Educational program of social and humanitarian direction


19 teachers work in the educational program of the socio-humanitarian direction, including 5 – candidates of historical sciences: Bulanov E. O., Baigabatova N.K., Santaeva K. T., Tleubekova G. B., Katenov A. K., 3 – candidates of philosophical sciences: Berikova A. K., Nurbosynova L. S., Rakhipova S. K., 1 – сandidate of political sciences Ashkeeva N.N., 1 – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Ishkalova G.I., as well as teachers-lecturers, masters Iskakova G. M., Nurlanova G. N., Karataeva D. G., Abirov D. A., Kalieva B. T., Kalelova Zh. U., Mirzakulova G.A., Nemelbaev E. A., 1- teacher-assistant Rozakova I.M., and laboratory assistant Kashaganova A. The head of the educational program Ashkeeva Nursharkhan Nesepbekovna. The teaching staff fully corresponds to the staffing table.

Material and technical security

Classes of students and undergraduates are held in specially equipped classrooms: №131, №132, №128, as well as in language labs and computer labs. Students and undergraduates are given the opportunity to collect material, analyze, exchange experience with university researchers, use bibliographic information on the basis of the scientific and practical center “Iliyastan” and the G.Ormanov Library.

1973 y.

The Department of History was one of the first departments of Zhetysu University. On March 31, 1973, the Department of Marxism-Leninism was opened at the Taldykorgan Pedagogical Institute, its first head was R.A. Solodilova, Candidate of Philological Sciences.


1977 y.

On August 24, 1977, the department was divided into two parts: the department of Philosophy and Political economy; Department of the CPSU and Scientific Communism. Specialists of History department were included in the second department.

Experienced teaching staff and journalists delivered lectures to students.

1991 y.

On March 18, 1991, the Department of the CPSU and Scientific Communism was renamed into the Department of Political History and Theory of Socialism, the head of the department was the candidate of Historical sciences Sadykov A.M.


1993-1998 yy.

Teachers Sadykov A.M., Tenizbayev U.A., Ordalieva S.U., Adilbekova R.K were at the origin of the Department of History, who continue to work at the university today. From 1993 to 1998 the Department of History was headed by the candidate of Historical sciences Slambekov Z.S.

1999-2005 yy.

In 1999-2005, the head of the department was Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Mukhatova O.Kh.

2006-2009 yy.

In 2006-2007, the department was headed by the candidate of Historical sciences Katenov A.K., in 2007-2009 - the candidate of historical sciences - Baigabatova N.K. Since September 1, 2009, the department is headed by the candidate of Historical sciences Bulanov Y.O.

2021 y.

Since September 1, 2021 the department has been renamed the educational program in the social and humanitarian direction under the leadership of A. Abdildanova.


The educational process is organized according to the credit technology of training. The educational and methodological complex of the specialty is 100% formed.

Improving the quality of the disciplines taught in the educational program is associated with their methodological support. The use of innovative technologies in teaching is associated with the development of students’ communicative competence.

Students are provided with the UMKD in all disciplines of the educational program and the necessary methodological materials formed in Kazakh, Russian and English. All teaching materials, guidelines for practical classes, electronic lecture courses, electronic textbooks, test tasks are available in the university’s Intranet system, to which students have free access.

In accordance with the state mandatory standard and the academic calendar, students of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th courses undergo educational and industrial (pedagogical) practice. In the educational program, educational and industrial (pedagogical) practice is organized in accordance with the schedule of the educational process. It is conducted on the basis of contracts with city and regional schools. The educational program has internship programs, internship reports, orders, protocols of installation and final conferences.

The topics of theses and their content correspond to the directions of scientific research conducted on the educational program. The graduation papers consider topical issues of the methodology of teaching history, as well as some works devoted to the study of solutions of modern scientific approaches in the study of the history of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the educational program in the specialty 6B01601 – “History” is to prepare a highly qualified and competitive bachelor of education who has knowledge in the historical field, has an idea of the innovative scientific and educational environment, has high personal and professional competencies.

The heads of theses are candidates of sciences and experienced teachers-lecturers of the educational program. The review of theses is given by experienced specialists in the field of education.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 152 dated 04/20/2011 “On approval of the Rules for the organization of the educational process on credit technology of education” and amendments dated October 12, 2018 for No. 563, group advisors were approved for the OP. Group advisors carry out explanatory work when choosing elective disciplines, drawing up individual curricula of students, and also perform a guiding function for the educational program.

The degree of the educational program is 42%.

  1. Huangan O. Junior researcher of the scientific-educational center “Ruhani zhangyru”, teacher, master, Kalelova Zh.U. teacher, master. ETHNIC UNITY OF KAZAKHS ABROAD (based on Kazakhs from China and Mongolia). “ECONOMY. Republican scientific-practical conference “BUSINESS AND EDUCATION”. Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan Page 182, October 9, 2020
  2. Abdildinova Lashin Batyrkhanovna. The history of everyday life – on the example of workers on the construction of the Turkestan-Siberian railway. Republican competition “Ulagatty Ustaz”. 07.09.2020-07.11.2020. http: / ulagatty-ustaz-baykauy /? _ utl_t = wh
  3. Abdildinova Lashin Batyrkhanovna, Kassymova Nazym Bizoldayevna. Types of interactive lectures, the effectiveness of their use in the classroom. “ECONOMY. Republican scientific-practical conference “BUSINESS AND EDUCATION”. October 9, 2020 I.Zhansugurov Zh.U. Pp. 10-14.
  4. Abdildinova Lashin Batyrkhanovna. The history of everyday life – on the example of the village Oitogan (Kyzyltan). Republican pedagogical festival “Teacher of the Year 2020”. http: / p = 7484
  5. Bulanov Y.O., Karibzhan M.A. (2nd year undergraduate). The problem of grouping and classifying written data on the history of medieval Kazakhstan. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “ALTYN ORDA – THE SOURCE OF KAZAKH STATEHOOD” dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde. – Taldykorgan, Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, 2020. – pp. 143-147.
  6. Bulanov Y.O., Tursynova A.S. (2nd year undergraduate). About the name of the White Horde state created on the territory of Jochi ulus. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “ALTYN ORDA – THE SOURCE OF KAZAKH STATEHOOD” dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde. – Taldykorgan, Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, 2020. pp. 143-147.
  7. Baigabatova Nazgul Kazhimuratovna. Language as an indicator of ethnic identity in the social practices of the Kazakhs of Mongolia. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Archaeological and ethnographic antiquities of Steppe Eurasia in the world historical space”. – Nur-Sultan, January 24, 2020 p. 139-146.
  8. Baigabatova Nazgul Kazhimuratovna. Methodological and methodical problems of studying ethnic identity: from the experience of field research. Kazakh ethnographic school: materials of the 1st international scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the prominent ethnographer M.S. Mukanov (from the series “Pioneers”).
  9. Baigabatova Nazgul Kazhimuratovna (Ashakanova A.B., Bitleuova M.K.). From the history of the study of archaeological sites in Zhetysu in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. “Altyn Orda is the basis of Kazakh statehood”, dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the state of Altyn Orda. – Taldykorgan, Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov. S. 117-122.
  10. Tolamissov A.G. On the celebration of the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Golden Horde – the source of the Kazakh statehood”, dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde, Taldykorgan, 2020. pp. 340-344.
  11. Tolamissov A.G. Rulers of the East Turkic khaganate, their activities and policies // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Golden Horde – the source of the Kazakh statehood”, dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde, Taldykorgan, 2020. pp. 344-349.
  12. Karatayeva Dinara Galymbayevna. Effectiveness of information technology in distance learning // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Altyn Orda – the source of Kazakh statehood.” October 29, 2020 pp. 246-248.
  13. Karatayeva Dinara Galymbayevna. The archeologist remembered by the country // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Altyn Orda – the source of the Kazakh statehood”. October 29, 2020 pp. 249-253.
  14. Nurlanova Gulnur Nigmetdoldanovna. The Ottoman Empire and the Western world in the new era // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Altyn Orda – the source of Kazakh statehood.” October 29, 2020 pp. 273-277.
  15. Abirov Daniyar Akbarovich. The public and social nature of the creation in Kazakhstan of educational institutions such as lyceums and grammar schools // “Prospects for the Development of Modern Science” Materials of the V International Scientific-Practical Conference INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Part 2, Seoul Korea, March 11-13, 2020 S. 115-123.
  16. Huangan Onerbek. Migration of Kazakhs to Mongolia // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Altyn Orda – the source of Kazakh statehood.” October 29, 2020 Pp. 359-364.
  17. Abdildinova Lashyn Batyrkhanovna. Turkic languages ​​// “Russia and the Turkic world: the view of the youth of the countries of the Greater Altai.”

I International Scientific Forum, October 29-30, 2020 Barnaul. S. 79-84.

  1. Abdildinova Lashyn Batyrkhanovna. Training of engineers, workers and railway personnel in the construction of the Turkestan-Siberian railway // Industrial construction in Central Asia: historical significance for the region. International conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the opening of the Turkestan-Siberian railway, October 29-30, 2020, pp. 192-200.
  2. Abdildinova Lashyn Batyrkhanovna. Leader: Works of Arab historians and geographers about the Turkic world // “Russia and the Turkic world: the view of the youth of the Greater Altai countries.” I International Scientific Forum, October 29-30, 2020 Barnaul. pp. 34-39.
  3. Abdildinova Lashin Batyrkhanovna. Language of the Great Empire // International scientific-practical conference “Golden Horde – the source of Kazakh statehood”, dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde, October 29, 2020. I. Zhansugurov Zh.U. pp. 54-57.
  4. Abdildinova Lashyn Batyrkhanovna. Leader: Proceedings of Turkic scientists as a historical source // “Russia and the Turkic world: the view of the youth of the countries of the Greater Altai.” I International Scientific Forum, October 29-30, 2020 Barnaul. p. 39-44.
  5. Kalelova Zhadyra Uataevna. Life and work of Myrza Haidar Dulati // International scientific-practical conference “ALTYN ORDA – THE SOURCE OF KAZAKH STATEHOOD” dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde. Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan 2020. pp. 388-391.
  6. Kassymova Nazym Bizoldaevna. Topical issues of pedagogical science // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Altyn Orda – the source of Kazakh statehood.” October 29, 2020 Pp. 229-233.

Scientific articles published in scientific journals based on Scopus

1.Baigabatova Nazgul, Tolamissov A., Ashimova D. Architecture of the Kazakh Diaspora (18th – Early 20th Centuries) // Jour. of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 03-Special Issue, 2020. – Rr. 1200-1205. DOI: 10.5373 / JARDCS / V12SP3 / 20201367 ISSN 1943-023X. Impact Factor: SJR2019 – 0.129. CiteScore of the year 2019 – 0.4. Percentile – 1

  1. Baigabatova Nazgul, Mukhatova, O., Tleubekova G.). The Role of the Resettlement Institution of Semirechenskya Oblast in Solving the Land Issue of the Russian Empire // Bylye Gody. 2020. E-ISSN: 2310-0028. Vol. 56. Is. 2. pp. 640-651. 2020. DOI: 10.13187 / bg.2020.2.640. & origin = resultslist, SJR 2019.2.286. CiteScore year 2019 – 1.0. Percentile – 87

Scientific articles published in scientific journals based on the RSCI

  1. Baigabatova Nazgul Kazhimuratovna, Ashimova D.I., Kashaganova A.B. Diaspora specificity of ethnocultural identity // “Actual scientific research in the modern world.” International scientific journal. – Pereyaslav, October 2020. – Issue 10 (66), Part 6. – P. 109-114. Impact Factor: 0.023

Scientific articles published in scientific journals based on Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science 

  1. Baigabatova Nazgul Kazhimuratovna (Yelemes A.). Problems of studying national identity: theoretical aspects // Kazakh history. – 2020, April. – №4 (181). – pp. 54-56.
  2. Santayeva K.T., Sydykova T. Demographic issues in Kazakhstan // Kazakh history №4 (181), April 2020. Pp. 60-62.
  3. Tolamissov A.G. The first World Kurultai of Kazakhs: course and historical significance // Kazakhstan Spektor. No. 1 (93). Nur-Sultan, 2020. pp. 28-38.
  4. Tolamissov A.G. Integration of Kazakh diasporas and the role of “small kuryltaylais” // Electronic scientific journal “” No. 1 (21) January-March, 2020. 1 / 11-11 / 11bb.
  5. Tolamissov A.G. About the first Kurultai of kazakhs of the world // Bulletin of Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai “Tarikh zhane sayasi-Aleumettik Kylymdar” series, No. 2 (65), Almaty, 2020. pp. 377-382.
  6. Tolamissov A.G. aspect Patriotism of the theory of the theory of the // Electronic scientific journal “” №2 (22) sәuir-mausym, 2020. 1 / 13-13 / 13. http: //edu.e
  7. Tolamisov AG Resey empiresynyk Zhetisudy otarlauy: negizgі nətizheleri // Kazakh tarikhy. No. 5 (182), Almaty, 2020. pp. 10-13.
  8. Tolamisov AG Historical monuments in the Kokpekti district of the East Kazakhstan region // International scientific magazine. No. 7 Almaty. 2020.
  9. Abdildinova Lashyn Batyrkhanovna, Tleubekova Gulzhan Bolegenovna. Issues of international relations in the Turkestan-Siberian iron ore region // Kazakh history. No. 10 (187), Kazan, lived 2020. 28-33 bb.
  10. Karatayeva Dinara Kalymbaykyzy. The role of Akshylyktyk sogys in the formation of art // Kazakh tarikhy, no. 1 Almaty Castle, 2019 5-7 p.

11.Karataeva Dinara Kalymbaykyzy. Alash ideas – a single Kazakh ideas // Kazakh tarikhy, No. 10 Almaty Kalasy, 2019 pp. 70-74.

12.Karataeva Dinara Kalymbaykyzy. Kazakh tarikhyndagy kyzdar bolmysy // Kazakh tarikhy, no. 10 Almaty Castle, 2020 8-11 pp.


Every year, students of the educational program take an active part in all events held within the framework of the university, higher school, educational program. All events are focused on the development of aesthetic, patriotic, spiritual and moral, legal and intellectual and creative education. Students of the educational program hold all kinds of concerts, themed evenings, debates, contests, round tables and other types of active activities.

The educational work of the educational program is carried out in five directions:

  • Formation of political education of students;
  • Problems of interethnic relations;
  • Prevention of youth crime;
  • Introducing young people to universal and spiritual values;
  • Education of patriotism.

The purpose of the event is to identify talented students, support their creative activities, as well as spend their leisure time usefully.

Students of the educational program are interested in all types of activities of the educational program, higher school, university, city and are involved in all areas of educational, academic, socio-educational and research processes.

Students participate in such cultural events as landscaping of the university grounds, clean-up days, organization of charity concerts for children of the Ainalayyn orphanage, etc.

Every year among students of the specialty “History” there is a subject Olympiad in History, the program of which includes brain-ring games, test questions and defense of scientific projects.

Students of the educational program “History” in the summer undergo archaeological practice as part of republican expeditions led by famous archaeologists in Kazakhstan.


Within the framework of the Agreement between the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies of the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and the Higher School of Humanities of the ZHU named after I.Zhansugurov, from June 20 to July 15, 2018, 3rd-year students of the University of Zurich Alena Helbling and Anita Weilenmann completed an internship to conduct ethnographic research in the Taldykorgan region. 

In the 2017-2018 academic year, students Tanysbekova Madina from Kostanay State Pedagogical University and Nusipova Tolkyn from East Kazakhstan State University studied in the TK-211 group in the 4th semester, and Kudaibergen Ayym from Arkalyk Pedagogical University named after Y. studied in the TK-311 group.Altynsarina.

In order to implement the program “Attracting foreign specialists to teaching”, from September 27 to November 17, 2018, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), associate Professor of Sancak Finke Meltem (Zurich, Switzerland) conducted classes for students of the specialty 5B011400 – “History” (bachelor’s degree) in the course “History of Asian and African countries in the Middle Ages”, undergraduates of specialty 6M011400 – “History” in the course “Theoretical and methodological problems of ethnology”.   

In order to implement the external academic mobility of students to study in one academic semester (1 semester) of the 2019-2020 academic year, in the period from 02.09.2019 to 12/14/2019, a student from the University named after Niide Omer Halisdemir (Republic of Turkey) Gunaydin Fadlula studied in the TK-311 group.

Also, to study in one academic semester (2nd semester) of the 2019-2020 academic year, a student of the Taraz State Pedagogical University, Asym Aykyn Aydynuly, studied in the IR-211 group.


In 2012, the magistracy of the specialty 6M011400 - "History" was opened. First head of Marxism-Leninism department was the candidate of philological sciences Solodilova R.A.

Santayeva K.T. was awarded with a badge "FOR SERVICES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN" for the achievements in the field of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

N.K. Baygabatova was awarded with a badge "FOR SERVICES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN". No. 426. 05.12.2019.

By the Order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on July 3, N.K. Baigabatova was awarded with the medal "Kazakhstan khalky Assemblyyasy 25 zhyl". 

Abdildinova L.B. was awarded with the badge "Academy of the best scientists".

From the annual Spartakiad the head of the department, Bulanov Y.O., candidate of historical sciences, took the second place.



Ashkeeva Nursharkhan

Head of the educational program, associate professor

Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
Additional internal phone (1146)


Tleubekova Gulzhan Bolegenovna

Associate professor, candidate of Historical Sciences

Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
Additional internal phone (1146)


    Baygabatova Nazgul Kazhimuratovna

    Teacher-lecturer, candidate of Historical Sciences

    Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
    Additional internal phone (1109)


    Bulanov Yerzhan Olzhabayevich

    Teacher-lecturer, candidate of Historical Sciences

    Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
    Additional internal phone (1146)


      Santayeva Kulimkoz Tenizbaevna

      Teacher-lecturer, candidate of Historical Sciences

      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)


      Berikova Aigan Kalievna

      Teacher-lecturer, candidate of Philosophical Sciences

      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)


      Nurbosynova Laura Sakenovna

      Teacher-lecturer, candidate of Philosophical Sciences

      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)



      Rakhipova Saira Kasymovna

      Teacher-lecturer, candidate of Philosophical Sciences

      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)


      Katenov Amangeldy Kamalovich

      Teacher-lecturer, candidate of Historical Sciences

      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)



      Iskakova Guldaria Mubaryakovna


      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)


      Nurlanova Gulnur Nygmetoldaevna


      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)


      Abirov Daniyar Akbarovich


      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)


      Karataeva Dinara Galimbayevna


      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)


      Yenseeva Venera Tursynakynovna


      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146) 



      Kaliyeva Bekzat Tynysbekovna


      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)


      Kalelova Zhadyra Uataevna


      Tel. +7 (7282) 22-21-23
      Additional internal phone (1146)
