Zhansugurov college

Faculty's blog

Kasymbek Arailym Sabitovna a student of the 405 group of Zhansugurov college, took part in the international competition “The best student of …

On November 21 of this year, Arkinova Dilnaz, a student of the group of 104 took the 1st place and got a …

At the Republican championship of professional skills WorldSkills Kazakhstan – 2024, a student of «Zhansugurov College»  Kablanbek Meruert took the 2nd place …

Ekaterina Podgornova a student of the specialty 405 “Primary school education” «Zhansugurov college» took an active part in the Republican creative competition …

Specialties and education programs

0101000 -
"Preshool Education and Training"

0103000 -
"Physical education and sports"

0105000 -
"Primary education"

0201000 -

0511000 -
"Tourism(by industry)"

1305000 -
"Information systems"

0402000 -
"Design(by industry)"

1304000 -
"Computing Equipment and Software(by type)"

College Management

Maltekbasov Marat Zhabykbaevich


Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor

+7 (728) 224 09 29


Zhanuzakova Bakhyt Zhaparovna

Deputy director for studies and pedagogical work
+7 (728) 224 09 29

Eskendirov Bakhitzhan Nurserikovich

Deputy director for educational and production work
+7 (728) 224 09 29

Tumabaeva Madina Bolatovna

Deputy director for educational work
+7 (728) 224 09 29

Nurgalieva Asel Ergalievna

+7 (728) 224 09 29

Makeeva Kamshat Mauletovna

Head of the subject-cycle commission
+7 (728) 224 09 29