeva K.

Mulik D.

Modern Kazakh literature. Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2016.


Professor Madibaeva K.

Literary criticism of the beginning of the XX century. Reading methodical collection. Taldykorgan, 2016.


Acting Associate Professor (Docent) Kozhagulov S.

The clarity of the poem. Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2016.

2017 year


Associate Professor (Docent)

Sarbasova K.;

Saduakasova S.

Syntax of the modern Kazakh language. Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2017.


Acting Associate Professor (Docent)  Dzhakypbekova M.

Poetics of heroic songs. Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2017.


Professor Imangazinov M.

Ancient literature (Reader). Taldykorgan, 2017.-287 p.


Author’s team

Ilyas Zhansugurov (Encyclopedia). Taldykorgan, 2017.-272 p.


Associate Professor (Docent)   Ansabaev D.

Methods of production (pedagogical) practice on the subject of Kazakh literature. Methodical manual. Taldykorgan, 2017.

2018 year


Associate Professor (Docent) Syrlybayeva G.

Paradigms of opposite phraseology in the Kazakh language. Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2018.


Senior lecture Esimbekova D.

Kazakh language (for Russian-speaking audience) Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2018.


Senior lecture Chaltikenova L.

Teaching complex problems of morphology. Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2018.


Professor Madibaeva K.

Mulik D.

The image of a historical figure in a work of art. Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2018.


Professor M. Imangazinov

Ilyas study (Textbook). Taldykorgan, 2018.-200 p.


Associate Professor (Docent)

Sarbasova K.

Verb phraseology in the Kazakh language. Textbook. Karaganda, 2018. -180 pages.


Associate Professor (Docent)   Ansabaev D.

Teaching lyrical works in secondary school. Textbook. Karaganda, 2018. -224 pages.


Associate Professor (Docent)   Ansabaev D.

Literature of the peoples of the East. Textbook. Karaganda, 2018. -262 pages.

2019 year


Senior lecture Rakhimova A.

Kazakh language. Textbook. Taldykorgan, ZhSU, 2019


Associate Professor (Docent) Syrlybayeva G.

Phraseological dictionary (based on the works of I. Zhansugurov). Almaty: Yeltanym, 2019.


Professor M. Imangazinov

Life and work of Ilyas Zhansugurov (textbook). Almaty: Bayanzhurek, 2019.


Professor M. Imangazinov

Fantasy and reality in the literature (textbook). Almaty: Bayanzhurek, 2019.


Professor M. Imangazinov

Ilyas is a prose writer (textbook). Almaty: Bayanzhurek, 2019.


Professor M. Imangazinov

Ilyas study, Textbook. Almaty: Bayanzhurek, 2019.


Associate Professor (Docent)

Sarbasova K.

Language of Ilyas Zhansugurov’s works (monograph). Almaty: Bayanzhurek, 2019.


Acting Associate Professor (Docent)  Kyiakhmetova Sh.

The spiritual world of Ilyas Zhansugurov (monograph). Almaty: Bayanzhurek, 2019.

2020 year


Acting Associate Professor (Docent)  Kyiakhmetova Sh., Dzhakypbekova M.

Literary chronicle of Zhetysu. Taldykorgan, ZhSU in 2020.


Acting Associate Professor (Docent) Kozhagulov S.

Noble frame (monograph). Almaty, TechSmith, 2020.

The teaching stuff of the department of Kazakh Language and Literature annually undergo a professional development course in accordance with the plan. For the last 5 years AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” Center of Excellence, “Orleu” National Center for Professional Development “JSC, Center for Professional Development and Additional Education of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, advanced training courses from scientific and educational centers, training, education – received 105 certificates of advanced training through methodical seminars, participation in trainings, scientific internships in foreign universities.       

Research activity

Research activities

Research topic of the department: New scientific directions in philology and their applied significance in education within the framework of the program “Rukhani zhangyru”.

Teachers of the department G. Chukenayeva, A. Rakhimova, A. Galimova and doctoral E. Sarzhigitov, Sh, Yeleusizova carry out a research project in the framework of grant funding MES on the topic: “AR08053050-Formation of the linguo-ecological model of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: theory and practice”.

Monographs, articles based on Scopus, RSCI, recommended by KKSON published by the teaching staff of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature:

The following articles were published by professors in the journals included in the Scopus database: 

ПОҚ аты-жөні

Мақала тақырыбы және журналдың атауы


PhD, senior lecture Rakhimova A.

Formation of moral vaiues of schoolchildren by mens of Kazakh folklor. Life Science Journal ; 11(5s). 2014

Main directions of the language policy of the European Union and Kazakhstan.  Jornal of Language and Literature. ISSN: 2078-0303, Vol.7.   2016

Lingua ecological aspects of speech culture of modern youth (on material of the Kazakh phraseological units). Journal of  Language and Literature: ISSN: 2078-0303. Vol. 7. No. 4. November, 2016.


Doctor of Ph.S., Professor Imangazinov M.

Myth and Historical Facts About Rome and the Huns Leader Attila. International journal of environmental & science education. 2016


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor (docent) Sarbasova K.

Conceptualisation and Symbolization of PoliticalMetaphors of Idea of “Unity of the People of Kazakhstan”(On the Example of Statements of Politicians). Medwell Journals .The Social Sciences 10 (3): 221-225. 2015

Main directions of the language policy of the European Union and Kazakhstan.  Jornal of Language and Literature. Journal of Language and Literature, ISSN: 2078-0303, Vol.7.2016


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor (docent) Kozhagulov S.

Myth and historical facts about Rome and the huns leader Attila// Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. –Iss.12. – P.5299-5310. 2016

MukhtarMagauin’snovellic fiction world// Journal of Language and Literature. Iss.1. – P106-109. 2016


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor (docent) Syrlybayevs G.

The basis of the methodology of the scientificresearch competence formation in future teachers of the foreign language. Language and Literature. ISSN.2078-0303. No.3.August,2016.


Candidate of Philological Sciences, acting Associate Professor  Dzhakypbekova M.

MuslimAttitudes in Kudaiberdiuli’s EPOS

 Man In India, 97 (21) : 425-433(Serials Publications). 2017


Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior lecturer Chaltikenova L.

The basis of the methodology of the scientificresearch competence formation in future teachers of the foreign language. Language and Literature. ISSN.2078-0303. No.3.August,2016.


PhD, senior lecturer Chukenayeva G.

Formation of moral vaiues of schoolchildren by mens of Kazakh folklor. Life Science Journal ; 11(5s). 2014

Main directions of the language policy of the European Union and Kazakhstan.  Jornal of Language and Literature. ISSN: 2078-0303, Vol.7.   2016

Lingua ecological aspects of speech culture of modern youth (on material of the Kazakh phraseological units). Journal of  Language and Literature: ISSN: 2078-0303. Vol. 7. No. 4. November, 2016.

The following works were published under the authorship of the teaching staff of the department:         

Social and educational work

Students majoring in the Kazakh language and literature take an active part in educational activities at the university and faculty.

Educational work with students is carried out in the following areas:

  • Formation of political literacy among students;
  • Prevention of delinquency among young people;
  • Formation of universal and spiritual values ​​among young people;
  • Civic and patriotic education;
  • Spiritual and moral, intellectual and creative, aesthetic education;
  • Education related to the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

The department organizes student festivals, educational competitions, meetings with writers, literary evenings.

In 2017, the Republic held a scientific and literary conference of university students “Creativity of Beksultan Nurzhekeev” and an educational competition on the work of the writer.

Since January 2018, the department together with the Department of Language Development of Almaty region is implementing a literary project “Literature – the backbone of spirituality.” According to the project, students will meet with representatives of three generations of writers and share their thoughts on their work, the current literary process. According to the project, students met with modern writers Beksultan Nurzhekeevich, Zhumabay Shashtayevich, Gusman Zhandybayev, Zaida Elgondinova, Zhanarbek Ashimzhan, Dauren Kuat, Ainur Toleu, Makpal Mysa, Esey Zhenisovich, Kanat Abulkhair, Roza Seilkhan, Inkarbek Aliya. shared his thoughts on the development of literature.

 In 2018, the traditional republican educational competition “Kazakh literary science and education”, “Teaching the subject Modern Kazakh literature in high school”, Modern Kazakh lyrics, a scientific-methodical conference on “Spiritual framework in the poetry of Zaida Elgondinova” were organized.

On October 24, 2018, a literary evening dedicated to the work of the poet Murathan Shokan “I believe in people and I live” was organized.

On September 28, 2019, the library named after G. Ormanov of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov hosted an open lecture on the topic “The World of Auezov”, dedicated to the birthday of the brilliant writer Mukhtar Auezov.

On October 14, 2019, Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov hosted an open lecture by children’s writer, literary critic, winner of the State Youth Award “Daryn” of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Eldos Toktarbai on the topic “Methodology of modern Literary Studies” for students and undergraduates of the specialty “Kazakh language and literature”.

On November 8, 2019 among the 2nd and 4th year students of the specialty “Kazakh language and literature” was held an intellectual competition “Language – an immeasurable treasure, a wide world”, organized by masters of the 2nd year of specialty “6M011700 – Kazakh language and literature”.

 On November 19, 2019 undergraduates of the specialty “Kazakh language and literature” organized a literary evening of a poet Kasen Gulbahyt who is the author of the book “Alua”, “Flower of Happiness”, “Bird’s wing”.


03.12.2019 the Master’s students organized a festive event ” Independence is my prominence”.

Achievements of students of the specialty in the 2022-2023 academic year:

  • Student of the PhK-111 group Madet Yernur Expressive reading contest for the 175th anniversary of ” Poetry is the king of words ” — the 1st place;
  • Student of the group KLL 121 Ashim Aliya fraction “Erudite” – the 1st place in the debate tournament “Zhas Buyn”; nomination “Best speaker” in the inter-faculty debate ” Country of the Great Steppe “; in the city debate ” Life is history, and you are a writer ” – the 2nd place;
  • Dinara Talapkyzy, student of group KLL 211: regional debate “Language is the lifeblood of the soul” – the 3rd place; regional debates “Fast-thinking young people” – the 1st place;
  • Shaimurat Akniet, student of the KLL -211 group, “The best social project” Start Up-2019;
  • City debates “Young people are the future leaders” student of the group KLL 211 Meirkhan Shyryn – 1st place;
  • Student of group KLL 211 Kurmangali D. University competition togyzkumalak among students – the 1st place;
  • Zhamantaev Amanay, student of group KLL 311 ” Religion is the spiritual support of the secular state ” – the 1st place;
  • “Festival of Nations” in Poland, student of group KLL 311 Altai Aydin – the 1st place;
  • The student of the group KLL 411 Marat Elaman is the owner of the rector’s badge of ZhSU.
Academic mobility

Special attention is paid to internal academic mobility in the specialty “Kazakh language and literature”. In the 2014-2015 academic year, K. Ibraimov, a student of Shakarim Semei State University in the 3rd year of the specialty 5B011700 – “Kazakh language and literature” on internal academic mobility, in the 2017-2018 academic year in the 3rd year of the specialty 5B011700 – “Kazakh language and literature” Onoshbay Berdykozha, a student of the Pedagogical Institute studied here.

In the second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, Damira Kusainova, a third-year student majoring in Kazakh Language and Literature, will study online academic mobility at the University of Niyde named after Omer Khalesdemir (Turkey).

Over the past 5 years, the issue of attracting scientists to teach students on internal and external academic mobility has been addressed.

05.04.-20.04.2016 M.Mamaeva, an Associate Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, gave a lecture to students majoring in Kazakh language and literature on the course “Syntax of Simple Sentences” in the framework of academic mobility.

09.04.-21.04.2018 Professor of the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University, Doctor of Philology K. Kalybayeva gave a lecture to the 2nd year students majoring in the Kazakh language and literature on the course “Comparative Grammar of Turkic Languages”.

08.11-14.12.2019 an Associate Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Ph.D. Kalybayeva K. gave an online lecture on the course “Comparative Grammar of Turkic Languages” for the 2nd year undergraduates majoring in Kazakh language and literature.

28.09-24.10.2020 Professor of Linguistic and Technical University (Poland), Ph.D. LT Kilevaya gave an online lecture on the course “Russian communicative and cognitive grammar” for the 3rd year students majoring in Kazakh language and literature, Kazakh language and literature in non-Kazakh language schools.

08.11-14.12.2019 Associate Professor (Associate Professor) KazNPU named after Abay, Ph.D. Kalybaeva Kalamkas Seidullaevna conducted an online course on the discipline “Comparative grammar of Turkic languages” for undergraduates of the 2nd year of specialization 6M011700 – “Kazakh language and literature”.

In 2016-2017 academic year, Acting Associate Professor, Ph.D. S.Kozhagulov read a lecture at the Kazakh Innovative University of Humanities and Law for students majoring in “Kazakh language and literature.”

7М01701- Information about the scientific internship of undergraduates of the educational program “Kazakh language and literature”.

Educational year




Pedagogical University named after K. Ushinskiy

Yaroslavl, Russian Federation


Linguistic and technical university

 Pshasnysh, Republic of Poland


Kazakh state women’s pedagogical university

Almaty, Kazakhstan


Department of Language Development of Almaty region

Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan

 Information on the scientific internship of undergraduates of the educational program 7M01701 – “Kazakh language and literature”

Educational year




University named after Adam Mitckevich

Poland, Poznan


Hankook University

South Korea, Seoul


Gazi University

Turkey, Ankara


Gazi University

Turkey, Ankara


Linguistic and Technical University

Przasnysz, Poland Republics


Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Partnership: The Department of Kazakh Language and Literature has established partnerships with the Department of Education of Almaty region, special and general education institutions of Almaty region and schools of Taldykorgan in order to provide practice-oriented education, work with employers, take into account their needs in developing modular curricula.

In addition, cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and research institutes, in particular, the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University, the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, the Institute of Literary Studies and Art named after M. Auezov, the Linguistic and Technical University (Poland), Department of Language Development of Almaty region, etc. concluded agreements with organizations.

In order to improve the activities of the department and the implementation of dual education in the 2015-2016 academic year on the basis of Taldykorgan secondary school №4 opened a branch of the department and is working effectively. The head of the branch of the department has been appointed, the work is carried out in accordance with the approved plan.

Achievements of department

Achievements of the educational program “Kazakh language and literature” in the national ranking:

Name of the agency

Number of participated universities

The appropriated place


2016 year

Independent agency on ensuring quality of education (HAOKO) bachelor’s degree



( )

Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NAOKO) Master’s degree




National agency of accreditation and rating (NAAR)



( )

2017 year

Independent agency on ensuring quality of education (HAOKO) bachelor’s degree



( )

Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education Master’s degree




National agency of accreditation and rating (NAAR)



2018 year






D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0.pdf )

Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education Master’s degree



2019 year

Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NAOKO) bachelor’s degree



Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NAOKO)

Master’s Degree











2020 year

Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NAOKO) bachelor’s degree



Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NAOKO)

Master’s Degree






For active participation in the propaganda of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev “Looking into the future: spiritual revival” the department received a letter of thanks from the Akim of Taldykorgan. In addition, the teachers of the department took an active part in the outreach work "The new alphabet is the beginning of a new era " of the regional working group and were awarded letters of thanks from the head of the Department for the development of languages of the Almaty region.


Since 2016-2017 academic year, the department has dual degree in 6M011700 – “Kazakh language and literature” on the basis of an agreement between two partner universities (rector of the Linguistic and Technical University of Poland Elzhbetta Sternal and rector of Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov Kuat Baimurzayev). The program is being implemented.

Undergraduates who completed the educational program 6M011700 - "Kazakh language and literature" Botakoz Aubakirova, Meruert Razbekova, Aizhan Kiyakhmetova, Akbota Kazhybekova, Alima Galymova (Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "Humanities" Philology ”) received two diplomas.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, 2nd-year undergraduates Dilnur Mukiyat, Serik Kuralai, and 4th-year student Altay Aydin continue their studies in this direction.


Assylova Raushan

Head of the educational program, candidate of philological sciences



Kiyakhmetova Shara Asetovna

Аssociate professor



Imangazinov Muratbek Mubyrakkhanovich




Dzhakypbekova Mamilya Turgambaevna

Аssociate professor



    Sarbasova Karlygash Bazarbekovna

    Аssociate professor



    Kozhagulov Sailauhan Kazhybekovich




    Chaltikenova Lazat Alakhimetovna




    Syrlybaeva Gulnara Torebekovna




    Ansabaev Duysen Sandybaevich

    Аssociate professor

    +7 (7282) 250-754 ;


    Turysbekova Asem Erikovna


    Chukenaeva Gulim Toleuovna

    Teacher-lecturer, PhD



      Suleimenova Gulmira Sayatovna


       +7(701)-380-09-07 ;


      Abyzova Aina Maratovna

      Teacher-lecturer, PhD



        Tumabaeva Madina Bolatovna


          +7(775)-924-77-73 ;


          Razbekova Meruyert Toktasynkyzy


            +7(701)-561-68-41 ;


          Tursynbaeva Kulsun Akanovna

          Senior Assistant

          +7 (7282) 22-27-35
          Доп. вн (1145)
